No one is obliged to help them "break" the framework (or its limits), but I see no reason to reject the efforts of someone who has found a way of doing what the OP wants.
Obviously, any such answer should be caveated with appropriate warnings about the dire (or otherwise) consequences of implementing such a solution, but it should be up to the OP (or others in a similar situation) to make their own decision, remembering:
If it's only an ideological objection (as opposed to a technical one), then I really see no problem.
Where there are (potential) technical issues, these should be clearly pointed out1.
Some people have little choice than to attempt X in framework Y. Their only viable alternative to using a "hack" might be to effectively replicate much of the framework at much greater time and cost.
Almost any answer on SO could potentially be misused by someone who doesn't know what they're doing, or where the answer's "limits" are... should all answers carry a "Government Health Warning"? (Ans: No).
1. Case in point: a recent thread on the SQLite mailing list asked about setting "semi-global configuration parameters" for user-defined functions. One solution would have technically invalidated the DETERMINISTIC
flag that can be applied to such functions (used as a hint to the query planner). However, when used judiciously the solution was perfectly "safe".