I think that my "impact" was way below 500 K when I checked last year. Now I just hit 1 million some days ago.
And in contrast to here, I have no idea what could have got me several hundred thousands of reached users.
Simply confused here.
I think that my "impact" was way below 500 K when I checked last year. Now I just hit 1 million some days ago.
And in contrast to here, I have no idea what could have got me several hundred thousands of reached users.
Simply confused here.
I've made a SEDE query myself for this purpose, but I couldn't make the question is top 3 answer work without triggering a timeout.
Anyway, you can easily use this to see your answers in top posts:
--ToDo: Optimize calculation if your answer is top 3 or accepted, now triggers timeout
SELECT Top 100 IIF(questions.OwnerUserId = ##UserId##, 'Q', 'A') As QOrA, questions.Id As [Post Link], questions.ViewCount, IIF(questions.AcceptedAnswerId = answers.Id, 'True', 'False') As AnswerIsAccepted
From posts As questions
LEFT JOIN posts As answers ON (answers.ParentId = questions.Id And answers.OwnerUserID = ##UserId##)
WHERE questions.OwnerUserId = ##UserId## OR (answers.OwnerUserID = ##UserId##
-- Can't get this to work because of timeout, checks if your answer is top 3.
-- AND (questions.AcceptedAnswerId = answers.Id OR answers.Id IN(SELECT Top 3 sAnswers.Id FROM posts sAnswers WHERE sAnswers.ParentId = questions.Id ORDER BY sAnswers.Score DESC))
ORDER BY questions.ViewCount DESC
to escape the timeout, but I can use your change to make it even faster