atom has resurfaced again. Now in connection to an Erlang feature. Maybe it needs to be renamed to erlang-atom, if it really makes sense - or burninated.
Atom is the name for:
- Atom Feed
- Text editor
- Erlang programming concept -- this concept is called Symbols in LISP/Ruby
- Indivisible object in Common LISP
- Atom type in Clojure (relates to atomic operations)
- Haskell EDSL
After previous burnination [Atom] was also used to indicate:
- atoms of a DNS name
- atoms as text tokens in a string split
- a number of other one-off uses
(see comment by Dan Lowe
Furthermore, thanks to @Candy Gumdrop:
"atom" in the sense described here (note by editor: indivisible object) is only really an official term in Common LISP (not Scheme / Clojure, though some people use the term when talking about Scheme). And this meaning of "atom" (a non-"cons" data type) is completely different to the atomic tag, which is talking about atomic updates to data to avoid race conditions involving concurrency. "atom" is a type in Clojure, which relates to this meaning of "atomic". "atom" in Erlang / Elixir is actually something completely different to both of these and is just the Erlang name for what are called symbols in LISP / Ruby
As it has been burninated before, I suggest it should be put on the black-list.
It is never ambiguous.
It is absolutely ambiguous. That much is evident from the four completely unrelated meanings listed in the post.