You're all probably wondering who I am and where Joe is. I'm one of the developers on the Developer Affinity & Growth team with him, and I'm excited to tell you about a prototype that we'd love your feedback on.

Questions and answers are what Stack Overflow is all about. The starting point for a great Q&A site are good questions. We all know that asking a good question is an art, and humans - particularly those in a hurry - aren't naturally good at it all the time. We've also known for a long time that Stack Overflow needs to provide a better "ask a question" experience, especially for people new to the community. We think we can make the experience less intimidating, help people avoid common mistakes when asking, and improve the quality of questions with a bit more guidance baked into the process.

What have we done?

We're off to see the wizard

Screenshot of the question body section of the wizard. Section prompts: summarize, Provide background, show your code, describe expected and actual results

Our next step is to run an experiment on a prototype "ask a question" wizard. Before we do, we'd love for you all to kick the tires on it and give us feedback. Our goal is to get this experiment up and running in July. The experiment will be focused on newer question askers, so experienced community members won't see it, except during this comment period.

Check out the prototype here. (Please note this will post a real question on SO)

Feel free to add answers below to suggest improvements to copy, the flow or any part of the experience. We'll review the suggestions to find targeted improvements before running the experiment.

And, of course, once we have some data on how things went we'll report back here.

  • 224
    I like the flow in the forward direction, but can you add a Back button on screens after the initial one? The browser back button doesn't seem to always take me back where I expect it to go (the immediate previous screen in the wizard). Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 17:13
  • 10
    ...Okay, fine. Color me skeptically optimistic about this wizard. I'm going to peruse it later to see if there's anything that really juts out.
    – Makoto
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 17:16
  • 20
    Is this going to be a thing for all users now? Or just new / low rep users? Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 18:05
  • 6
    I'm curious, how much of the verbiage and/or functionality was directly harvested from meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/358600/…?
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 18:25
  • 129
    I DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS LIVE! I posted a really bad 'i++ + ++i' question:) Luckily, I deleted it before it got -100 votes:) Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 20:32
  • 17
    On the description tab, nowhere does it tells the poster to explain his/her question in a minimalistic manner. A guide on how to create a minimal, complete and verifiable example for each popular tag will be a good addition. The guide may tell users to post more details in the question, but it doesn't discourage them from posting overly verbose questions.
    – Autonomous
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 20:55
  • 8
    This guided mode is a big improvement but I'd definitely rephrase "your code" to "your reproducible code with an appropriate simulation of any relevant datum or data"
    – Hack-R
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 21:12
  • 19
    Let me just say thank you for trying to make this less bug reporty inspiring.
    – jpmc26
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 21:53
  • 9
    On mobile, the wizard doesn't really wizard -- it shows the original multiple choice, then instead of walking you through how to write the question, it sends you to the normal ask a question page. status-bydesign? Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 22:19
  • 47
    Needs a back button.
    – clickbait
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 3:29
  • 64
    How about automatically treating what is entered in the "Show your code" section as... .. code? (I.e. no need for ctrl+k on this section)
    – visibleman
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 4:21
  • 41
    What's up with this constant pat on the back? Why everything is Great? For adults with normal self-esteem that seems like we are being treated as 5 years old- they do need a constant reminder that everything they do is great. Normal adults do not.
    – SergeyA
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 16:07
  • 7
    @EricLeschinski isn't 10,000 rep a bit too high? I think it should be somewhere around 500 rep. At that level is the review privilege, so I assume that we think that users who reach 500 rep know at least what counts as a good post (whether question or answer)
    – Keale
    Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 1:32
  • 21
    @EricLeschinski Holy crap dude. 10,000 rep before you stop seeing the wizard?? That's extremely high. It should be more like 500, as Keale says. If you're worried that new users could get that much rep really quickly and start posting bad questions before they've learned how the site works, consider this: If they get 500 rep really quickly, doesn't that imply they're doing well already?
    – Clonkex
    Commented Jun 22, 2018 at 1:53
  • 12
    @Keale I have seen 30K users asking absolutely off topic questions. More than once, and more than single user. I don't think there should be any threshold. Seriously, if someone asks so many questions that going through wizard is a hurdle, then maybe this is an indication that those questions maybe should not have been asked in the first place.
    – Dalija Prasnikar Mod
    Commented Jun 22, 2018 at 13:47

78 Answers 78


I expected the link to "more examples" to actually lead to more exampleS. Instead it links to a single example at a time (which could be by design).

I can click it again, and again, and again, but it seems there are only two examples and I get each one multiple consecutive times before I get the next one.

