When you first post a question all the views you get come from the Stack Overflow question stream. It is the question title that drives the first bunch of views.
Over time the question will move down the question list and views will drop off.
Getting up votes seems to slow the question drift down the list, and this gives it time to attract more views. Doing edits to the question and/or receiving answers can move the question back up the lists. You can also get flagged as a trending topic which drives a lot of traffic to your question.
When you tag your question with popular tags, then that question gets pushed down quickly on the tag lists, because new questions are coming in quickly. On the flip side if you tag with unpopular tags, then there aren't many viewers watching those tags.
Web search results will drive page views over the life of the question, but we want answers quickly and creating good questions with good titles is the key.
The positive rules of writing webpage titles for SEO also apply to Stack Overflow, and the negative rules also apply (i.e. click bait titles).
SEO reference: https://moz.com/learn/seo/title-tag