There's no exact threshold for when someone is warned about their comments, it's purely a subjective decision by the moderator or moderators involved. Different moderators will probably handle situations in different ways. From what I've seen, little has changed recently about how we approach situations like this. I warn or suspend for the same cases I would have a year ago.
The first goal with a moderator warning about comments is to make people aware that we and others might be having problems with the tone of some recent ones. This might be in response to a single insulting comment, a few recent rude ones, or a pattern of unconstructive behavior going back months. We only progress to suspensions if the behavior is particularly bad right away (flinging obscenities and slurs at people, etc.) or if our attempts to nudge people in the right direction are ignored and comments continue to be flagged. Even then, we often issue multiple warnings before progressing to short suspensions. The goal is to change behavior and prevent problems on the site, not to impose punishments based on some codified checklist.
For the record, here's the template message we use for warnings about this (sometimes modified or rewritten for specific cases):
I wanted to let you know that we've observed some rudeness in your
latest activity. We get it; anyone who's ever tried to engage with
others online has probably been tempted to lash out at someone else.
This is just a friendly reminder that we require all participants to
act in a professional and civil tone when using these sites. If
another user has wronged you in some way, please do not respond in
kind. Simply flag the content for moderator attention and move on.
If this is a simple misunderstanding, no harm done. Sometimes it is
helpful to remind ourselves on occasion that keeping things friendly
and constructive doesn't have to be at odds with being right — so
enjoy the site, bring your sense of humor, and please be tolerant of
others who may not know everything you know.
There has been a bit of discussion among moderators lately about when we should expand upon that with the particular comments that we found to be problematic. The moderator responding in this case provided a list of ones they thought were concerning. We'll often do that when asked for details about a warning, but we're debating whether we should more frequently highlight these comments upfront in the warning message.
I do have concerns about users being able to see all of the comments of theirs that had been flagged and deleted. I worry that this will lead to retaliation and further fights. We see this all the time in chat, where normal users can see what messages are being flagged. The flags themselves trigger angry accusations, counter-flags, etc. In many cases, people will be able to deduce (or assume) the person who flagged a comment, which I can see leading to further anger, targeted downvoting, etc.
Some of these comments are part of arguments, and seeing them be deleted would simply remind someone of the argument and cause them to carry it on. I've found quiet deletion to be very effective in shutting these down, like taking oxygen away from a fire.
There might be a better way to indicate this that doesn't require calling out specific cases, such as a system-provided "X number of your recent comments were flagged as rude or abusive" warning on your next comment or some other measure. Even with our manual warning for rudeness, we're currently discussing whether more clarity with these would lead to better results.