This is the second time something like this has happened to me, and I'm kind of getting annoyed that I'm getting rejected edits on my record because of this.
So I came across a question in a review queue, where the OP posted code that contains zero indenting. I made an edit suggestion where I indented the code properly. Then, my edit was rejected. It turns out, the post was somehow edited before I finished my suggestion. So when I submitted the suggestion, it was an edit of the post after the other edit. A user indented the code in a slightly different way than I did, so it did not trigger the 6 character limit. Therefore my edit got rejected because it didn't really change anything.
I had no way of knowing that this edit occurred. There was no "This post has been edited" message in the review queue or when I was making the suggestion. I had received notifications before, so I thought that this was supposed to be a feature. Some related feature requests people have helpfully directed me to in the comments seem to also show that this is already a feature: Get notified of edit conflicts while working on an edit and Preventing conflicting simultaneous edits. Can this be fixed? Also, if it's possible, can the rejected edit be removed from my record?
People have also pointed out that I shouldn't edit bad questions such as "It's not working, please help!" questions since they will probably get deleted anyway, and I totally agree with that.
I understand that I should have also improved the paragraph before the code, and my edit could have been rejected just because I didn't fix stuff that I could have fixed. But the same thing could have happened if there weren't any other problems with the question.