I came across a user today with 52 gold badges, but only 425 rep. I soon discovered that he was just giving away a lot of his rep via bounties, but it made me wonder:

Which users have the highest badgesCount/rep ratio?

On a related note:

Which users have the highest badgesCount/rep ratio that have never spent rep on bounties?

  • 6
    SEDE exists for the purpose of sharing queries. Use that site if that's what you want to do.
    – Servy
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:05
  • Oh woops. I got some positive attention on some other queries that I posted (this and this), so I thought that this was acceptable.
    – pushkin
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:08
  • Maybe some users who like badges but really don't care about rep?
    – TGrif
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:40
  • 3
    People ask questions about SEDE queries all the time, and this could be something that the OP was curious about. At worst, this is a dupe since I could've sworn I saw a question about this at one point. At best, this is fine and shouldn't be overreacted to.
    – Makoto
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:50
  • It is probably more useful to find the users that sponsored a lot of bounties, get-it-over-with style. Covered by this Q+A. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 22:29
  • This account basically hid a lot of reputation so he can claim that he has the most badges at that reputational level. In short, he is really at 7275 reputation, but he deflated is reputation level and sacrificed some of his privileges. Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 1:40
  • Re "...just giving away a lot of his rep via bounties": Or a means of transferring reputations points between sock puppet accounts. Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 0:10

1 Answer 1


Which users have the highest badgesCount/rep ratio?

We have to be careful to exclude users with 1 rep, since those users almost certainly have been banned.

We end up with a query like this:

SELECT TOP 10 UserId AS [User Link],
  (SELECT Reputation FROM Users WHERE Id=UserId) AS Reputation,
  COUNT(*) AS [Total Badges],
  cast(Count(*) as float)/(SELECT Reputation FROM Users WHERE Id=UserId) As Ratio
FROM Badges
WHERE (SELECT Reputation FROM Users WHERE Id=UserId) >= ##MinScore:int##

When the minimum rep threshold is 2, the top two users are:

User Link        | Reputation | Total Badges | Ratio
user2497684      | 2          | 15           | 7.5
Narendra Sharma  | 2          | 13           | 6.5

Raising the threshold to 200, we get these two users:

User Link        | Reputation | Total Badges | Ratio
ant2009          | 636        | 886          | 1.3930817610062893
Peter Penzov     | 603        | 560          | 0.9286898839137645

Which users have the highest badgesCount/rep ratio that have never spent rep on bounties?

Excluding users that have spent rep on a bounty, we get this query:

SELECT TOP 10 UserId AS [User Link],
      (SELECT Reputation FROM Users WHERE Id=UserId) AS Reputation,
      COUNT(*) AS [Total Badges],
      cast(Count(*) as float)/(SELECT Reputation FROM Users WHERE Id=UserId) As Ratio
    FROM Badges
    WHERE ((SELECT Reputation FROM Users WHERE Id=UserId) >= ##MinScore:int##)
    ((SELECT SUM(BountyAmount) FROM Votes WHERE Votes.UserId = Badges.UserId) is null)
    GROUP BY UserId

When the minimum rep threshold is 2, we get the same top two users. With a threshold of 200, the top two users are:

User Link        | Reputation | Total Badges | Ratio
Sonny Ordell     | 209        | 79           | 0.37799043062200954
Tadit Dash       | 315        | 111          | 0.3523809523809524
  • 3
    I thought it was @rene who answered this sooo fast ! .. but no :p Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 21:08

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