I came across this question the other day: How to call a C# static method from Jquery
The OP asked a question and got a number of answers, but they didn't seem to solve his problem. Instead of editing his question to further clarify his question, or posting a comment on an existing answer to get a better understanding of the answer, he instead directly edited someone's answer to ask for further clarification.
The edit was approved here: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/17521458
However, if you take a look at the screenshots he posted instead of blindly accepting any edit which increases a post's length, you'd see he edited the answer to basically say "this answer isn't working for me, and I don't know why."
So I saw this, and figured the best thing to do was to suggest an edit, with a clear explanation in the comment section for the Reviewers to see. You can see this suggested edit (by more robo-reviewers) was rejected here: https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/17675069
Is there any other actions I should have done to remedy this post (e.g. comment at the original author of the answer)? Should I simply wait until I have 2k rep so that the buck isn't passed to robo-reviewers who don't read the question?