More examples

  • 1
    Some sort of a list of examples might be good. Or if that opened a dropdown or something. Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 23:14
  • 4
    Actually if I remember correctly both words are an example, so that amounts to a grand total of 2. So there are actually examples but it's not clear that they are two seperate links. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 8:29

This is probably a very minor thing, but I kinda felt lost after this page. I clicked the very first suggested answer which opened in a new tab and actually answered my question.

After processing it, I closed that tab and came back here, and somehow felt I had to finish the wizard anyway, since the only action is 'next'.

Of course I could just close the tab and be done with it, but I was missing some action to do, some button to press, to indicate that I had been helped.

And actually, it might be quite interesting for SO as well to have an explicit action and gather some metrics on that, to get some useful feedback from users who don't finish the wizard.

No exit?

  • 3
    I agree. I had the same experience and I want to click YES, but there was no YES for me. :( Also, sorry to hear about your computer. Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 22:47
  • 3
    Google tracks (if you don't block it) if you click the back button after checking out the first result, the second result, and so on, and uses that as a ranking input for future queries. If you track which question satisfied the asker, you can suggest those questions more highly next time. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 1:49
  • 3
    Maybe once a link is clicked SO can add a button that says "did you find the answer to your question?" and then the user can say yes (and a congrats screen is shown) or no (and the questions are left along with the next button). Wouldn't want to make it a pain for those who can't find an answer after clicking several links however.
    – intcreator
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 2:00

The prototype looks great.

Minor point I want to confirm is about DRAFT

I usually have my question saved as Draft. Yes, there is no explicit buttons on SO to save the question as draft but inside editor after some time the question autosaves and a discard button appears as shown in the image. After this, if I exit the editor and comes back in, I can see my question as is.


Is there such autosave progress or Draft functionality in wizard? I propose to save wizard progress or the question as Draft


When I finish through the wizard and I post the answer I get a banner:

You did it! You just asked your first question.

Thanks for contributing to the community. We're glad you're here

Tip: Stick around to answer clarifying questions and comments. This will help others answer your question.

I am not sure who will use the wizard, if only the newcomers or people below certain points or ... But in some cases it won't be their first question (that one got downvoted or closed...). Maybe that bit could be rephrased.

  • 2
    Yeah, the positivity is nice but this is a bit over the top, and in many cases it probably won't even be true as you mentioned.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 13:38

Thanks for working on a wizard.

This looks like a bug to me:

I picked "I have a question about my code" but then didn't post any code anywhere, and got all the way through to the final page. Somewhere in there, I should have been prompted (probably when leaving the Guided Mode page with a space for code) about the fact I'd said I was asking a question about my code and hadn't provided any.


No error message shown on Title tab

enter image description here

If the title is too short (<15 characters) the user cannot use the Next button to continue. This is okay, since it is an indication of a bad title. However, the user does not get an error message. This is very confusing.

At the same time, the user can skip ahead by clicking on the other tabs to go to Description or Review.

The validation message is displayed correctly on the Review tab as can be seen here:

enter image description here


The black listed title words check should be done when asking for the title initially not several screens later on the review.

enter image description here


Might be worthwhile prompting users if they're really sure they want to use a certain tag. For example, http-status-code-500 says do not use, but I can still add it to a question without complaint. Tags like regex should also prompt a user to indicate what dialect of regex they're using. I'm sure there are other examples of commonly misused or confused tags as well that I'm not aware of.

It would be interesting to allow some form of community written logic for tag hinting.

  • 6
    This would be valuable regardless of how the question is being asked but I'm not sure that there's any sort of indication for the "don't use this tag" tags on the server side that the tags shouldn't be used.
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 21:29
  • @Catija: Sadly there isn't, except the regex-based blacklist that straight-up blocks asking a question with it, editing a question to have it, or editing a question without removing it. Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 5:45
  • 1
    This would deserve an independent question as it is not only related to the wizard. Please post your suggestion as a new question.
    – Melebius
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 8:18

I experienced a bug while using this feature. The eventual URL for the question was:


In the Show your code. box, I entered some XML. However, the XML didn't render in the page below. Later, when I clicked Next, the input disappeared entirely.


The Input Page

The Show your code input box has a bunch of XML in it, as well as the word "test"

The Preview

The XML doesn't render in the preview. The preview only shows the word "test"

