Currently, Stack Overflow has a powerful search capability which is very useful. But I believe it could be even more useful, given that so many of it's users are working in highly technical fields, such as software development. For example, I came across some C++ code that uses an operator with which I'm not familiar:
bool lessthan = !!greater(N);
I looked at a C++ reference site for information on operators, and didn't find any operator like '!!'. I cannot search for posts about this operator on SO, using 'operator !!', because the !! gets stripped as irrelevant punctuation. So I end up getting all the posts which use the word 'operator'.
I have run across this problem before with other significant symbols that are stripped as punctuation. It would be great if there was a way in SO searches to say 'search for this string of characters as-is'. But I suspect that these characters have already been stripped from the entries in the search index...
Also, given that search in SO allows for boolean operators, such as 'and' & 'or', how can someone say they want to search for posts about the use of these boolean operators in C++?
Can something be done about this? Or is there already some (secret?) way of searching for symbols that ordinarily are stripped as punctuation?
), but neither"!!"
return any results for the reason you mentioned. However, there is acode:
keyword that allows you to do this, likecode:"!!"
will do it, though I found that out from the dupe meta post a while ago, I don't see it anywhere in the help center.