What is the meaning of 'Strunk and White?' for the silver Strunk and White badge? I looked strunk up on dictionary.com but found no listing.
1 Answer
A century ago, a university professor named William Strunk Jr. wrote a little writing guide for his students. Then - as now - communicating effectively via text was something many people struggled with; the guide attempted to provide a few basic hints and tips to help students hone their writing and thus communicate more effectively.
Years later, writer E.B. White - formerly a student of Strunk - revised the book, and republished it. The revised guide became incredibly popular, probably due in part to White's fame as a writer but primarily due to the accessibility of the guide itself, which was (and remains) remarkably easy to read and apply in most work-a-day situations. As the guide became pervasive in American society, it was usually referred to by the names of its authors: "Strunk and White".
In recent years, the book has caught quite a bit of flak from professional writers and linguists. As a prescriptive guide, it makes strong recommendations about usage and style that aren't necessarily grounded in either modern or historical usage; it recommends a style that its authors found appealing.
But, the underlying need that the book fulfilled remains with us to this day. You'd be hard put to read Stack Overflow and not find someone struggling to communicate in English, whether because English is not their native tongue or simply because they're unpracticed in communicating via the written word period. Folks needing help in practical situations, who can benefit most from simple guidelines and a recognizable style to apply, remain a constant presence. Thus, providing assistance in this form is even more important today than in the days when Strunk and White were creating their guide.
The name of the badge then is a tribute to this practical idea of helping inexperienced writers, and the editors who make a habit of donating their time and effort to do so.
See also: What does the Strunk & White badge mean?
3Emphasis on: we don't follow any particular style guide. One notable difference from most style guides: programmers tend to put their punctuation outside of quotation marks.– o11cCommented May 19, 2018 at 2:45
1"whether because English is not their native tongue or simply because they're unpracticed in communicating via the written word period" or because they're only practiced in communicating via txtspk, which is not English. Which is maybe the same as "English is not their native tongue", now that I've written it :). Commented May 19, 2018 at 16:25
Urban dictionary had a definition for strunk
do I dare go look it up, or am I better off without? 😁