Update: Our v1 experiment is done. We used a template loosely based on enderland's answer for this experiment. See this post for an overview of the results.

Based on your feedback the DAG team is working on several projects related to question quality. On the low-hanging-fruit side, we’re going to A/B test some question templates. (As a bonus, we're finally getting around to addressing a feature request we've been hoping to work on for several years.)

Once we have some template variations, we’ll show them to different groups of users who have asked fewer than some number of questions and have less than some reputation. Then we’ll compare the quality of result and see if templates help improve questions or not.* The primary goal here is to validate the concept of giving new users a question template. Among the secondary goals is finding what sort of template (if any) works best.

That’s where you can help. What sort of guidance do you think would most help new askers provide the information needed to get useful answers? An obvious item that came up over and over again in the mentoring experiment is the importance of an MVCE. We can also demonstrate code block formatting, which would help many askers. But are there other, perhaps less obvious, hints we could include in a template?

Please note we are also investigating some sort of “ask your question” wizard-type feature. Templates may very well be incorporated in that eventually. We’re very much in the proof of concept stage. Exact template wording will be much less helpful than principles.

For the moment, we're focusing on Stack Overflow because it gets so many questions from new users that it'll be quicker to get statistically meaningful results. Once we have results, we should be able to transfer that knowledge to other sites on the network. For now, let's focus on guidance specific to asking code questions.


* We're working with our data analysis team to determine what metric to use. The details are coming soon, but we'll be looking at whether the question has:

  • a positive, negative or zero score
  • been answered
  • been closed (possibly excluding duplicates)
  • been deleted (possibly excluding self-deletions)

We are aiming for a (mostly accurate) way to grade each and every question submitted based on the community's feedback.

  • 24
    Highly related - meta.stackexchange.com/q/278444/193412 - this covers most problem cases for questions which are actually good fits for SO.
    – enderland
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 18:36
  • 15
    I think instead of a template i'd rather see guidance there. For example, some info from here: stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask or maybe a list of things to NOT ask about. Maybe also some just in time hints when users type in common words that derail questions, such as "best practice"
    – Kevin B
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 18:56
  • 13
    Also see: Let's improve Stack Overflow's "Ask a question" page!
    – jscs
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 23:05
  • 14
    MCVE is not the only problem. There is also number of blatantly off topic questions asking for libraries, code writing requests, too broad how to questions without research effort, opinion based questions, hardware and software related issues that don't belong on SO. IMO there should be some sort of wizard guide that would also include all above bad options and if person selects wrong one it would get the message that is not appropriate question. Only after they pass that first step, there could be some MCVE template to help them polish the question.
    – Dalija Prasnikar Mod
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 9:19
  • 5
    Funny you should post this. I placed this comment and this addendum... in Meet Team DAG! (Developer Affinity & Growth) in regards to how the "How to Ask" box should be modified; just a few upvotes but no response. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:44
  • 6
    Personally, the "front end" is probably (just) as important as what happens in the "back end". What users see in front of them, shows a better picture on how to "play their part" and what their role is when "playing ball" in the ballpark arena, as it were. The less they know, more the questions keep rolling in (like oranges) without a clear explanation of what the problem is, and/or where their code is and/or their attempt at first solving this themselves. We need to focus on what they should do, rather than having us constantly telling them/posting links in the help section etc. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:54
  • 9
    When thinking about templates, please be careful that the template should not be a prefilled part of the text you enter. I agree with Kevin B, that it should be a guidance instead of a strict template. I have seen far too many GitHub issues or other issue tracker entries where users have literally filled out the template, keeping all the terrible surrounding template structure. That’s really not improving question quality at all.
    – poke
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 13:01
  • 5
    I really think a wizard approach that can be disabled at a certain rep threshold is answer to this problem. Take a look at Chris Baker's mockups: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/253317/998328 Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:12
  • 5
    @CodyGray Random and arbitrary deletion of answers seems heavy-handed in the extreme. At a minimum, you need to give a better rationale for having done this. There was no humor in my answer, and it's hard to make the case that it amounts to "GTFO". I supposed one could make the case that my answer was not an answer to how to build a template. On the other hand, it is a perfectly reason template feature to have "exit lanes" where the poster is gently guided away from posting at all.
    – user663031
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 18:28
  • 9
    Has anyone suggested using machine learning on past bad questions to identify when new bad questions roll in? No one wants bad questions on SO, but the ones that have been asked so far are a trove of wealth for finding like items. If we train for known types of bad questions, the OP could get real-time feedback on what they're doing wrong as they're crafting their crummy question. Static guidance may help all types of bad-question-askers equally poorly by trying a 1-size-fits-all approach. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 20:30
  • 50
    Why not also (finally) raise the bar and prevent anyone from asking unless they have read How to Ask and taken the tour? If you dont require user8675309 to read the guidelines and learn how the site works, you ought not be shocked (SHOCKED, I tell you) when they post sewage. If they are not willing the expend that much effort, how much do you expect them to spend on their post? Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 1:21
  • 6
    @Plutonix: It's such a good idea, we built something similar that users with less than 10 reputation have been forced to view since June of 2009. So we're trying something else this time. Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 1:55
  • 10
    Maybe they could be motivated to produce better questions by giving them some indicator of likelihood of getting an answer - like a "Password Strength Indicator". The likelihood of getting an answer might increase with more references to places they had looked and more code blocks and more tags. Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 8:29
  • 12
    I guess the main problem with this kind of template is that it assumes that most newcomers who ask a question have essentially a good question to ask, and all they need is help in making their question complete and clear. But my perception (perhaps incorrect) is that is not the case. Most newcomers post essentially unsalvageable questions. If the template or wizard can't steer the OP into deciding NOT to post yet another debug-me NullPointerException question, I can't see this making things much better.
    – Raedwald
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 9:21
  • 13
    Why was this question posted when meta is already FULL of topics that already address the issue of new users and question quality? Templates in particular have also already been discussed with little success (low votes) from what I perceive. It does not speak well to the entire purpose of Stack Exchange question archives when the dev team itself must revert to rehashing the same topics over again. There are already many gold nuggets of great suggestions that have been posted for many years, especially regarding new users and question quality.
    – C Perkins
    Commented Oct 21, 2017 at 15:07

52 Answers 52


How about a grab from the good old Microsoft bucket?

