While putting together a JavaScript example for a question in the snippet editor, I made a programming error that caused the page to become unresponsive. (I think I had an event that just kept firing.) The only option I was given was to close the page. (In Chrome on Mac, if that matters.) Doing so lost about a half hour of work. Is it feasible to put an auto-save, crash detection, or some other mechanism in the editor?
(For now I'm going to use CodePen and paste the results in.)
To clarify, I'm not asking Stack Overflow to solve the halting problem. ;) Say the editor displayed a GUID URL with a suggestion of bookmarking that. Even if it only kept the data for a few hours, this would avoid losses. Alternately Stack Overflow could remember that user X was editing a snippet; when X returned to the site and the snippet wasn't pasted, the site could offer to restore it.