I rejected some of his edits, but what else am I supposed to do about this?
Continue like that. Evaluate each edit in isolation. Approve if the edit is good, improve if it can be improved, reject if it's detrimental to the post and reject and edit if you feel that the post needs another kind of work.
I read before that SO very strongly discourages sub 2k Users going on a tag-only edit spree to farm rep, but what is a reviewer supposed to do in this case?
Why are you presuming he's "farm(ing) rep"? For him he may think that he's making Stack Overflow a better place, improving those posts. Never presume malice.
he suggested 123 tag-only edits in the last 3 hours. How do we deal with this?
Read the first paragraph.
Now, lets debunk some theories, that always get thrown around in these cases.
Suggested edits can at most earn you 1,000 reputation, after that you will not be awarded anymore. In fact, I "earned 622 reputation from suggested edits" according to the /reputation page. There's no damage that a user could do after reaching 1k rep.
Second, though there's a belief that the suggested edit review queue gets "clogged", I've never seen such things happening, at all. Nor any data backing this up, so I collected some data to counter this.
According to the all times reputation leagues, there are 49,031 users that have more than 2k reputation (being able to review suggested edits). That allows a top of 20*49031=980620 individual reviews. Given that any review needs at least a minimum of 3 votes and a maximum of 5 votes to get approved/rejected, so between 196-326 thousands suggested edits can reach consensus. In the last 180 days, the peak of suggested edits have been 2,598, so even if we say that we only count with the 2% of users that can review suggested edits (~1000 users), we still have enough users to deal with 4000 suggested edits/day, all of them controversial. I believe that the suggested edits review queue would not "clog" itself with many suggested edits.