I am fairly new to the world of Stack Overflow so I am still learning the community etiquette, I appreciate the importance of good content for the community so I would like some advice on how to improve my questions and what to do with questions that I feel would not benefit the community.
I have asked 5 questions thus far, this question https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49555692/why-does-float-work-but-not-int I hold my hands up, I should have done more research so I can appreciate the bad reception.
However, I have asked 2 other questions that I then realized would not be useful to the community (Probably the reason why I struggled to find similar questions). In this question Why does Dec memory address descend and Hex memory address ascend? the answer did help me but I doubt anyone else will find it useful and this question What is happening when I declare a string as: char aString[SIZE*2+1];? I literally realized the answer after I posted the question.
So, to summarise, in an effort to become a better community member, what should I do about useless questions, is it appropriate to delete them?