The Review Your Question page

The Review Your Question step has removed the input entirely

The Code I Pasted

The code was correctly indented with 4 spaces. The same copy-paste generates this when pasted into this Meta Answer:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<con:testCase id="9770a55e-28b4-4382-b47c-91b78303f9d0" discardOkResults="true" failOnError="true" failTestCaseOnErrors="true" keepSession="false" name="WorkOrders TestCase" searchProperties="true" timeout="0" xmlns:con="http://eviware.com/soapui/config">
    <con:testStep type="restrequest" name="Create 1" id="209811cd-1462-4914-bc0b-6f9e788a3dd1">
        <con:config service="http://example.com" resourcePath="/${#Project#Version}/sample-rest-service" methodName="Create 1" xsi:type="con:RestRequestStep" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
            <con:restRequest name="Create 1" id="864bddef-ac17-45c7-b5cc-f5a471f2fd61" mediaType="application/json" postQueryString="false">
    <con:testStep type="groovy" name="Capture URL" id="568a0402-bb39-453d-b738-044fb7a1dafa">
            <script>// ???</script>
    <con:testStep type="restrequest" name="Delete 1" id="d0a75d1a-3847-4c03-bc85-27e16a61adac">
        <con:restRequest name="Delete 1" id="514d244d-db20-43cf-bff4-5fbbd6c351ac" mediaType="application/json" postQueryString="false">
                <entry key="id" value="${#TestCase#id}" xmlns="http://eviware.com/soapui/config"/>

(^ not a screenshot)

  • 8
    The text is actually there but the markdown renderer ignores it. This is a fairly common newbie problem, which definitely should be caught by the wizard. Indenting the XML four spaces tells Markdown that you are entering a code snippet, not embedding HTML (which newbies are probably not going to want to or know how to do anyway).
    – tripleee
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 8:12
  • 1
    @triples it looks to be indented as expected in the screenshot above, unless I'm missing something.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 15:11
  • 4
    To clarify: the text does not render on the Input Preview page, and then it disappears entirely when the user moves to the Review your question page.
    – Chris
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 15:19

Here are some thoughts of mine when experimenting.

I don't like how some off-topic types of things are presented on the first page. Instead, I think this should focus on the things that are on-topic on Stack Overflow. For example, questions about using develop-oriented tools (for example, IDEs, compilers, debuggers) are on-topic, yet that's not a choice. It's a little deceiving that there is a "I need help with a software or hardware issue" that redirects users to Super User - I don't think questions about using Eclipse or Visual Studio or git should be directed to Super User, yet this may direct people there.

Along the same lines, it leads to different "advertising" of other sites on the community. Why does Software Recommendations get a special shout-out on the first page while every other site is hidden behind the "other" (indicating the person is asking about something else).

I think that by focusing on the different types of questions that Stack Overflow is good at would be better. Code that isn't working, code that works but isn't understood, developer tools - these all probably have different needs in the question and should drive users down different workflows.

The layout on the "Good News! We found similar questions!" page is weird. I do like the general idea, but I would like to see question bodies there. It's kind of hard to scroll through the list. I have to start opening questions in new tabs. Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't. If I saw snippets of the question body, though, maybe it'll help me narrow down which of the questions I look at deeper to see if I get help.

Somewhat related, all of the workflows go to the same Description page. I'm not sure this is a good idea. I think that expectations of homework questions may be different than questions about using a tool, for example. Questions about understanding working code are going to be different than questions about broken code (broken code is going to have error messages and/or wrong output in addition to expected behavior). Maybe this is something that will happen in the future, though.

I can definitely see value in this for sites other than Stack Overflow. Many sites have different types of questions. I hope this is being built in a somewhat configurable manner so other sites can take advantage of this if they need to. I can definitely see this being useful on Software Engineering to discourage people from posting things that belong on Stack Overflow (although, in my experience, these are also people blocked from posting on Stack Overflow, so maybe not).

  • 6
    "Why does Software Recommendations get a special shout-out on the first page" - The 'recommendation request' off-topic close reason is by far the most used excluding debugging help. 5.5% of all closed questions in the last 30 days used that reason, >1500 over a month. Decent volume, handily beating the SU and SF close reasons.
    – Undo Mod
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 19:58
  • 2
    @Undo That makes sense, thank you. Although it's still a little weird to be presented with both things that are OK to ask about and things that aren't OK to be asked about on the same page. I would think that by hiding these things not to ask about, you'd do more to discourage people from asking about them. Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 20:14
  • "The layout on the "Good News! We found similar questions!" page is weird. I do like the general idea, but I would like to see question bodies there." I agree, it may be beneficial since there is now more space there to show a small intro blurb to the question as well.
    – Travis J
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 21:20

It's going to be a great feature, I do support the idea.

  1. At the "Tags" stage, it's worth mentioning that the user can't make up own tags yet. Any non-existent tag should be removed, and/or alternatives should be suggested.

    Being a thoughtful user and having filled my tags at the first stage, I wouldn't want to return to them at the "Review" stage (after 2 other steps) and see "You aren't allowed to create tags, edit them again" or something.

  2. At the "Tags" step, we should follow our own rules. If we say "at least 1 tag" and "max 5 tags", the user shouldn't proceed next until they meet the requirements.

