This is related but I think not identical to: Is it appropriate to caution a poster about their tone?
I (and another user) have been engaged with a new poster whose question was phrased as "why is R doing [this] wrong"? I think I eventually figured out what their real confusion was, but there was a lot of back-and-forth along the lines of "but R is wrong". I would love to suggest to them that (1) saying that "R is doing it wrong" is likely to antagonize high-rep users (and thus reduce one's chances of getting help), (2) it's more constructive to ask (and think) along the lines of, "this seems to be wrong, but surely an R function that's been used by hundreds of thousands of people for two decades can't be wrong, what am I missing"?
I'm afraid of coming off as condescending. Suggestions for how to handle the situation/phrase a comment?
(I wasn't sure whether to provide the link, for fear of the meta effect, but upvoted answers to this question suggest it's OK to do so, so here it is.)