Triage guidance suggests this as a reason to pick Requires Editing:
Pull code in from hosting site linked in question...
Above guidance is easily available for Triage reviewers because it is directly linked from Triage dialog (some complain that it's not prominent enough but that's rather tangential to my question).
I wonder how are H&I reviewers supposed to know that it is expected of them to pull the code from external links in the questions that were passed from Triage?
I checked H&I dialog and could not find any guidance on that matter. I also checked this feature request which introduced mentioned wording for Requires Editing and couldn't find explanation for this neither in the request nor in its linked / related discussions.
I probably wouldn't worry much if it was some natural, widely accepted approach but it looks like opposite indeed.
Specifically, a popular close reason suggests that way to go in cases like that is voting / flagging to close and not editing:
must include... code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself
(emphasize with bold font is not mine, it is in original guidance at meta as well as in close dialog)
As far as I can tell Triage reviewers are instructed to pass to H&I a kind of questions that many (most?) H&I reviewers would consider worthy of closing instead of editing.
Is there a reason to worry and do something about this or have I missed something?