The "log out" link is currently hard to find, as it has historically been (for evidence, see the dozens of previous meta threads asking how to log out).
I suspect part of the current problem is that it is hidden in an illogical place. On the top right corner of the page, there's a list of six (for me) buttons: one with my face on it, and five generic ones. The latter five open menus, but the former does not! It actually takes me to my profile page (where I remain unable to find the "log out" link). This is inconsistency #1.
When I want to log out, I suspect I will find the link under one of those six buttons. Here are quick descriptions of the six:
- My profile
- Inbox
- Reputation
- Review queues
- Help
- Links to other SE sites
Which of those six is the most logical place to put the "log out" link? Under my profile, of course: the button out of the six most likely to be absent when I am not logged in, and the one that is conceptually related to my identity, and thus my presence, on the site. But no, it's under "links to other SE sites". This is inconsistency #2.
Could we move the link somewhere sensible?