I'm sure all of us (or at least many of us) stumbled upon comments like this one
The person who down-voted the answer, any explanation why ?
Many users, when their answer is downvoted, just either shrug it off and go about their business, or delete the comment, accurately thinking that if their answer got downvoted, then there must be something fundamentally wrong with it.
But then there are users who apparently take it personally and demand an explanation, which, unfortunately, they're not going to get (at least from me).
Usually, when I see the answer that is misleading or I know is not going to solve OP's problem, I comment on it, pointing out the flaws or asking for clarification.
But sometimes, there are answers that are just wrong on so many levels, that they're unsalvageable. One might try to comment on them, but you just know it's not going to get you anywhere. And pointing out many flaws in such answer will definitely be unfriendly. And usually, those are the answers that the author demands an explanation for the downvote.
So the question is: should comments demanding explanation for a downvote be considered unfriendly? In my opinion, they definitely should - I don't see why I should explain myself for using the privilege earned along with reputation, even more so to someone lacking the very basic knowledge about the topic.