Click in the text field to activate the assistant.

  $('.wmd-input').one('focus',function() {
    clippy.load('Clippy', function (agent) {
      var animations = agent.animations();
      $('.js-states').text(animations.join(' '));
      agent.moveTo(400, 75);
      agent.speak('Hello, I see you\'re trying to ask a question. My name is Clippy and I\'d be happy to help.');
      agent.speak("Please provide a clear description of the problem you're encountering");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
          $('.wmd-input').val("I'm trying to see if `y` equals 10 but it gives an error");
      agent.moveTo(450, 105);
      agent.speak('If your code does not work, please include the exact error message you\'re getting.');
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
          $('.wmd-input').val("I'm trying to see if `y` equals 10 but it gives an error\n\nMain.java:13: error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean");
      agent.moveTo(505, 145);
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
          $('.wmd-input').val("I'm trying to see if `y` equals 10 but it gives an error\n\nMain.java:13: error: incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean\n\n	public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception\n	{\n	    int y = 5;\n	    if(y = 10) {\n	    }\n	\n     }");
      agent.speak('Also, when you include code, don\'t forget to add four spaces before each line so it will be formatted as code.');
      agent.moveTo(25, 200);
      agent.moveTo(385, 165);
      agent.speak('You can also select your code and then hit the "format as code" button');
      agent.moveTo(185, 115);
      agent.speak("A thanks (\"thank you\") is not necessary to end your post with.");
      agent.moveTo(630, 200);
      agent.speak("So, now you can start on your own question. For that we have a couple of questions to you that you can fill out");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
           $('.wmd-input').val("# What are you trying to achieve?");
      agent.moveTo(250, 110);
      agent.gestureAt(-100, 50);
      agent.speak("Please describe in short what you are trying to achieve");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
           $('.wmd-input').val("# What are you trying to achieve?\n\n# What is the problem you're facing?");
      agent.moveTo(275, 145);
      agent.gestureAt(-100, 50);
      agent.speak("Please describe the error you're getting, and/or post the error message you're getting");
      agent._addToQueue(function(complete) {
           $('.wmd-input').val("# What are you trying to achieve?\n\n# What is the problem you're facing?\n\n# Show the code causing the problem");
      agent.moveTo(275, 185);
      agent.gestureAt(-100, 50);
      agent.speak("Please post the code that causes your problem. Try to post it without clutter or unrelated code.");
      agent.speak("People who answer should be able to use your code to reproduce the error. Please lookup MCVE in the Stack Overflow help.");
      agent.moveTo(630, 200);
.post-editor {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel='stylesheet prefetch' href='https://cdn.rawgit.com/smore-inc/clippy.js/master/build/clippy.css'>
<link rel="stylesheet prefetch" href="https://meta.stackoverflow.com/content/Shared/stacks.css?v=5bf1951d43be">
<link rel="stylesheet prefetch" href="https://meta.stackoverflow.com/content/Sites/stackoverflowmeta/primary.css?v=62e4fabfbdec">
<script src='https://cdn.rawgit.com/smore-inc/clippy.js/master/build/clippy.min.js'></script>
Click in the text field to activate assistant.
<div id="post-editor" class="post-editor js-post-editor">
    <div style="position: relative;">
        <div class="wmd-container">
            <div id="wmd-button-bar" class="wmd-button-bar"><ul id="wmd-button-row" class="wmd-button-row"><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-bold-button" title="Strong <strong> Ctrl+B" style="left: 0px;"><span style="background-position: 0px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-italic-button" title="Emphasis <em> Ctrl+I" style="left: 25px;"><span style="background-position: -20px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-spacer wmd-spacer1" id="wmd-spacer1"></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-link-button" title="Hyperlink <a> Ctrl+L" style="left: 75px;"><span style="background-position: -40px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-quote-button" title="Blockquote <blockquote> Ctrl+Q" style="left: 100px;"><span style="background-position: -60px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-code-button" title="Code Sample <pre><code> Ctrl+K" style="left: 125px;"><span style="background-position: -80px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-image-button" title="Image <img> Ctrl+G" style="left: 150px;"><span style="background-position: -100px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button wmd-snippet-button" style="left:175px" id="wmd-snippet-button" title="JavaScript/HTML/CSS snippet Ctrl-M"><span style="background-image: url(&quot;/content/Shared/balsamiq/wmd-mockup-button.png&quot;);"></span></li><li class="wmd-spacer wmd-spacer2" id="wmd-spacer2" style="left: 220px;"></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-olist-button" title="Numbered List <ol> Ctrl+O" style="left: 225px;"><span style="background-position: -120px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-ulist-button" title="Bulleted List <ul> Ctrl+U" style="left: 250px;"><span style="background-position: -140px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-heading-button" title="Heading <h1>/<h2> Ctrl+H" style="left: 275px;"><span style="background-position: -160px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-hr-button" title="Horizontal Rule <hr> Ctrl+R" style="left: 300px;"><span style="background-position: -180px 0px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-spacer wmd-spacer3" id="wmd-spacer3" style="left: 346px;"></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-undo-button" title="Undo - Ctrl+Z" style="left: 350px;"><span style="background-position: -200px -20px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button" id="wmd-redo-button" title="Redo - Ctrl+Y" style="left: 375px;"><span style="background-position: -220px -20px;"></span></li><li class="wmd-button wmd-help-button" id="wmd-help-button" title="Markdown Editing Help" style="right: 0px;"><span style="background-position: -240px 0px;"></span></li></ul></div>
            <textarea id="wmd-input" class="wmd-input processed" name="post-text" cols="92" rows="15" tabindex="101" data-min-length=""></textarea>
        <div class="grippie" style="margin-right: 0px;"></div></div>
    <div class="fl" style="margin-top: 8px; height:24px;">&nbsp;</div>
    <div id="draft-saved" class="draft-saved community-option fl" style="margin-top: 8px; height:24px; display:none;">draft saved</div>
    <div id="draft-discarded" class="draft-discarded community-option fl" style="margin-top: 8px; height:24px; display:none;">draft discarded</div>
    <div class="community-option g-row ai-center f-checkbox">
        <div class="g-col -input">
            <input id="communitymode" name="communitymode" type="checkbox">
        <div class="g-col">
            <label for="communitymode" class="f-label _small" title="Marking an answer community wiki encourages others to edit it by lowering the reputation barrier required to edit. However, you will not gain any upvote reputation from it. This cannot be undone.">community wiki</label>

