I've avoided asking questions where I felt like I needed a white board to ask it 'live' as people read it, but that was only because I tend to predict and optimize for time. I knew I could probably make more progress with the problem in the amount of time it would take me to explain it and wait for answers. That was sometimes disappointing, because it caused me to abandon some ideas that would have become the worst legacy disasters anyone would ever inherit.
All kidding aside, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with your question. I was a little surprised at the reception; two years ago it was usually just "crickets chirping" if you posted something and folks thought sure looks interesting, but ain't nobody got time for that. You'd see the same questions again after a bounty was placed.
I'm also not an expert when it comes to what you're talking about in the question, but the pattern seems incredibly strange to me, so I can see why someone might have said "asks a lot, and not all that useful to future visitors". My take on this is that you got so incredibly focused on capturing such a huge breadth of context to frame the problem, you forgot to put clear emphasis on the 'what' and 'why'. But that's a bit of a nitpick, your question passed my litmus test which is it made me want to go digging to figure out what you're doing over there -- even though I don't have time to do it.
I thought it was worth an up-vote, it seems like the kind of thing someone with the right kinds of war scars might passionately answer. I think you just got a little lost getting all of that aloof, but it's new to me that you'd lose the benefit of the doubt (based on research and effort presented) as to usefulness.
But, then again, If someone had a quick 20 minutes to go answer questions as a warm-up exercise, and ended up burning that while trying to parse your question a few times, I can kinda understand the reaction.
TL;DR: I think you need a better summary of what's currently wrong with your design, because thinking of it in the way that you explained it isn't helping me wrap my head around it quickly. Personally, I take that as a sign that I might learn something by digging more, but I can see why others didn't realize it would burn 10 minutes until it had.