    Again, I wouldn't be glad to see any error pop-ups about tags at the final stage, because I have finished with them earlier. If there were no warnings there, why did they appear here?

    Currently, we can continue with any number of tags.

  3. At the "Tags" stage, the tip "Don’t include version numbers, like c#4" should be revised.

    I can have an issue only with the c#4 version, and I am not interested in whether my code runs on other versions. It's not a general c# question. Actually, the c#-4.0 tag has 25k questions. Why were others able to use that tag, but I can't?

    I would suggest a more accurate suggestion, like

    • "Include tags that are crucial to your question only, like java (for general questions) or java-8 (for more specific ones);
    • "Don’t include minor and patch version numbers, like java-8u172 or java-10.0.1".

New comers shouldn't be able to ask questions in a different language other than English (unless in allowed sites). I've been able to post the question in Bengali, at least SO should add a note there.

enter image description here

The image shows the question. I was expecting that, my code section will be within a code block even tho, I didn't format it correctly and why I was expecting it because there is a separate section for code but that's not my main concern.

My Question:

Is it still possible to post a question in a different language other than English? I've seen many new comers post full question in their native language and eventually it gets deleted but it would be better if SO checks this before posting or at least adds a note about that so a user will not post a question in a different language. A use should be able to post a question with text written in a different language but the full question shouldn't be in a different language.

Btw, the test is live (I wasn't expecting it tho) and I've got three down votes :-)

  • 1
    There are four non-English SO sites - Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Anything else must be here, in English. This is because supporting moderation for non-English sites isn't really possible at the moment. There's more information about this on Area 51: area51.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/20987/…
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 14:46
  • 1
    That's why I posted this here. I saw new users post questions in different languages and that should be taken in account. So, shouldn't allow a user to post a question in a language that is not understandable by others (other than allowed sites) or at least there should be note about it. I've have been able to post it.
    – The Alpha
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 14:49
  • 2
    Non-Latin text is something checked by a user-project called Smoke Detector (if you're familiar with it). Your post wasn't caught, likely because it wasn't posted for long enough to get scanned, but if it had, it would have been caught probably within five minutes.
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 14:53
  • 5
    Unfortunately there's no way to prevent such questions without also blocking questions about handling such character programmatically.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 14:54
  • 7
    @TinyGiant Seems like they could do a % check to compare the amount of non-Latin to Latin text outside of code blocks... If it's over n%, post a warning saying "it looks like you might be asking a question in a language other than English, if not, click through, if so, please edit your question to ask in English." May not be perfect but might help... though, I'm not sure how big of an issue it is in general.
    – Catija
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 15:03

Tl;dr: I would like to see a "use this tag/these tags instead" feature integrated in the wizard.

We just had a bit of discussion over at the electronics site regarding the problem of company name tags, which is also a known problem at SO and possibly other sites too. In each case, what the poster is actually asking for is how to use a specific product from the company.

Getting rid of the company tags at this point, on a mature SE site, is a big undertaking with lots of work for little gain. Usually it means extra work for moderators. See for example the burninate the Apple tag project at SO.

Now, rather than to burninate all these company tags on all sites, what about steering questions towards using better, correct tags instead?

That is, if we could make it possible to create tag dependencies between for example company tags and product tags, someone who posts a new question can be directed to pick some more meaningful tags instead.

For example: in the wizard, the new user types in the tag selection window. They would then get some manner of dialog listing tags for various Microsoft products that the question is actually about. Visual Studio, SQL Server etc etc.

This could be used for all manner of undesired tags that should be replaced with more specific ones. This would give better questions (you aren't actually asking about the Microsoft company, you are asking about Visual Studio 2017) and also less boring busy-work burninate requests.

It could perhaps also solve the problem with recurring bad tags that have already been burninated, without the need of doing some blacklist procedure.


Update: if you like this one, please consider Dukeling's answer as well. I think he has a better set of options.

I think we need to be a bit more detailed under "Question about my code". There can be a catch-all, sure, but separate instructions for "Compilation Error", "Runtime Error", "Results not as Expected" would be useful, leading to slightly different multi-section pages prompting for concrete information.

E.g., compilation error could ask for actual line where error happens, Runtime error could ask for stack trace and mention debugger.

  • The compilation error vs. runtime error doesn't make sense for dynamic languages like Python, so "compilation error" should probably be omitted in certain cases. Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 20:03
  • 1
    @MathiasRav Python actually does have a "compile time", it's just that it's a subset of runtime rather than a separate thing, and novice users aren't going to know the distinction. And similar things will be true for some, but not all, other "scripting" languages. Not to mention that plenty of people are running "compiled" languages like Swift or Go or Haskell in "playgrounds" that just have a "run" button, or even an interactive REPL. So, I think that the distinction maybe can't be in a radio button, but has to be covered in the general what-to-include text?
    – abarnert
    Commented Jun 18, 2018 at 20:19

Overall, this looks very promising, good stuff! Here's some feedback:

  • Regarding "I need help with a software or hardware issue", it should probably be re-phrased as others have pointed out. Questions about writing software or using programmer tools are on-topic, including peripheral tools like version control. Writing shell scripts, batch files etc is also on-topic.

