Generally I don't have a problem with downvotes, but answer downvotes without explanation are pretty annoying. For example:
1) You post an answer that you spent time working on and that you think is correct
2) You get a downvote
3) You get another downvote
At this point I'm questioning whether or whether not my answer is correct. Unfortunately there are no comments that explicitly say what is wrong or why a part of the answer warrants a downvote. I don't know whether the answer is explicitly wrong or if its just random downvotes, which makes it harder for me to improve the answer content-wise.
Asking for clarification in the comments usually doesn't result in getting clarification, and often leads to more downvotes. Personally I think people are afraid to comment because of retribution in the form of serial-downvoting, so anonymous comments can help this out.
As the answerer of a question, if my answer is incorrect, I would also like to learn more why it's incorrect instead of a vague -1.
This question has been market as duplicate, however the premise is that comments will still remain OPTIONAL and not MANDATORY as the duplicate suggests this is proposing, and that people who comment can choose to leave an anonymous comment.
The idea is that downvoters can choose use anonymity to explain why an answer is incorrect (which should be the main reason why answers are downvoted) without fear of serial downvotes.
This would encourage revising answers to make them better/more accurate instead of just wondering on why you got a -1.