I came across this comment today on a (now well-answered) front-end web development question - specifically about how to automatically number headings with JavaScript or CSS:
As a hint: Using js you could use loops...
The primary problem with the comment was that it's completely useless, for a few reasons:
- It's obsolete now that there are answers posted.
- The approach it's hinting at is probably not the best one to use, since as the accepted answer notes the problem can be solved more cleanly with CSS counters (neat! I'd never heard of them!) and those apparently have support going back to IE8.
- Even if you were going to use a JS approach, "use loops" is pretty useless advice, since out of all the parts of JS that the asker would need to use they're the one the asker is most likely to know. It's far more likely that thing that would hold them back from being able to roll their own solution in JS would be not knowing about some of the needed DOM manipulation functions and properties, or just not being able to envisage the overall logic of a solution despite knowing about each of the individual components. If the asker (or a future reader) is genuinely not at the level that they're comfortable using loops (and there's no reason to think this), then even with the advice to "use loops" they're still not going to be able to solve the problem.
All these things mean it warrants a "no longer needed" flag.
But also, it's pretty patronising to "hint" at the idea to "use loops" on anything other than a homework problem that seems like it's meant to illustrate how to use loops. The comment serves to communicate the commenter's low opinion of the asker's competence while simultaneously declining to meaningfully engage with the question or offer any guidance that could plausibly be helpful, and that strikes me as mildly rude. It's the sort of mildly-condescending nonsense that would get a sigh out of me if I were on the receiving end, or perhaps require biting back a aggressive response if I happened to be in an angry mood.
For that reason, the comment is (I think?) also a good fit for the new "unfriendly or unkind" flag.
So which to choose? I went for the latter, but I'm not sure whether I'm doing the right thing; on what basis am I supposed to choose between the two flag reasons?