Your comment doesn't follow the permitted inline link format, because you have more square brackets inside your link text:
[How do sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) work?](//
^ ^ ^ ^
The parser sees [How do sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]
, which is not followed by (...)
, so there is no link there.
You can escape markdown characters by using backslashes:
[How do sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr\[0\]) work?](//
at which point the link works as expected:
How do sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) work?
I fixed your comment.
You might be interested in the SE Comment Link Helper user script, which replaces Stack Exchange links with correctly formatted (escaped where needed) comment links. All you have to do is use a valid SE link in a comment and the helper will fetch the title, escape it, and wrap it in a Markdown link for you. That'll let you avoid having to manually escape special characters in titles.
section in the brackets, which causes the markdown parser to be confused what is a link and what is not.[How do sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]
the link text, or is[How do sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) work?]
? We humans know it is the latter, but it is damn hard to make the computer decide this.[
characters in the array subscription, by placing a backslash in front of both.