  • 212
    This is awesome. (Shame the snippet output is so small)
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 9:00
  • 49
    yea, you can still click full screen though. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 9:01
  • 21
    "don't forget to add four spaces before each line" - sounds like an exquisite torture. I'd recommend replacing that hint with something like "click on the 'format code' button" or adding <pre><code>.
    – yeputons
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 11:04
  • 32
    it's clippy, isn't that all about torture? Also, feel free to code in example help things you feel like could be added ;-) Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 11:40
  • 12
    It must respond to voice though so you can ask it questions without having to do something as outdated as typing. How long to develop that?
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:32
  • 14
    @Tschallacka the only answer I accept is "6-8 weeks".
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:57
  • 14
    The answer is cool, the idea is terrible. Please don't do that, there is a reason Microsoft removed it(it sucked). Unless this was obvious joke to everybody then please ignore my comment.
    – Oleg
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 16:01
  • 29
    I just take every oppurtunity i get to showcase clippy ;-) Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 16:06
  • 101
    L E T C L I P P Y D I E Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:08
  • 20
    I think this qualifies for the rude or abusive flag: A reasonable person would find this content inappropriate for respectful discourse.
    – jpyams
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:25
  • 104
    I am torn. I can't in good conscience upvote clippy, but at the same time, this is awesome. :/ Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 19:20
  • 12
    Did you know that clippy is the most hated virtual assistant ever made?
    – juergen d
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 16:03
  • 58
    I am reluctantly upvoting this.
    – Haney
    Commented Oct 21, 2017 at 21:17
  • 17
    That awkward moment when you try to shoot Clippy, but all the bullets pass through... Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 5:51
  • 33
    Obviously, Clippy has to be replaced with a unicorn. Other than that, Clippy was hated because it popped up when you didn't want it/need it. "Hi, it looks like you are writing a letter!" No I'm not, GTFO and let me work! Coding it so that it only pops up when actually needed is quite a challenge, one that Microsoft failed.
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 9:39

edit - other suggestions here are better.

Here's the deal.

Most people asking bad questions won't grok the idea of MVCE and understand that enough. Because getting there requires a lot more understanding than they have.

So you have to spoon feed it.

Most programming questions on SO would be 100x better if the OP included:

  1. What are you trying to do?
  2. What is your code that currently tries to do that?
  3. What do you expect the result to be?
  4. What is the actual result?

There are issues with conceptual questions not fitting that framework (sort of, I'd argue conceptual questions are a different category and small enough that it's not an issue as most first time question askers don't ask them anyways). But nearly all programming questions that answer those four questions correctly will be answerable or duplicatedable (tm).

Also, "how do I do X?" types of questions are slightly hit by this. But I don't really have a problem expecting people to at least try.

My assumption is this template will be prepopulated text into the question box like:

question template

Metrics from here would still work fine.

  • 39
    It's worth noting that a full MVCE would be an absolutely great outcome. But I don't think anyone who reads the wasteland of the questions that need improvement would expect that people could go from "gimme teh codez pls" to a valid MVCE..
    – enderland
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 18:43
  • 38
    @Jaydles I expect a lot of people answeirng "I haven't tried anything so I'll leave this section blank." I want SO to help develop people to be better software engineers. Requiring a slight bit of effort on the part of people asking questions is a small gesture but goes a long way towards that goal imo..
    – enderland
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 18:49
  • 6
    I assume the problem with the reworded version is that it leaves an opening for the user to just skip it rather than providing what they tried. but that opening is always there anyway.
    – Kevin B
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 18:53
  • 3
    Just to be clear, when we are A/B testing, you won't know which users got which template. Plus, there will be a control group who gets the same empty box as always. I expect folks will continue to vote as they always do: on the content of the question and not the identity/background of the asker. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:07
  • 4
    You had me up until your commentary starting with 'For what it's worth I would also like..." this is a going to be a test initially, some people will get the template, others won't. Voting should still be done based on the question not whether or not they followed a template.
    – Taryn
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:10
  • 2
    @bluefeet my assumption was this would be prepulated into the question box. Is that not the case?
    – enderland
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:11
  • 20
    @JonEricson I think this is where our goals may be different. I want to optimize the SO experience for everyone, primarily question answerers and secondarily question askers. I want something to make it so people who blatantly ignore the "asking a question" requirements not waste the time of people who spend their time trying to help people. If someone literally cannot follow a template such as either the image or the (4) points the level of effort I want people to expend to help them to be as close to zero as possible.
    – enderland
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:29
  • 7
    I think our goals are the same. But imagine an intersection where people keep getting into accidents. The city might come along and put up a warning sign and say that further accidents are not the city's problem. (This is the position I think you are taking.) On the other hand, the city could dig a bit deeper and look for other underlying problems and solutions. (This is my position.) If a template solves the problem, great! But my guess is that it's just one small part of a bigger solution. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:36
  • 4
    Another option here would be to just blacklist portions of the template such that the question could not be posted with it in place. But... This feels like solving the wrong problem up-front; if that ends up being commonplace, templates are probably the wrong solution here.
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:41
  • 5
    @Oleg: Maybe less like a stop sign and more like a dangerous bend sign. The cops continue to enforce the existing rules as always. The city could remove, change or augment the sign without any change to enforcement. (Except, of course, one would want to have fewer tickets and whatnot with the sign than without.) We've tried the "punish lazy askers" thing for years and long past time we try something else. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 20:01
  • 20
    "We've tried the 'punish lazy askers' thing for *years*..." Sort of. What we've done is like "punishing" coyotes by not letting them into the house to sit down at the dinner table. But they don't give two toots about that. They just want a sheep to eat. And we don't do a whole lot to prevent them from getting their sheep, or to keep them out of the paddock in the first place until we know that they're here to farm, not steal.
    – jscs
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 23:33
  • 32
    @JoshCaswell that's unfair to the coyotes. They never communicate any lies such as 'I searched all the other farms and could not find any sheep at all'. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 8:16
  • 47
    I just looked over my top 10 questions by score, and then over the top 10 questions by score on all of Stack Overflow. Not one of them fits the format of this template or could reasonably be contorted to fit into it. I completely oppose presenting users with this template; it's incorrect for all non-debugging questions, but most debugging questions are crap and this template does nothing to combat the two of the most common ways that they're crap - the code provided being incomplete or too long. We should not be optimising for slightly-less-abrasive sand at the cost of excluding all pearls.
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 16:20
  • 6
    I wouldn't put the code at the very top. Defeats the purpose of summaries/previews in questions page. Start with a short description of the problem instead. Also consider changing the title watermark text to "what would be a good search phrase to find a solution to your problem?" Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 18:03
  • 17
    -1 Like your previous template, this suggestion still makes new users think SO is a "fix my code" service. It's not. It's a "teach me things so I can fix my own code" service.
    – jpmc26
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 23:28

