Ok, let's fix these queries...
First problem: no deleted posts. There is actually data on deleted posts in SEDE, so that's not a problem - just query PostsWithDeleted
instead of Posts
select dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, p.CreationDate), 0) month,
count(iif(p.Score<=0, 1, null))*100.0/count(*) PctNotPositive
from PostsWithDeleted as p
where p.PostTypeId = 1 -- question
group by dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, p.CreationDate), 0)
order by dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, p.CreationDate), 0)
This produces a much less spikey chart:
The two other complaints here are that charting the all-time score inherently favors older posts, since folks have had more time to find them useful. This can also be addressed using only public data: voting data is available even for deleted posts, so we can calculate an effective 1-week score (this is slightly inaccurate as it pretends votes that were cast during the first week and retracted later never existed, but the differences are minimal). We should also ignore questions created less than a week before the last snapshot from SEDE, as they won't yet have a full week of voting data available. Finally, let's also chart trends for positively- and negatively-scored posts separately, so that we can see how those play into the trend you were observing:
declare @cutoff as DateTime = (select max(CreationDate)-7 from Votes);
with ScoreInAWeek as
select p.Id PostId,
isnull(count(iif(VoteTypeId=2, 1, null))-count(iif(VoteTypeId=3, 1, null)), 0) Score
from PostsWithDeleted p
left join Votes v on p.Id=v.PostId and v.CreationDate < cast(p.CreationDate+7 as Date)
where p.PostTypeId=1
and p.CreationDate < @cutoff
group by p.Id
select dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, p.CreationDate), 0) month,
count(iif(siaw.Score>0, 1, null))*100.0/count(*) PctPositive,
count(iif(siaw.Score<=0, 1, null))*100.0/count(*) PctNotPositive,
count(iif(siaw.Score<0, 1, null))*100.0/count(*) PctNegative
from PostsWithDeleted as p
join ScoreInAWeek siaw on siaw.PostId=p.Id
where p.PostTypeId = 1 -- question
group by dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, p.CreationDate), 0)
order by dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, p.CreationDate), 0)
These results are virtually identical to what I can obtain using the raw internal data, so I would consider them very accurate.
Note that the trend is still clearly in the direction of most questions scoring 0 - but unlike your chart and the one I posted above, this indicates that the short-term score has been 80% <=0 for over 5 years now!
Now... about your question...
Is there any other explanation for this tendency?
There are almost certainly multiple factors here. But I want to reject the whole "community is more negative" thing, because it borders on being a tautology: if you define downvoting as negative, then an increase in downvoted questions is an increase in negativity by definition; if you don't, then it's irrelevant. We ask people to vote according to their opinions: if the results displease us, we shouldn't blame the messenger - we should look at what is conspiring to alter those collective opinions.
And... As others have already noted here, we've kinda known the answer to that for years now: there are a tremendous number of poorly-written, boring questions... And we don't do a good job of helping folks find ones that interest them.
One of the big goals for Stack Overflow in the early days was to give folks something fun to do over their lunch break: read interesting answers, answer interesting questions. No one is going to read thousands of questions over their lunch break; if they don't get lucky and find something quickly, they're gonna go hang out somewhere else. Currently, the best way to find interesting questions is to create complicated sets of tag preferences or searches that match your interests; that's a lot of work for a casual reader.
This is nothing surprising though; the exact same thing has happened to countless forums, message boards, link-sharing services and every other venue where humans gather together for ages. Jeff & Joel were talking about this kind of thing during the entire design and growth phase of the site. It's expected; natural; really, really hard to avoid...
...So what next? Well, if you look around at how groups behave (say, in a city), you tend to observe a few common patterns:
Increasing regulation / social pressure to conform. I grew up in a fairly sparsely-populated area, a place where you didn't have to worry too much about social conventions most of the time - so I didn't. Moving into town meant learning a seemingly-endless list of rules: where to walk, where to stop, when to talk, how to look at others and when to avoid looking at them, how to rest, how to chew, how to say hello and when to say goodbye... It felt like every moment of my life had been taken over and dictated by a harsh set of laws that couldn't be written but would be swiftly and ruthlessly punished.
Stack Overflow is the same way: to allow thousands of people to coexist without tearing each other to ribbons requires constant social pressure on every action an individual can take lest it cause problems for someone else. And folks joining the site for the first time can feel overwhelmed, oppressed and punished by the conventions that us city-dwellers consider common manners.
Emigration. For a lot of people, this all becomes too much: they move to the suburbs, to another country, to a hermitage up in the mountains. This, too, we see here: most of the other sites in the Stack Exchange network were born from folks on Stack Overflow wanting a place to talk about something else. And people regularly stop participating entirely.
Subdivision. Maybe you stay in the city, but try to keep your interactions confined to a smaller group of people that you know and can trust: those in your building or block, club or workplace, church or support group. Over time, enough of these subdivisions grow up that it becomes impossible to consider the larger whole a "group" at all; they share some of the same space, but operate almost independently - the rare exceptions being those who facilitate in areas that must by necessity cross-cut the groups: public officials, politicians, and weirdos who don't know better than to mind their own business.
You see some of this on Stack Overflow, but the software kinda works against it; there are few good ways to facilitate communication within a group, while tags, meta, and chat are simultaneously too obscure and too widely accessible to allow such a subgroup to keep to itself. The desire is there, but it's less common than one would expect.
The weak support for subdivision is telling, I think: when the choice is between living in the middle of Times Square and heading for the hills, the latter option starts to look really appealing even when you really want to stay in the city. Stack Overflow has plenty of people who are perfectly happy following one small tag or another, but finding your way there is beyond frustrating for many users - new and old alike. This is precisely the problem that Sklivvz was working on solving three years ago, but the work never made it to completion; I expect Channels will take another crack at it.