    Regarding "hardware issue", I'm unsure of how many posts that are re-directed to Super User, but I personally re-direct a whole lot of people to https://electronics.stackexchange.com. It would be great if we could suggest that site for borderline software/hardware questions. Such questions are on-topic on EE even if the problem turns out to be software-related, while they are off-topic on SO if the problem is hardware-related.

  • The wizard seems to accept invalid tags. I told it to use , where the latter two are definitely invalid.

  • I think formatting must be integrated in the wizard. It is very awkward to post code in it, I think the result with the current wizard will be a whole lot of unformatted code questions. At very least add 4 spaces before every row the user pasted as code before dropping it in the actual "Ask a question" form.


Currently, the "We found similar questions that match your title" page does not make it clear that the proposed questions will open in a new tab when clicked. A new user on this page may be scared to click one in case their progress in the wizard is lost due to leaving the current page.

Proposed questions page

My suggestion for this would be to use the "external link" icon (see below) somewhere, maybe next to each link, or having "links will open in a new tab" somewhere.

External link icon

(Icon courtesy of IconFinder)

  • 4
    I've seen similar icons signaling that the linked resource was off-site...
    – yivi
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 18:06
  • @yivi Yes that's another possibility for confusion. Just an idea though. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 18:07
  • Hopefully people asking a question on Stack Overflow would know that you can open a question in a new tab/window by middle-mouse clicking or right-clicking and selecting the option from the contextual menu...
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 18:23
  • 3
    @TylerH One thing I have learnt from the Internet, is that you can't assume anyone's knowledge. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 18:25
  • @TylerH This will probably end up on the non-technical SE sites eventually and might be more helpful there Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 18:27
  • 1
    I believe that it also hinders the review process if someone has to consistently open in a new tab, rather than it being clear that this will happen by default. Especially on mobile for example, where opening in a new tab can be a cumbersome process. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 18:30
  • 3
    And why not have a "tooltip" like preview of the question when hovering the mouse over it? I know, that might be hard, but worth a thought. And as written in my answer ( meta.stackoverflow.com/a/369793/1531124 ), currently further below: that whole suggestion of links is absolutely pointless unless the terrible internal search gets improved. The internal search is just lousy, and although people are complaining since years ... it is still lousy.
    – GhostCat
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 19:50
  • @Tyler you forgot control+click.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 14:24
  • @TinyGiant I left it out because I didn't want to then also include cmd+click for Mac users and a note that includes any other keyboard remapping people may had done themselves.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 14:25
  • @TinyGiant Interesting, I've always just used middle click. Thanks for the tip! Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 15:38

First off, yay! Thank you! This looks like a great idea and I am looking forward to it. However, the example questions need to be very carefully chosen. I have seen two so far, and both are problematic:

Say "I'm setting up a new server and want to support UTF-8 fully in my web application. Where do I need to set the encoding/charsets?

This is only marginally better than the counter example:

Don't say "I want to support UTF-8 fully in my web application".

The only extra detail added in the "say" example is that the OP wants to set encoding/charsets. OK, but what server is this? Web server? Mail server? If web, is it Apache? Something else? Does it run on Windows? On Linux? On BSD? The choice of example question is essential, so let's make it as detailed as we can. For instance:

Say "I'm setting up a new Linux apache web server (LAMP) and want to support UTF-8 fully in my web application. Where do I need to set the encoding/charsets?

The other example I saw was:

Say “How to fix ‘Headers already sent’ error in PHP”

I realize I may be fighting a losing battle here, but can we please not suggest the ungrammatical "How to fix problem?" form? "How to foo" is a statement, not a question. Can we please change that example to:

Say "How can I fix the 'Headers already sent' error in PHP?"

Or, if you don't want a full question, something like:

Say "I am getting a 'Headers already sent' error in PHP"

Basically, we need to make very sure that the example questions are perfect.

  • 4
    Ideally we would make them links to actual well-received questions. Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 18:20
  • 1
    Also, some of the examples that are given in the yellow sidebar aren't the greatest. For instance, I was directed to When catch doesn't actually catch anything, which is a terrible title that new users shouldn't be emulating. Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 13:58
  • The example "good" questions should at least not be guilty of the many common quality issues we see, which you rightly point out: lack of specificity over environmental variables.
    – QHarr
    Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 4:29

Minor nitpick, during the wizard I was asked the question

"Do any of these answer your question?"

