I was just curious: why do we use JSFiddle within questions and answers, as it is a 3rd party website?
Does anybody have an update on this?
I was just curious: why do we use JSFiddle within questions and answers, as it is a 3rd party website?
Does anybody have an update on this?
Stack Snippets have been introduced only in 2014. Before that, JSFiddle was the usual way to make live demonstrations of your code – here is a 2010 feature request mentioning it. I guess that's why people still use it today on Stack Overflow.
Another point not covered by Glorfindel is that when using the given JavaScript/HTML/CSS snippet we are not given any option to modify the code when running. If a JSFiddle is used as well the code can be modified by the answer/asker without actually making permanent changing. This is convenient because it means answers don't have to copy and paste the text to try things.