The context is a SO user who works with a coding language A, but more specifically, with library B, which is a whole tag/subject in itself because of its complexity, and it is only available for the coding language A. Just to clarify the context, if SO was a hobby forum, it would be like asking a question about baseball and tagging it with sport
, in addition to baseball
, just to make sure to ask it to swimmers and snowboarders who maybe never played baseball in their life.
Since library B is very complex, it would be hard to answer for someone that never learned how to use library B (i.e. all other coders of coding language A). I have seen users marking down questions that satisfied Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example criteria, but probably didn't understand the matter of the question since they never had any experience with the library.
My question would be: knowing that my question is about the library's features, not about the coding language, that marking the question would only bring clueless SO users to read the question and that tag B makes tag A completely redundant, is it okay to use only tag B?