The only option was "next". When asked a question in real life, the usual answer is either "Yes" or "No". Yes is implied if you click away from a question and close the new question wizard, but I went to answer "no" and my only option was "next". It's pretty obvious what Next would do and it's intended design, but the language is clunky.

enter image description here


It's good that the wizard has formatting instructions, especially for users unfamiliar with Markdown. Unfortunately, the instructions are kind of hard to find...

enter image description here

...you have to find and click a nearly invisible light gray question mark icon.

enter image description here

Is there a better way?

Maybe replace the question mark with a link that says "Formatting help" or "How to format an answer", which would lead to the Markdown Editing Help page or a simplified version.

  • Would it be possible to just have the default view be showing the instructions?
    – Mistella
    Commented Jun 22, 2018 at 18:36
  • @Mistella Sure, as long as there’s room on the page for it. I think there’s probably enough space for a summary and a link to more detailed info.
    – jkdev
    Commented Jun 22, 2018 at 19:31
  • 3
    Does SO offer a short gif/gifs showing how to select and apply formatting options? So many times I feel sorry for OPs I see editing again and again trying to work out how to get code between code tags with correct indenting, to use Code tags versus snippet...... etc...... And that is just those that even succeed in getting that far.
    – QHarr
    Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 4:32

The hint box explaining how to post code could be customized to match the language tag - if present and if a single file makes sense for that technology. Talking about "file.php" to a C# beginner might be confusing.

enter image description here

  • 11
    That whole thing just seems wrong. What if the problem doesn't reside in line 12-23, what if lines 12-23 don't execute without supporting code. The advice given there is wrong, we don't want code copied from your project at all. We want generalized code the has been reduced to just what is necessary to reproduce the problem.
    – user4639281
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 15:08
  • 1
    @TinyGiant The title in bold seems to ask for just that, you're nitpicking. Generalization is as well not always possible, and even if it is, asking everyone to do it is too much if we really want the site accessible for non-experts.
    – BartoszKP
    Commented Jun 19, 2018 at 17:58
  • 1
    What if I'm asking about HTML/CSS/JS combo? Which filename should it use? Seems like a lot of work for what should be obviously examples. Or do you think beginners would be confused if they don't have a file.cs in their project? Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 23:43
  • @MikeMcCaughan That's also what I meant, but obviously I didn't write it explicitly. I've improved the part - you are right that for some technologies it doesn't make sense to even talk about a single file.
    – BartoszKP
    Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 10:07
  • 4
    Yeah, I think this is a step too far regarding customizing help for users. If one can't think semi-intelligently about the files that are right there in the IDE, and make some logical deductions regarding the naming of files in an example, I'm not sure how changing the extension on an example file name is going to help bridge that kind of gap. That's the kind of basic computer skill that should already be in place for a professional or enthusiast programmer... But maybe that's the point, we're now a global helpdesk for everyone who picks up a keyboard. Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 12:16
  • I have to side with Tiny Giant here. That's not to say your suggestion is bad. It's actually great and I upvoted it. But what if one of the user's figurative lines 12-23 have a function like calculateFoo() and they include it in their code. Then we have to ask what that does, only to find out that it makes no difference and isn't related to their problem and it could be replaced with true. Maybe the sentence can be replaced with "Include lines from <file.cs|file.php|...> necessary to reproduce your problem". Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 22:33

I just took my first look at the wizard. (As I’ve aged, I’ve become denser. Keep that thought in mind.)

I look at the options and I really wonder which does or doesn’t, could or couldn’t, apply to the specific question I actually have. And maybe I should say “BEST apply” since they seem to overlap. Having said that, I might just pick “Other”. (Not really; devil’s advocate, but frustrated user’s safety valve?) I’m saying the intent of each alternative isn’t overly clear.

  1. question about my code
  2. software recommendation
  3. software or hardware issue
  4. homework problem

Are some newbies going to have trouble separating the intent of the first 3? Software has underlying code. A question about code (#1) could involve getting a recommendation about how best to write that software (#2). And if I have a question about my code, well, then I DO need help with a software issue (#3).

I know each alternative would ideally be considerably less than one long line in length. Hovering the mouse pointer over a hotlink to further explain would suggest that we can’t figure out how to say it. And hovering gets old fast.

As I try to go on with my critique, I realize I can’t until I know the intent of each alternative.

But I’m going on anyway, having made certain vague assumptions.

Should you rephrase #1 to say, “I have a question about code I am working on”? I don’t know. I’m just asking.

Couldn’t you rephrase #2 to say “I need a recommendation about which software to use”, if that is what you’re saying? Or is the intent to encourage/enable questions about best practices in writing code? Or something else?