There's a bit of information that the current ask-question page strongly implies an asker should have, maybe even assists them in obtaining, asks them to include, but doesn't currently demand: research.

Let's face it: in the areas where we see the most frustration over low-quality questions, the problem is invariably that most of them have already been asked in one form or another. Which leaves two possibilities:

  1. The asker didn't understand the answer(s) on the existing questions(s) they found when searching, or...
  2. ...the asker didn't search.

Now, #2 is probably quite a bit less likely than we often assume. Something like 95% of all traffic to the site comes from search engines, so folks who don't search are in a tiny minority right from the start...

But even for folks who long ago bookmarked the site and now use it as their first option when a problem arises, we try really hard to prevent #2 from happening: there's an interstitial with a search box on it for new askers, the ask page automatically searches for a title once one is entered, and the entire sidebar fills in with related questions once a question is typed.

Which means at some point if you're still typing a question, you probably have a whole pile of links to existing questions that didn't solve your problem.

Thing is, the folks reading the question after it's asked can't see the hours put into fruitless searching. They just see a question that looks an awful lot like a bunch of existing questions. If only the asker had summarized their research...

Let's ask for that research right off the bat.

##I've already read the following related questions but they didn't solve my problem

<!-- enter links to other questions you found while researching your problem
     and explain why they didn't help -->

1. question one link "Didn't help because..."
2. question two link "Didn't help because..."
  • 3
    Not sure what your point is, @oleg. These aren't intended to be shocking revelations. Most people who use SO don't even have an account much less ask questions - that's sorta the whole point. I've posted numbers on the rest before too. Getting folks to share their research has been a constant headache for, oh, about 8 years now, because it makes everything difficult when they don't. I don't see why that should be controversial.
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 1:42
  • 81
    When faced with 'I searched the whole internet and could not find anything to help', I often comment 'Please tell us what search string/s you used so that we might suggest a better one', (knowing that copying the OP's title into Google will surely return millions of matches). So far, I've had no responses. 100% OP failure. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 7:43
  • 15
    That 95% coming into SO from a search engine, how much of that lands on a actual question? How many google (for example) "stackoverflow" or "Programming questions" and end on the frontpage?
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 7:48
  • 1
    This has made me think back to an old feature request I made: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/260039/…
    – Tanner
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 8:26
  • 6
    #2 should be the asker didn't search enough. There are plenty of people with a short attention span out there who don't go beyond 1 or 2 search results and even then they can be prone to only skim rather than effectively read. If we're going to bring more attention to research then we had better define very well what is research: it is definitely not spending less than 2 minutes in any search engine.
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 11:42
  • 2
    @Gimby Re: "... we had better define very well what is research: it is definitely not spending less than 2 minutes in any search engine.": Shog kinda did that in his answer here. It's about linking the questions that you looked at which are similar but didn't solve your problem. Note that doing so is not—and should not be—required, but it can be helpful to do so. This is about giving advice to those who would benefit, not standing over them cracking a whip.
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 18:32
  • 10
    One wrinkle here is that we can't ask users with less than 10 rep to include more than two hyperlinks. (Unless this restriction excludes links to other questions on the site? Even so, it'll be frustrating if those folks want to link to outside documentation instead.) Maybe search strings as @MartinJames suggested? Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 19:40
  • 6
    I kinda feel like this is getting into the weeds, @Cerbrus... But, looking at Google Analytics, about 14% of searches lead to the homepage (and about a third of them bounce - no further page-views on the site). Also: based on the internal data I have available, folks ask questions after viewing an existing question about twice as often as they ask questions after viewing the homepage. For new users (no account prior to asking), it's about 3 times as many. Finally, about 6% of askers search from the interstitial page and about 7% click one of the automatic search results on the ask page.
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 19:42
  • 3
    A shockingly tiny amount as a % of the whole, @Cerbrus - under half of 1%. That's still a big absolute number simply because SO gets a lot of traffic, but the vast, vast, vast majority of folks find what they're looking for and go on with their day; asking a question is a failure path.
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 19:55
  • 3
    Big numbers are hard. 10,000 questions in a day is a lot of questions, but a drop in the bucket in terms of folks visiting the site. Most people using Stack Overflow do not ask questions; those that do are a rounding error.
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 20:10
  • 2
    If the links and especially the "didn't help because" go into the question body, I think it would be distracting and a bit against the "knowledge repository" idea. Could this be posted as comments instead? Each link/explanation as one comment for example.
    – alain
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 20:38
  • 3
    I donno, @alain - cross-links to related questions can be handy. Probably shouldn't be the first thing in the question body though.
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 20:43
  • 10
    @JonEricson Maybe it's time to revisit the link restriction. What was it put there for, and what does it do now? If anything, allowing people to put unlimited hyperlinks in their post would make it easier for SmokeDetector and others to catch them.
    – Undo Mod
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 19:17
  • 2
    @JeffreyBosboom For the record, badges have literally zero impact on me. IMO the only metric remotely motivating is rep
    – Passer By
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 5:01
  • 5
    Random idea, use a cookie to remember their searches for the last 5-10 since before starting to enter a question. No searches, strong suggestion that they search. Also note that some bug reporting systems, like for Firefox or WebKit have forms that effectively say "I searched and did not find anything" which is how you actually get to the "enter a bug" page. In fact I think it's firefox that you enter your title, it gives a list of results, only after seeing that list of results are you allowed to pick "My issue is not listed above" and enter a bug. imgur.com/a/lIH6R
    – gman
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 15:04

Please don't add a template in the text field.

