Users do not appreciate how tags are implemented. The issue has been highlighted many times, specifically for Python too.
Probably not coincidentally, the image shows the single post tagged [python]
with 3x more views at an early stage.
What this means
- Many questions don't get the exposure they deserve, as users may not favourite version tags.
- Many questions can't be closed correctly as duplicates, as there are very few version-specific gold badge holders.
- The search function does not work as well as it should.
For those who think visibility is not a problem, followers by tag:-
: 552k followers[python 3.x]
: 76k followers[python 2.7]
: 42k followers[python 2.x]
Some front-page statistics (top 30 on [python-3.x]
page) to support these numbers:
Count Total views Avg views Median views
python-3.x + python 13 307 23.62 22
python-3.x only 17 186 10.94 9
Implement related tags.This has been asked for already.Force questioners to use a non version-specific tag.This has been asked for already.- Improve the "How to Tag" description to be more succinct and explicitly state that non-version tags should always be included.
The 3rd solution is straightforward and easy to implement.
In the greyed out text box:-
"at least one tag (such as .., ..., ....)"
"at least one non version-specific tag (such as.., ..., ...)"
In the bullet points, put in the second bullet:-
- use a tag for your category which is not version specific.
They deserve it,2
Just downvote,3
Use Google. (although (3) seems NAA... anyway SO search system is definitely worse than Google)