When I originally commented here and cleared the spam flag, I didn't realize there was a wider problem at hand.
There was actually a handful of posts involved here - all from a select few users that were clearly abusing the system by posting very low-quality questions to immediately answer them, and even copy-pasting existing questions and answers from elsewhere on Stack Overflow. All of these posts definitely should have been deleted, but they are far from the definition of spam and the use of that flag was somewhat inappropriate.
I can understand what the moderator was thinking and wanting to block the users from continuing their behavior, but using the wrong flag type to achieve one goal with other annoying side-effects isn't usually the best course of action. I've gone through most of the posts and cleared the spam flags off of them so that the majority of the posts will no longer be selected as review audits that pretty much everyone fails because it's not at all clear what the problem was.
We've pointed this out to the moderator team and hopefully this problem will not repeat - we should always be careful of where we use spam and abusive flags on posts.