  • New users have problems enough formatting their questions without there being any markdown in the field, already: We regularly see enter code here in questions.
  • This will result in users just posting the template, resulting in more maintenance to remove template left-overs.
  • There is no format that is a good fit for all questions, meaning you'll be misleading part of your new users.

If you want to (strongly) suggest a specific format, you'd need to split the question into separate fields, much like how Chromium bug reports can be submitted:

(Obviously the fields would be different)

enter image description here

  • 1
    What if a user don't have an url to reproduce? Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 8:11
  • 35
    As you can see in the screenshot, the url isn't a required field. Also, note "much like how...". I'm not claiming these are the desired fields, just that I prefer separate fields over a template in the text.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 8:13
  • 1
    Now this I like. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 13:00
  • 11
    Fully agree that we shouldn’t give a template to fill out. But I also don’t think a fill-out form will work either, for the same reason you already mentioned: “There is no format that is a good fit for all questions”. – I would rather see some checklist of stuff to include.
    – poke
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 13:04
  • @poke: That's be nice. Just like the ones you sometimes see for password fields, maybe requiring 90% of the checkmarks to be checked....
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 13:07
  • Yes, this. On the Tweakers.net forum they do this when posting a hardware recommendation topic. Plenty of topics are opened with all the placeholders there, not entered but skipped altogether, under which the OP asks "Is graphics card X a good fit for game Y?". Anyway, if we build this wizard, it should be customizable per tag. Regex questions should have entirely different inputs than, say, C# questions.
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:40
  • 5
    Does that bug report page really say, "Does this feature work correctly other browsers?"
    – canon
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:17
  • I am strongly for at least two input fields -- since we really really want users to show relevant code, why not add a field where you can paste code and have it included with code-formatting automatically.
    – Gus
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:42
  • @Gus: Often, we need multiple different code snippets in an question / answer. One field isn't really practical.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 19:26
  • 4
    As I mentioned in the question, this is another path we are looking at. The advantage of question templates is that they are much easier to implement, test and modify. Let's not forget the lessons of Documentation so quickly. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 19:46
  • 3
    I want to upvote your answer for the parts you wrote, but the mere presence of a bug report page screenshot makes me very uncomfortable with upvoting. There's already so much emphasis on bug reporting elements here.
    – jpmc26
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 23:41
  • 6
    @jpmc26: That screenshot is just an example of a form. It's an example of how you'd split up the fields. Nowhere am I suggesting we use something close to this format.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 5:31
  • 1
    @Cerbrus Yeah, I know. I guess it just bothers me because I know people skim and misunderstand. Not really asking you to change it. Just... expressing my displeasure. xD
    – jpmc26
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 6:08
  • 2
    @Skipper: Even something as basic as enter code here isn't properly formatted by some new users. How is adding more template syntax going to help them?
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 7:12
  • 2
    I really like this idea, but if you do implement this for new users, please make it toggle-able for everyone (assisted/free-form toggle): I envision a new user asking a good first question and getting enough up-votes to no longer qualify for the template, so then they'll get shoved into the deep end and we'll just get 50-150 rep users asking what 1 rep users used to ask. This also potentially fixes the wizard not being a good fit for all questions: "Your question doesn't fit the form? Switch to free-form" (or would it be form-free in this case?) Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 18:09

How about introducing a Question Score (Question Strength)?

When an OP writes the question inside the editor, the score will increase or decrease based on the input. Something similar to this GIF:


The question strength can be computed based on the information entered in the template as illustrated in the below image (PS It's just an illustration): (Score from 20)


The question score can convey OP about many things regarding the questions viz.:

  • Question Quality (If the question score is less, the question potentially is unfit for the site, or might attract downvotes).
  • Probable response the question likely to receive (a fair question score indicates that question is fit enough to receive a positive response).
  • Possible improvements (Consider the above image. Suppose the OP enters template section 2 only and does not write his problem in template section 1, he will not get 4 points; this will indicate to the OP to fill that particular section in detail, leading to an improved score and overall question improvement)

The Boosters:

  • We can further expand this idea by awarding badges, for example, >5 questions with full question score, >100 questions with full question score, etc.
  • The question score can be displayed in the review queues (First Posts, Edit Review Queues, etc.) that will help reviewers to take more quicker and clearer decisions.

The Pros:

  • Asking question will be little interactive. The static template alone might not do the magic alone.
  • Since this will be done while a question is being asked, it is more likely that the efforts spent to cleanup and sort number of questions by reviewers may decrease automatically.

The Cons:

