This is a question that's been on my mind for quite a while, especially in light of a particular user's habit of repeatedly Community Wiki'ing their own answers.
Out of their 10 most recent answers, five of them have been marked as Community Wikis: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If you go further down, you find more. Additionally, running this SEDE query tells me they have CW'd a total of 274 of their own answers.
Jeff Atwood explicitly mentioned once that Community Wikis were to be used only sparingly under situations where the answer is a constructive, collaborate effort from the community. But not one of the 5 answers I've listed above (and most others besides them) have been edited/touched by any user besides the user who wrote the answer. They've also resisted edits to their answers in the past.
I raised a flag on one of these answers to request that the CW be rolled back, but the flag was declined effectively stating that the request was not worth the moderator's time. So, I ask. Are these markings valid? If not, what is the right thing to do when you come across actions taken by a user whose intentions are not 100% clear?