I'm very much against this - not just the power being granted to gold badge holders, but the close reason you propose existing at all.
It's true that misguided "which is faster" questions get posted frequently. But demanding more "complete" examples and profiler output is an awful solution.
For one thing, it's unclear to me what you think sufficiently "complete" code looks like. Presumably you don't want askers to dump the entire code of their applications. But what, then? If what I'm ultimately trying to do is decrease the memory usage of my 100000-line program, and I've got some narrow and specific question that would aid me in doing so, how much context am I meant to provide? After reading your question here, I don't have a clue what you actually want. Anyone reading your proposed close reason is going to be left in a similar state of doubt. And they're going to be justifiably pissed when they dump their entire 600 line script to satisfy your demand that they not provide "incomplete" code, only to then have their question reclosed for lacking an MCVE on the basis that the code is no longer minimal.
For another thing, an asker may not have an application to profile yet. Maybe they're asking a question because the answer will inform a design choice they have to make. That's still legit.
But most importantly, application-specific code and profiling data is typically going to be useless noise to all future readers of the question, and indeed to its answerers. If the asker is right that finding a faster way to qux the baz is the specific thing they need to do to speed up their application, then useful answers are going to have to provide a faster way to qux the baz, whether profiling information is provided or not. That's certainly the only thing that future readers arriving at the "How can I qux the baz faster?" question are going to be interested in. As far as I can tell from your question, the only reason you want to demand this information is to judge whether an asker has "done their homework" before asking (your words!) and punish them with closure if they haven't.
This is not how question closure should work. If quxing the baz performantly is something that might be useful to some people, then a question about performant baz-quxing is fine. If the particular user who asked it happened to not really need a more performant baz-quxer, that's entirely their problem. It has no bearing on whether the question is on-topic. Whether a question should remain open should depend upon its answerability and its usefulness to future readers, but it should not depend upon what some high-rep users think they can infer from it about the competence and diligence of the asker. And we should definitely not be demanding large dumps of information be added to questions that serve no purpose for anyone but close-voting gatekeepers, while not influencing the answers to the question one iota and polluting it with noise to the detriment of every single future reader. At the point that we start doing that, the closure system turns into a force that actively makes questions worse. Askers should be adding information to their questions to make them more useful; at the point that they're instead being forced to add information purely to demonstrate their moral worthiness to ask their question, something has gone badly wrong.
Let's consider your own choice of example at static variables memory footprint, which asks whether the Java compiler will create one or many instances of a string constant repeated across multiple classes (and therefore whether we pay roughly 1x the string's length or roughly nx the string's length as the memory cost of using it as a constant in n classes). It is, to my eyes, a perfectly fine question as it stands (albeit with a classically unclear title). It's interesting, it's answerable, and I can just about conceive of a context where it would be an important performance consideration, like using a code generation tool that generates large numbers of classes (the asker suggests 500) all containing the same large string constant, for use in a memory-constrained environment.
Is that the context the asker is in? Does he have another good reason for asking? Or is he an idiot? I don't know, but more importantly, I don't see why it matters.
By all means point out in a comment that this particular performance consideration simply isn't going to matter in most contexts. But why close it? What purpose does that serve?
unclear what you're asking: Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need.
? You can always add a comment to clarify further your reason.