  • Determining a threshold and proper score (can be solved by experts who have data).
  • In case when template is erased fully, how will a score be determined (can be solved by programmers).
  • 6
    This is a very good idea! Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 8:10
  • 42
    Interestingly, we do have a quality score we use to screen out questions before they are posted. We don't go into a lot of detail about what trips the filter because it'd be easier just bypass it. Last week 47% of all attempts to ask were blocked by one of our many quality filters. Showing the score dynamically as you suggest is an interesting idea for the next few steps of this project (the wizard design). It's not something we'll be able to do with the simple template. Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 17:44
  • 4
    @JonEricson woah 47% is indeed a huge number! Will wait till the tests/suggestions for the wizard design begins on meta then :) Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 2:57
  • 6
    If you want to make this super effective, allow questions on the front page to be sorted by question score. Natural selection will prevent bad questions from getting attention. Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 19:44
  • 1
    We could combine this idea with a wizard (which I really like) and score them on each part. They must achieve a certain score on each panel to proceed. If they don't have research to document (which is represented by a 0 score on this panel of the wizard), then they can't get past this panel and therefore can't finish their submission. This prevents bad questions from being asked but still guides askers as to what they need to do to finish their submission... go do research, provide an MCVE, and so on. The wizard walks them through the process and the ratings score the quality of each part.
    – JeffC
    Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 14:48
  • 3
    I'm positive that some abstract, god-knows-how defined "score" is a bad idea. It'll only make people bump around aimlessly, trying to satisfy the incomprehensible tin can - or game the system if/when they finally see which changes have an effect. A wizard is even worse, it puts a rigid limitation on workflow that is hard to manage (template's limitations are not rigid, it only makes it harder to ignore it so that only those who want it badly enough will bother to). Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 14:07
  • @ivan_pozdeev I never mentioned that a user won't be able to post a question with low score anywhere in the answer. Score is just an indication to the OP about his question quality,about his question likely to be received by community etc. With less question score, not the OP but the mods, reviewers will have ease in sorting and cleaning up question. And those (new users esp) who would try to increase there question score, will reduce number of low quality and duplicate question automatically. I think same might apply to wizards too, that would help (new users mostly) to frame a good question. Commented Oct 28, 2017 at 4:42
  • 3
    "Last week 47% of all attempts to ask were blocked by one of our many quality filters" Jesus Hernandez Christ on a bicycle.
    – Ian Kemp
    Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 10:19
  • 1
    Even if you don't like the score idea itself (but I do!) - the fact that there is a visual feedback that actually catches the eye and tickles the ego is already something to consider. Maybe the labels need to "hurt" a little more though, just seeing that it is weak probably won't make people in a hurry to outsource problems care all that much.
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 10:45
  • 1
    This is an excellent idea - especially considering that they already have filters in place! This could be implemented with a question template
    – user3956566
    Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 9:04
  • 4
    wow 47% @JonEricson that's very high -- has this number been going up over time? Commented Nov 4, 2017 at 21:48
  • 1
    Even if the OP doesn't see the score, the reviewers seeing it could be helpful Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 15:25
  • 3
    @JeffAtwood: Not particularly. Other than spam season, it's been in the 40-50% range since 2012. (Actually, that's probably not quite right. Some blocks were in effect a few months before they were logged in the database.) Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 21:05
  • 3
    Need this feature, new people like me are frequently banned without any reason. I don,t know why!!! May be this feature will warn us newbies to correct mistakes spot on. Also similar questions based on tag and title so that we know in advance its duplicate. Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 11:22
  • 2
    @PulkitSharma If you're question banned, edit your questions as it asks you to. If, once you've improved your questions to the best of your ability and waited a day or two, you are still banned, ask nicely in chat or meta, trying to make your question as specific as possible, after making sure that your meta question is high-quality and not a duplicate.
    – wizzwizz4
    Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 19:51

The essence of the problem is that the people who post low-quality questions DO NOT come to SO to ask a question. They come to SO to solve a problem.

This is an important distinction. The "good" OP actually wants to know what's going on, so they ask a proper question. The "usual" OP just wants the blooming thing to compile/run/produce results. Stack Overflow is just a magic wand they can wave to make the problem go away.

The question becomes, how do you make the problem solvers to cooperate at producing answerable questions (good questions would be too much to ask for)?

My suggestion is to lure them by explicitly offering to solve their problem.

At least one section of the Wizard should start:

"Help! My program does not work!"

From there you can branch into "Compilation error" (whole screen, with detailed explanation of what compiler is and may be links to many language-specific pages), "IDE error", "Linker Error", "I don't know what this thing is saying" and so on.

Eventually we'd get to ask for MCVE and maybe even post the question. But the first step has to offer help in solving the problem, or the authors of "Question: how do I do this?" will not even see the rest.

To illustrate the point: here is a typical problem solving question that would benefit from a wizard (at least in the state it is as of this edit):

C++ Battleship game, variable update doesn't work

  • 5
    That's an interesting point of view. But I would argue that we do not want people not to ask for their problem. However, we want them to ask for it according to the rules, such that the question and any potential answer is useful for everyone, or at least those with a similar problem. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:37
  • 8
    @ImportanceOfBeingErnest To be fair, I'd prefer the "problem solvers" to not ask at all. But I realize I am at best a minority and maybe a lonely misanthrope around here.
    – user3458
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:39
  • 4
    @ImportanceOfBeingErnest To address your actual comment: what I propose is not to prevent the "solve my problem" questions from being asked. My goal is same as yours: "we want them to ask for it according to the rules". The point I am making is that the best way to achieve that goal is to recognize the "solve my problem" as a type of question that needs guidance, and provide that guidance in a way that would appeal to the problem solvers. Catching flies with honey and all that.
    – user3458
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:42
  • Ah ok, I may have misinterpreted that. Now my problem with that approach would be that you actually do invite people to come up with their actual problem instead of the filtered, minimal and verifiable version of it. But it's definitely worth thinking about. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:47
  • 1
    @ImportanceOfBeingErnest People come to us with problems no matter what. The template (It should rather be a wizard) allows us an opportunity to extract relevant information out of them and in some cases solve the problem before they post the question.
    – user3458
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:49
  • @Arkadiy Questions not backed by actual problems tend to be relatively useless. You get people asking "how do I frozzbubble", without actually explaining what frozzbubble is well enough to work out what they actually need. Instead they have some nebulous concept in their head and answerers have to read their mind. Concrete questions about real problems that are well framed both well define the problem and permit "actually, your real problem is 1 step removed" answers. Both groundless questions, and random code spew, aren't good questions. Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 18:27
  • Indeed, and that's why I propose a wizard. The wizard may be able to turn "My program does not frozzbubble!" Into "The code below, when compiled with such and such compiler, run with such and such arguments, does bubble then froz. I expect it to do froz then bubble. I expect it to do froz first because the froz() function is first in the file. Why is froz not done first?" This is still a "solve my problem" question, but at least it can be answered.
    – user3458
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 18:32
  • 3
    I would refer to the question linked at the bottom of your post as a "debugging style question". Many questions present a problem in need of solving, not all problems in need of solving are debugging problems.
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 23:12
  • 2
    @Yakk Handwaving about imagined questions in an overly general manner is not helpful. If "frozzbubble" is a well defined task, and implementing and explaning the implementation of said task is not too broad of a topic for Stack Overflow, then it doesn't need a back-story, the last ten code snippets that the user wrote that didn't solve the problem, etc. Such questions are "how-to" style questions, and those questions are inherently on-topic without all of that unhelpful nonsense that people nag about unnecessarily in the comments.
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 23:17
  • @TinyGiant It is not entirely obvious what is unhelpful nonsense unless you already know the root of the problem, which is exactly what is being asked in debug questions.
    – Passer By
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 5:18
  • 9
    Agree that the best outcome in many cases would be if the OP does not ask a question. I think the wizard idea may be helpful, but only if enough of its paths end in a message such as "the question you are trying to ask is not on topic for SO" and redirects the user to google to do some research.
    – l4mpi
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 11:59

