I'm curious behind the reason of the declination of my flag, I flagged this answer as 'not an answer' as it isn't an answer from what I could tell based on the flag description:
This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question, or deleted altogether.
(emphasis mine)
I felt that, that answer falls in to that emphasised part of the flag description.
Yet, my flag was declined.
Surely, an altogether wrong answer should not be kept as it goes against the ethos of the site of gathering a solid knowledgebase of Q&As.
How can an answer be an answer if it isn't answering the question in the requested programming language?
Where did I go wrong in my though process?
Edit #1
Technical inacuracies are one thing however, what the answerer did was completely different, they did the equivlent of an off-topic question but in an answer form by posting an answer in a completely different technology that was originally specified hence it should be classed as NAA. Either that or we need another flag which can handle this sort of instances.