I answered

Ignore NaN when adding input values in JavaScript

And then realised there was a duplicate when the question was marked as such.

I liked my answer and copied it to the duplicate https://stackoverflow.com/a/48447658/295783

It got deleted by a ♦ mod with the comment

Please don't post duplicate answers. If the questions are the same, answer one and vote to close the other(s) as duplicate. If they're not the same then tailor your answer to the specifics of each question.

Fair enough - so I deleted it on the original question to comply with the above comment, but cannot undelete it from the dupe since it was deleted by a ♦ moderator.

How can I restore it now that it is complying with his wishes?


1 Answer 1


It's quite simple; just flag the answer (the one you want to undelete) for moderator attention and explain the situation.

Note that you need to provide a substantially more compelling rationale than "I want this undeleted". You need to have already made an edit fixing the problem(s) leading to the post's deletion (or otherwise arranged for those problems to be resolved) before you raise the moderator flag, and you need to explain in the text of the flag itself what you have done and why it is ready for a moderator's re-review.


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