Tailor the template to the type of question being asked

I understand why the focus for the template is on debugging questions. This is one of the bigger problems we face with questions. Debugging questions come in missing one or more of the necessary ingredients like it's going out of style. I think a template in this regard is a very good idea.

However... (and that's a big however) There are other types of questions that have different necessary ingredients. I don't know the specific statistics, but I think it's safe to assume that questions which aren't about debugging an error are similarly common to those that are.

There is already so much focus on the problems with debugging questions that other types of questions are regularly closed for the "Debugging / No MCVE" reason even though they aren't debugging questions. Focusing on debugging questions will be confusing for those asking different types of questions.

The natural solution to me would be to prompt the asker for the type of question they are asking before giving them a template, and tailor the template to the type of question being asked.

  • 2
    In the mentoring experiment, we did see that an awful lot of questions from new users were related to code not working. It might be that simple templates will cause more problems then they will solve. That's fine, as long as we learn a thing or two. Whether templates work or not, we'll have a better idea on how to create a guided asking experience that really works. Figuring out what sort of question a user is asking might be the first step there. We'll see. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 20:28
  • 44
    @JonEricson, Perhaps what's appropriate, prior to showing a template, is to have the user select from a set of radio buttons as to why they are asking a question. For example: "My code doesn't work the way I want"; "There's a concept I have a question about";[some other options]; "My question is not specifically about programming" (direct them to some other site); and "My question is specifically about programming, but doesn't fit any of the above". Obviously, those are just off the top of my head, but it allows you to tailor the template to the type of question the OP thinks they have.
    – Makyen Mod
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 2:43
  • 26
    This is what I'm worried about: Stack Overflow being reduced to "debug-my-code-for-me". Not the first time I've expressed this concern either.
    – BoltClock
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 6:58
  • 5
    @BoltClock indeed. It's all a conspiracy between Hollywood and the profs/TA's to portray software development as 'writing code that works immediately if you are a good programmer', rather than engineering where continual loops round testing/debugging are always required to get software fit for purpose:( This is blatantly obvious from the many posts: 'I dont' understand - my code compiles with no errors or warnings, but still segfaults'. Myself, I would start by exterminating the current crop of profs/TA's;) Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 8:09
  • 6
    @BoltClock Yeah, I agree, it's a drag. IMO "debug my code for me" questions are a very weak subset of what SO used to be able to accomplish. There's some useful information in that genre but the more conceptual questions tend to get more done with less; even a straightforward "How do I..." question is probably more useful to readers than 8 paragraphs of boilerplate "why your code doesn't work". It's also a lot more awkward to write self answered QA if SO only accepts "debug my code" questions.
    – jrh
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:22
  • 4
    Yes, it would be great if the templates would help people to ask actual questions, not submit help tickets. There really aren't that many categories of on-topic questions, but a good template for each category of question would be counterproductive when applied to a question of a different category. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 13:54
  • 4
    Y'know, this doesn't have to focus on debugging questions... I kinda suspect MCVE showed up a lot in the mentoring stuff because it's an easy (and often-useful) bit of advice, whereas improving a "HOWTO" question kinda requires a bit more domain knowledge. If you can think of prompts that'd be useful for not-debugging questions, propose 'em! I did...
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:51
  • 7
    @Shog9 My main issue with MCVEs is that they tend to artificially narrow the scope of otherwise widely applicable questions. Yes, so do most askers anyway, but I don't fancy being restricted just because new askers (I specifically use that verbiage because I've seen 20k users who then ask a question for the first time and it's bad) aren't used to how the site works.
    – BoltClock
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 5:26
  • 4
    @BoltClock "My main issue with MCVEs is that they tend to artificially narrow the scope of otherwise widely applicable questions." - eh? I'm on your side that a debugging-based question template would be a bad thing, but this particular claim seems confused to me. An MCVE generally broadens the audience of a debugging question by changing it from "why does my particular 1000-line application throw a FrobError" to "why does a FrobError get thrown in this simple circumstance that applies to many people?"
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 11:02
  • 5
    @MarkAmery I believe boltclock was talking about cases of how to questions where people request an MCVE, which then turns the how to question into a debugging style question, hence making the question less widely applicable.
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 14:27
  • 5
    @TinyGiant ah, right, yeah. That happens, and it's awful. The "what have you tried" crowd and their misguided mission to eliminate all questions other than "debug my wall of code" from Stack Overflow are a disease that the community hasn't yet managed to expunge.
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 14:28
  • 2
    @MarkAmery I agree
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 20:10
  • 4
    @PeterCordes "I don't want SO to turn into a code-writing service either" - some folks will disagree with me, but personally, I'm happy for us to be a code-writing service for any code that satisfies both of two conditions: 1) it's short enough to reasonably belong in a Stack Overflow answer rather than a library (though that still might be 100+ lines in rare cases), and 2) it's a generic yet well-specified task that many people will want to achieve and Google for a solution to. The bad code-writing questions are the "please completely implement all of my business logic" ones.
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 21:21
  • 4
    @PeterCordes in other words, I consider the categories of "write some code for me" and "debug some code for me" to both contain a full range of great to terrible questions. The key factor, to me, is whether the question-framing effort has been put in to create a question that is simultaneously narrowly specified and broadly applicable. In the debugging case that generally means showing a common error using an MCVE, but it's equally possible in the "how-to" or "write me some code" case just by thoughtfully narrowing down the task.
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 21:26
  • 2
    @PeterCordes With the caveat that I've never written assembly and might be missing assembly-specific nuances, I think I'd break the category of questions you're describing down a little. If the question is well-framed, broadly applicable, and not a duplicate, then I don't think the fact that it's "simple" should count against it - there's nothing innately wrong with questions being basic. Even if the question is directly answered in the language's docs, answering it is a great opportunity to introduce beginners to those docs with a link and a quote. On other other hand... (TBC)
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 21:38

How about this, cribbing a bit from Civil Comments:

Before you can submit your new question, you must first review three new questions from other users.

