1) There is consensus AGAINST recommending or disrecommending any learning resources on SO: Should there be The Definitive Web Development Book Guide and List?
2) People use learning resources that are nevertheless informally frowned upon and ask questions based on what they read. Small list of examples: https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=bullschildt
3) These questions get downvoted because the downvoter dislikes the learning resource the OP used, which is absurd. Recent example: python the hard way assignment ex 36. Am I just misunderstanding the instructions? The first comment under this question, that has already gained one upvote, reads: "–1 for Zed Shaw – wim 18 mins ago"
<my POV> SO users have NO RIGHT to judge questions on the basis of the learning resource the author used exactly because they at the same time refuse to clearly state which learning resources are accepted here and which are frowned upon and may lead to the question getting downvoted. </my POV> The question askers CANNOT know which learning resources they should use and which should be avoided.