I came across the greatest-n-per-group tag when someone recently tagged a question with it, and it has a rather healthy 66 followers and 2.1k questions for what to me looks like rather an obscure tag. The Wiki says:
One of the most frequent stumpers for SQL programmers is to query rows that match the greatest (or least) value over a given group. For example, all details about the City with the largest population per state. You can't do it simply with GROUP BY because the other columns will be ambiguous.
Is there a canonical answer to this question, and if so, should there be a pointer to it in the tag wiki? This is the question using this tag, which seems to be pretty much an exact match. I'm not an SQL expert, so I don't feel qualified to suggest a solution.
(PS: I see there's also a groupwise-maximum that is much less popular and has been discussed here - perhaps I have my tags mixed up?)