Can there be a mechanism to migrate old, off-topic questions in tags that are "officially" being burninated?
The scrum and agile tags, for example, have a number of popular (and often otherwise-reasonable) questions that are considered off topic now that we have Software Engineering and Project Management SE sites. There have been proposals to burninate, blacklist, or clean up those tags, and I suspect that one of them will be done eventually. Even if those particular tags aren't burninated, I think that this is still worth doing because there are bound to be other tags like this.
The community consensus is that burnination should always be done in ways that minimize information loss. This measure would help.
A few possible rules:
- The question must have a tag that's subject to an "official" burnination or cleanup effort (i.e. the migration request must be linked to a Meta post that's tagged as [status-planned] as well as [cleanup-request] or [burninate-request]).
- The question must have been closed as off-topic for one of the following reasons: General Computing, Professional Server Administration, or Custom Close reason. (Questions closed as typographical errors, insufficient information to debug, too broad, or unclear are presumably not worth migrating).
- The question must have a positive score as well as at least one answer with a positive score. (We could even say, for argument, that they must have a score of +5 or +10). Again, questions with negative scores probably aren't worth preserving.
- Edit: It would probably be a good idea to post on potential "target" site's Meta to see if they're OK with being the recipients of the questions.