necromancer is awarded if you "answer a question more than 60 days later with score of 5 or more". It has been "awarded 433915 times".
There's no corresponding gold badge for some reason. Let's have it, for example, for answering a question more than a year later with score of 50 or more (disclaimer: I would be eligible for one as well; so what?). update 3: 2000 days ⁄ 10 votes seems to be the way to go (and I personally wouldn't be eligible) edit 4: nah, the original suggestion was totally in line with the other badges like the Populist, producing roughly the same number of eligible users... or maybe make it two years / 50 votes, since the silver badge is for two months / 5 votes; a nice symmetry there! and I haven't checked whether I'd be eligible then, so there.
Is this a good idea? What could the appropriate name be?
"Gravedigger"? (gold digger... get it?)
update: this is a duplicate of No gold badge for revival/necromancer/… pattern? (asked 6.5 years ago, was very well received; it's interesting to compare how the attitudes of this community have changed... or perhaps the community itself has changed). Thanks to BDL for pointing it out. Can't vote it a dupe as it's on a different meta (wasn't it the same meta back then?).
update2: That question is very old, the stats in it are out of date. It was asked in 2011. It makes sense to include the new, up-to-date stats here:
According to this query by EdoDodo:
181 days 366 days 366 days 731 days 1000 days 2000 days 2000 days
25 score 25 score 50 score 100 score 40 score 20 score 10 score
Eligible users:
44079 34971 16703 4109 8420 2625 6368
Many top users are eligible for more than one such badge, in each of the above queries.
For comparison, the other answers-related gold badges currently have:
Great answer (100+) 5.9k users
Populist (outvote the
accepted answer) 16.2k users
Reversal (20+ ans on -5 q) 284 users
Unsung hero (0 score, accepted) 18.4k users
(silver) (0 score, accepted) 47.2k users
update 3: Looks like 2000 days ⁄ 10 votes is sufficiently far-fetched for a gold badge, makes a fitting number of people eligible (6368), and at the same time rewards people for answering old questions without demanding too high a vote count on the answer, so makes it more likely for new answerers to get one too. (FYI 1000 days ⁄ 10 votes makes 36600 users eligible).
(As an additional bonus for all the naysayers, I personally wouldn't be eligible (a motivation that I was accused of having, in the comments).)
. That said, other badges likeguru
have no bronze or gold equivalent. Also, thanks for the link (I suppose I could have searched for it myself).