Tag disambiguation is a highly 'manual' activity and not susceptible to automation. As such the process is very little different from other routine retagging which could be for reasons others than disambiguation.
One difference however can be the volume involved. Applying the [java] tag to what is clearly a JavaScript Q can be addressed in isolation from other tags on other Qs. However unscrambling for example the flash applications (see) may involve over 35,000 Qs. So whereas an edit suggestion from a below 2K user might be welcome for the former example it is probably better that only 2k+ users are at all heavily involved with the latter.
Disambiguation also differs from a routine single retag because consideration should probably be given as to whether one tag should be split into several (effectively "burninating" that single tag) or whether the single tag would be better preserved and only some instances retagged.
For example for adf it was decided (see here) that retention of adf would invite continuing problems hence all uses were allocated different tags (none adf).
For flash a different approach may be taken, albeit with a switch of synonyms making the process more complicated than keeping the single tag unchanged and only retagging where misapplied.
There was a request to burninate the fix tag on the grounds of ambiguity:
In the first page of results, only half of them are actually related to the FIX Protocol. Everything else is just some guy looking for a "fix" to their problem.
In this case however, so far, a very modest amount of retagging or closure of those Qs that were just looking for "fixes" has been considered sufficient disambiguation. For the time being at least fix lives on. At the time of that burnination request there were 398 Open Qs so tagged, and less than one month later, and after disambiguation, there are still 390.
The proper way to make a disambiguation request is as a post on meta and it is helpful to be made aware of such issues even if that is by someone unable efficiently to do very much about them themselves. (Indeed more so than by a high rep user who could be getting on with the work themselves instead of coming here to ask others to do so instead.) However high or low reputation should not prevent a good case being made. For example by including relevant statistics.