Does Stack Exchange or Stack Overflow take donations from people?
I've always wondered that :)
I've never seen any sort of fundraising campaign going on, though ...
Does Stack Exchange or Stack Overflow take donations from people?
I've always wondered that :)
I've never seen any sort of fundraising campaign going on, though ...
Wikipedia is a nonprofit, Stack Overflow is for-profit and has even taken VC money. There's no way to just send SE money. It'd probably be a tax headache.
If you're over 200 rep, you could opt out of reduced advertising (ideally if you're actually interested in the ads). Using Careers to look for (or post!) jobs is probably also helpful.
I've never seen any sort of fundraising campaign going on, though ...
Well, even if you have > 200 rep, you see at least some adverts. And those are a fundraising activity. :-)
That said: SE does indeed accept donations —of time, asking and (particularly) answering questions, moderating the site, etc. Without those donations, the site would very quickly cease to exist. Time is probably the most valuable thing on Earth, so...