Progress update, 2018-09-11
To avoid losing information while this discussion is in progress, most tag mergers described below have been postponed; however, the vsts tags have been renamed as follows:
vsts-release-task -> azure-pipelines-release-task vsts-local-build-agent -> azure-devops-self-hosted-agent vsts-extension -> azure-devops-extensions vsts-package-management -> azure-artifacts vsts-api -> azure-devops-rest-api vsts-build-task -> azure-pipelines-build-task vsts-release -> azure-pipelines-release-pipeline vsts-build -> azure-pipelines vsts -> azure-devops
So, vsts is now Azure DevOps. While this change has been a little controversial, it's kind of nice that folks like Microsoft realize that Stack Overflow needs to be kept up to date and that work comes from volunteers.
We've been in touch with our friends there (disclaimer: they are a client and do sponsor VSTS along with quite a few other tags on the site) to discuss the best way to handle the change on our end. We wanted to make sure that y'all didn't shoulder the brunt of the re-tagging work, and that we left some opportunity to bring up any caveats.
They worked with us to hammer out a plan and some synonyms. Here's what we came up with together, broken down by area of responsibility:
Legend: existing | proposed
Stack Overflow Employees:
- We'll mass-rename vsts to be
. - We'll mass-rename vsts-release to be
. - We'll create a synonym, with vsts pointing to
. - We'll create synonyms: vsts-build, vsts-build-task, vsts-build-agent pointing to
That's approximately 95% of the heavy lifting done.
Microsoft Employees:
Microsoft has folks active in all related tags with enough rep to handle the remainder of stuff, which includes:
- Editing tag wiki / tag info excerpts
- Making a sweep of quite a few of the tagged questions to make sure the right tags are there
- Updating some external links (there shouldn't be much of this needed)
Folks active / vested in any of these tags:
- Look out for broken things.
- Sanity check our hare-brained scheme, here.
That's it, essentially. Don't feel like you can't jump into editing tag wikis and stuff, or fixing links, just take care to know that our friends over at Microsoft aren't presuming you will, so they'll actively be working on it.
Does anyone see any major problems with how we've got this laid out? I'm going to let this soak until late today / tomorrow to get any last feedback before I fire up the TagMutator3000.
I think we can do this quickly enough to make it appear to be atomic from most outsider's perspectives, so there shouldn't be a need to blacklist or warn prior to creating the synonyms.
With under 7k total affected visible questions, this isn't the biggest undertaking we've ever done, but it's definitely going on the list of big ones.
Did we miss anything? A hat tip again to our friends over at Microsoft, all too often these things hit without any warning or planning at all, the brief head's-up saved a lot of confusion and double work by volunteers.
into the sameazure-pipelines
tag going to cause confusion? It sounds like it could making searching for information more difficult.Azure DOS