I reviewed this late answer, and I thought it gave a solution to solve the issue in OP and looked OK, so I reviewed it as "No Action Needed", but it turned out to be an audit of a bad post.
Why is it a bad post? Someone commented and said it is a link-only answer, but the answer stated the solution in itself, and is also complete if the links are removed. Of course it is not very good due to lack of detailed explanation, but is it so bad to be a review audit?
Edit: P.S. My review privileges were suspended because of this review. If my "No Action Needed" review is acceptable, could moderators please lift or shorten my review ban?
For those who cannot see the post through my link, I paste it as well as the question here.
Assuming you're using the HTML view of the WYSIWYG, rather use the Develop tab in the BC back-end to edit HTML. Also, if you are using the old WYSIWYG, try updating it to the new version in your Partner Portal.
While the Develop tab is sufficient, using a text editor and SFTP client, such as Sublime Text and Sublime SFTP, is a great idea.
I'm having formatting / rewriting issues with a website I'm editing using Business Catalyst with Adobe.
Everytime I populat a field with an icon, for example;
<div class="triangle left"><i class="icon-beaker"></i></div>
I save the file with their admin panel and it converts the icon class to em
So end result is
<div class="triangle left"><em class="icon-beaker"></em></div>
This removes the icon entirely