Yesterday I suggested this edit:
It was rejected, so I thought "OK, let’s see what I can learn here". When I opened of the review, I was greeted by:
Rejected 13 hours ago:
Community♦ reviewed this 13 hours ago: Reject
This edit did not correct critical issues with the post - view the revision history to see what should have been changed.
Ketan Akbari reviewed this 13 hours ago: Approve
Wondering what critical issues my edit had ignored, I went to the revision history where I found this:
Let's call it irony
As you can see, this edit does not fix issues like salutations and does not correct the grammar, in fact, it is made worse in one place. I did spot one or two things I could have edited better, but I can't help but feel that my edit did a much better job than this one. What should I do about this? I don't like the fact that the reviewer rejected the edit, yet made a worse one.