In this case, should Feature Request 2 be voted based on it's importance compared to other feature requests, such as Feature Request 1? If so, wouldn't the votes be much more volatile -since the major requests could change from time to time-?
This was the problem that the old UserVoice system that predated Meta sites worked: you got a fixed number of votes that you could apply to bugs or feature-requests, and once they were gone the only way to vote on something new was to remove a vote from a suggestion you'd previously expressed a desire to see implemented.
In theory, this was supposed to help prioritize things: if something was ranked #1-#6 (where 6 was the number of outstanding votes), that meant folks currently wanted those 6 things more than everything else...
...In practice, most folks don't have time for that sort of strategic voting. And those of us who did... Well, we may have found it easier to just create sockpuppet accounts than to tediously prune our past wish-lists every time there was a new suggestion with some merit. Or perhaps even worse, spend our time vehemently bashing other popular requests to try and discourage others from voting for them. In short, the goal was noble but the actual consequences were not great.
Meta doesn't work that way. Your votes are effectively limited only by the number of days you care to show up here and use them. So you can and usually should upvote every proposal you think has merit: the ultimate ranking will be determined by the number of people who feel the same as you do, not the aggregate weights of each individual's priorities.
That said... there's a caveat: your time is still precious. You're under no obligation to consider every feature request, and if you feel a given proposal is frivolous and stands to waste your energy and that of other readers like you simply by existing... Then you may wish to downvote it. There are endless color of the bikeshed proposals that threaten to siphon off the attention of folks who would otherwise be able to express useful opinions on areas where they have a vested interest - if you find these are becoming personally overwhelming, then indicate that. Especially if they lack freehand circles.
s withmeta
as this is about them? Would it look like a feature request? xD