For a while I had been banned out from making new questions, but today I checked and now I have been re-enabled in the system, but I'm worried about doing something against rules that might lock me out once again.
Right now, when I press the "Ask Question" button, I receive the following hint/warning:
While I was blocked I tried to improve all my questions as far as I could, correcting typos, grammar, awarding answers, etc. But I guess there might be still some more room for improvement, but I'm in need of pointers in that way, so: could anyone please assist me on such? Hopefully, based on my current questions and, not just on general site rules, as I've already tried following all of them.
Regards, to whoever would read and/or help me!
Edit...I just got this suggestion for THIS question:
But the provided link was exactly what I used to improve my older questions, so I guess is not where I should look at right now, as I hope I got all those issues already covered.
This seems to be my worst question:
Monitoring Tomcat processes CPU spikes
As it has a "-1" in votes. I've even added new info right now to try making it even better, as the received answer and the comments do provide hints on workarounds of the asked question, but not an exact answer on what I'd like to do, perhaps there's just no way to it, but that might also be a possible answer, couldn't it?