Why does #3 say “software OR HARDWARE”? Why not two separate alternatives? Ok, so take out “or hardware”; then it just makes the first 3 all the harder to separate.

How much help do we give help on homework questions? Ideally, we might apply the Socratic method in a chat. No thanks. But often Answers are nothing more than code that will do what the homework says to write. And that’s not help in the spirit in which it’s intended. How about #4 saying “I have a QUESTION about a homework problem”?

I’m not trying to be difficult or nitpicking. You’ll never get it to where nobody can misinterpret the intent, but page 1 of the wizard seems to be in need of wordsmithing.

  • I don't buy that someone could genuinely mix up "software recommendation" with a problem with code not working, but I agree they could be phrased better.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 27, 2018 at 14:55
  • @TylerH--in all seriousness... Is either of my interpretations ("which software to use" or "best practices") correct? I have to admit that I haven't given help to many questions--maybe 1 or 2 per month--and then only if they involve Java or Android, so maybe I should either start following more Q&A threads than I do or let the experts handle this new, good idea. I think it's good.... But I now feel too ignorant and restrictively active to comment further.
    – DSlomer64
    Commented Jun 29, 2018 at 18:48
  • Yeah, I think so; both of those quoted lines are common types of software recommendation questions.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jun 29, 2018 at 18:53

Dropping a small idea here as it seems appropriate:

Can we in a future release have a template for the question part of the wizard customized by tag and defined by the community in the tag's wiki (and fallback to the generic one if there's none) ? (using the first tag given to avoid conflicts in templates)

Something like the multiple issue templates on github sounds appealing as the requirements for a Java question are probably not the same as those for a R question or a Go one for example.

  • By tag? What about multiple, conflicting tags? It seems like a very regular occurrence.
    – yivi
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 15:17
  • I'd go with the first tag, good point I forgot to mention it. (or maybe just fallback to default template then)
    – Tensibai
    Commented Jun 28, 2018 at 15:32

When I try to do Ctrl + K to enter a word between code tags I get search Google as shown below. This is the same as doing Ctrl + K whilst in the comments section under questions/answers.

search google

Is this intended? I find it confusing as I am used to this being the shortcut for adding code tags.

If this has been covered elsewhere, please let me know and I will delete this as soon as I receive the notification.


I found markdown formatting more difficult than usual using toolbar and had to resort to my own knowledge of how to directly apply formatting. I couldn't even bold with Ctrl + B . I have seen formatting help mentioned already. This should be as easy as possible for new users. I mention in my comment on another answer as to whether there are any gifs/clips showing users how to apply markdown formatting on SO. A nice clear visual they can follow on screen. Again, perhaps this is already in the help centre. But clips really aid understanding I think.

Struggling with basic tasks like putting my code between tags has actually harmed the quality of my question in this test case. But, perhaps this is due to my lack of familiarity with this tool. I expected to be able to use the same techniques as I already do when asking questions without the Wizard.


I assume that this will be A/B tested in the near future. Some remarks about the kind of statistics that would be interesting to be able to view:

  1. Proportion of users who click through the suggested duplicates list, compared to the proportion that view any of the suggested duplicates in provided when you type in the title in the current question format. This can indicate to us if having the possible duplicates on a completely separate page instead of something you can just scroll passed helps people find their answers sooner.

  2. Proportion of users that click on the Programming Recommendation or Software/Hardware issues and then still manage to ask a question on Stack Overflow that is closed for one of those reasons, compared to those who don't ask a question here after viewing those pages. This could indicate to us if there are people who are not ignorant, but are explicitly choosing to ask off topic questions here even after being prompted not to, which, if it's common enough, could possibly warrant an added penalty system to people who do this.

  3. Proportion of users who don't make it to the end of the wizard, compared to users who start a question on the normal Ask a Question page and don't end up posting one for whatever reason. We can hope that as people follow the guided question format that it can help them to discover their own answers or figure out where else to look or understand that their question is not a good fit. I would say if users who use the Wizard are less likely to ask a question, that's probably a good sign.

  4. Proportion of questions asked through the Wizard that get closed compared to questions being asked through the normal Ask A Question box (in the same rep ranges). I hope that we see a decrease in the closure frequency of questions as a result of this Wizard.

  5. Information on if use of the Wizard results in an influx of questions to Super User and Software Recommendations -- And if we're encouraging good questions to make it over there or if we're just moving our junk into someone else's backyard (This could be measured by questions by people who follow the link over to one of those sites and if they get upvoted, answered, and/or closed).

