I was recently going through the RabbitMQ tag, and I was appalled by the nature of many of the questions there. Most of these aren't only Rabbit questions - in fact, the worst one I saw (see screen clip below) had four tags, some of which are fairly popular.
As most of us know, a good question is far more likely to produce an answer that is useful not only to the OP, but to the community as a whole. Therefore, a systemic quality problem is a community problem. In this case, the presence of so many low quality questions on this tag makes me loathe to go in and answer any questions on the tag at all.
- Why aren't these getting caught in the "low quality" review queue automatically?
- Is there some reason why a question would only see 10-12 views after being around for a few days? This seems off to me given the massive traffic on this site.
- Is it possible to filter out questions with negative votes and/or close votes?