Here's a short description of the events:
- Off-topic/TB question is asked.
- Question is given a +500 bounty.
- Several days later I see the question in the bounty list, decide it's an interesting problem although the question is objectively lacking, and since the bounty shouldn't go to waste I post a CW answer.
- Mod rolls back bounty, closure protection is removed and question is closed.
The result: asker got "free publicity" for his question along with an ok-ish answer that addresses their request, for the discounted price of a few downvotes instead of the -500 he got refunded for the bounty; answerer invested quite some time compiling an answer mostly due to the possibility of earning a sizable bounty, only to find the "contract" annulled after the fact.
Clearly, there's no guarantee that I would get the bounty. However, I think this turn of events was unfair to me as an answerer, and the mod shouldn't have intervened.
Is this a new way to discourage answering bad questions?