This type of data will help us know if the Wizard is helping Stack Overflow. If anyone else has other data points that they'd like to see reported as a result of the A/B testing, you can comment or add your own answer... Though this is the 50th answer to the question so I'm not sure if we want too many more :)

  • 1
    We're definitely planning on A/B testing this and we'll consider these!
    – Jon Chan
    Commented Jul 2, 2018 at 22:02

I tried out the new wizard pretending to be a new user, and I ran into trouble trying to paste code.

This is the help for adding code: enter image description here

The help gives the impression that the user has to hit the space bar four times for every line of code.

There should be a code button like the usual template, or the wizard should at least mention the Ctrlk shortcut for formatting code.

Since formatting is something that new users often mess up on, the wizard should put in every effort to turn out well-formatted posts. This has to begin with a comprehensive guide on how to format properly. This is one way that the wizard could really help. In fact, it is the obvious way to teach new users how to handle code in posts, but the wizard is misleading instead of helpful.

: Please add the necessary material to help new users format their code.


I think the matched title search needs to work better.

Normally we put in the title first, then the question then the tags, so it's as good as it gets. Now we are putting in tags then title. The title search should reflect the tags. For instance I asked about Unity, and I had the Unity3d tag, but the first 5 titles had nothing to do with unity. Similar problems, but in other platforms making them completely unrelated. I got bored of looking at titles before I reached anything unity related.

Now that we have the tags, we should show questions with the same tags first as suggestions for previously asked


Say “How to fix ‘Headers already sent’ error in PHP”

I know that technically, this is "ok". The tag is not a tag but included as a part of the sentence. Meh. But please do not encourage newbies to repeat information. Their title should state what the problem is. I see too many titles that are basically just the tags with some auxiliary verbs sprinkled in. If it's tagged already, I don't need that repeated in the title.

And while we are at it: I think questions should ask a question, so even if you don't want to implement that in the wizard, it would be nice if we could at least lead by example and have our example headlines ask a question. Including the proper punctuation.


How about using placeholders in the form?

Question guide screen alternative

This would allow the person to read all the examples immediately before writing (since some might not read/notice the changing examples in the sidebar).

I just used simple unicode characters for the icons in the placeholders:

Examples:&#10;&#x2714; “Include lines 12-23 of /file.php”&#10;&#x274C “Don’t paste entire /file.php”&#10;&#10;&#x2714; “Indent four spaces to format your code”&#10;&#x274C “Don’t paste line 23 only”

I don't think the following wording is clear enough, especially to someone new to asking technical questions:

Describe expected and actual results.

It would be better to be more explicit, along these lines:

What result were you expecting to see? What actually happened instead?

Or more in line with the existing wording:

Describe the result you were expecting, and then describe the result that actually happened.


It is great to get the opinion of veteran users on this much needed new tool...

But is there a "next stage" of testing:

Getting new users (aka: zero rep) users to try it, without instruction

... and see how they do?

Unless there's major opposition to this idea, when I'm back on in a few hours, going through new VBA/Excel questions as regularly do, when I come across poorly written questions from newbies (Rep 0-5) I will ask if the user is willing to resubmit their question with this tool, with no input from me, then the user and I will look at the two questions, together decide which is better, and promptly delete the other one, and I will make notes on the process and report back here.

I'll only do this on 2 or 3 questions to start, but that's the true test of this wizard, right? VBA is a slow enough category on a Friday night that any confusion over the duplicates will be minimal.

  • 2
    We’re actually doing both. We’ve been doing user testing with users outside of the meta community (even before we posted here) and we’re planning to continue doing so as we get closer to the experiment stage. Stay tuned!
    – Jon Chan
    Commented Jun 22, 2018 at 21:51
  • @JonChan good to hear! Will this testing include "brand new" (zero rep) users? Seems to me that's where the real issues will come to light since they are the most likely to "break" the wizard, or to misunderstand the process. The wizard is a great idea and I look forward to the full launch!
    – ashleedawg
    Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 1:34
  • 1
    @JonChan I am curious if it will be obvious which questions were created by the wizard, and whether the user will be able to re-enter the wizard after the question is posted.
    – ashleedawg
    Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 1:36
  • 1
    I haven't tried working my way through the entire template. I didn't know if there was a point of no return I might accidently skip over. If the system could recognise if this is the first time you have used the wizard and before/after submit give you short scoring questionnaire e.g. ease of use 1-3 , were the question tips easy to understand, and a final suggested improvements free text box...... might this be a way to gather more feedback? The user could opt out of completing...... I guess could be detrimental if new users viewed it as an additional hurdle.
    – QHarr
    Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 4:22
  • @QHarr actually on that thought, combined with my previous comment -- it would be nice if we could identify from SEDE which questions were produced by the wizard, because we could easily compare questions scores and results for questions with/without the wizard
    – ashleedawg
    Commented Jun 23, 2018 at 22:34

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