The guidance would give specific steps on how to rate the questions:

  • does it show research?
  • can you understand it?
  • is it clear and complete?

And in a surprise twist...

Now you need to review your own question by the same criteria

Because we all know everyone else's code is terrible, but ours is awesome, right? What better way to learn what makes a great question than guided review of questions from other new users, then turning that terrible critical eye on ourselves?

This would also solve the problems of new questions being posted without any review, and add a bit higher barrier for new questions to get in the system. As Jon noted 47% (!) of new questions are currently blocked by the quality heuristics, which is great, but if we could involve peer review here without blowing up the review queues this could be a real game changer.

  • 1
    This reminds me a lot of the idea posted by Tanner a while ago. Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 17:34
  • 2
    I love this idea - any idea to demonstrate some awareness of the question poster. I've noticed these types of ideas don't catch on, people tend to argue that they inhibit experienced people from posting on the site. People with programming experience shouldn't be too offended to step over a couple of hurdles to join the site.
    – user3956566
    Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 18:11
  • 1
    I'm pretty sure this would see 99% of users just considering this a pesky, arrogant task, clicking "Looks OK" 3 times and then posting. Kind of like Triage, except way worse. And when you say "This would also solve the problems of new questions being posted without any review", you're not actually suggesting to create a new, broader Triage reviewed only by new users?
    – Kyll
    Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 19:28
  • 1
    @PaulStenne If the buttons are clicked "quickly" and the user hasn't passed the audit, it'll display a message like "looks like you clicked through this" and make the user do it again.
    – wizzwizz4
    Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 20:07
  • I like this because, for the users we actually want to keep, it's a gentle on-boarding to the site culture. I don't think it will make much of a dent on the users we want to shoo away, but that's okay. Commented Nov 14, 2017 at 3:31
  • The questions presented to user this way may not be real questions being asked right now. These questions may be specifically designed to show what is allowed and what is not.
    – svgrafov
    Commented Nov 15, 2017 at 15:41
  • 2
    @YvetteColomb I am increasingly convinced that /ask page hurdles (nice, awesomely designed, educational ones) are precisely what is needed, and urgently Commented Oct 22, 2018 at 8:55
  • 1
    @JeffAtwood I don't know what weight you pull, but pull it stat. btw, nice to finally meet you. :)
    – user3956566
    Commented Oct 22, 2018 at 9:04


A suggestion that takes no effort to implement, with the same effect and fits the question discussed here:

In the question template, there should be a suggestion,

If your program returns an error message, make it the title of your question.

When followed by the OP, it will trigger the suggested answers mechanism with (hopefully) decent accuracy. And will help Google to find this question when it's the first question regarding such an error.

There should be a dedicated input field for the error message. That will improve the process dramatically, as it will allow for a system that provides a correct list of suggested answers, not to mention other benefits like correct formatting, less discussion in the comments, better answers, etc.

This field obviously should be made non-required, and could be left empty.

  • 3
    Obviously this is outside the scope of this particular meta question. That said, it would be interesting to have a catalog of all questions related to a particular error string. Well, maybe not "syntax error". (Most of those are just missing semicolons. ;) Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 6:03
  • 5
    +1 for using the specific error message for suggesting related questions, works well enough for samebug.io (doesn't always get the greatest results, but at least it's more useful than SO search). And @JonEricson if somebody types "syntax error" into this field, you could just block the submission or redirect them to a general "what is a syntax error and how do I solve it" article, as somebody who is not able to solve a missing semicolon by themselves obviously lacks the required minimal understanding to ask questions.
    – l4mpi
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 12:17
  • 3
    "I ran my code and there was no error message, it just didn't work!" ... says every other asker...
    – JeffC
    Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 14:52
  • 2
    @JeffC that's true but irrelevant. This field is for ones who have one. Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 15:04

Display the tag wiki for each tag added by the user.

  1. The tag wiki, for instance, contains a wealth of information for diagnosing a problem and a long list of FAQs (which I personally use to close ~10 duplicates a week). I would expect many users to simply click through to get back to writing their question, but it would at least provide a starting place for those more interested in getting an answer than seeing their question posted.

  2. This could also encourage people to beef up other tag wikis.

  3. It could discourage people from adding irrelevant tags to their questions.

  • 6
    This is a really interesting idea. Tag wikis have long been underutilized and giving them more visibility at the time questions are being composed seems like a natural. The trick is to avoid dumping yet another wall of text on people. (Though this particular wall of text has a better than average chance to make a difference.) Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 20:19
  • 11
    Linking to them (say, under the tag entry field as tags are selected) seems like a good idea. They're already linked from the pop-up that appears as you type in tag names, but I'd wager most folks don't see the little (i) icon much less realize it's a link.
    – Shog9
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 20:22
  • Props to any proposal to reduce mistagging
    – Passer By
    Commented Nov 4, 2017 at 18:27

In principle the How to ask a good question guide has all the details in that are needed to ask a question, which can be answered. The first action to take might hence be to remove the "good" from the title and make it the definitive guide to asking a question. (I've seen new users argue that they don't want to ask a particularly good question.) Also, it should't say that it is a guide to "improve chances for getting an answer", but simply that every question should stick to this guide.

Any template or clickable guide or so could just stick very closely to what the How to ask guide tells us.

One thing this guide isn't very good at is making it clear that every question needs a problem description and explaining what a problem description really is. It's all there, but rather implicitely.
I often have the impression that bad questions are being asked simply due to the lack of understanding what a problem description is and why it is needed.
This may be due to a misconception of the term "problem". It is often confused with a "task" (Or a problem is seen as a task that one doesn't know how to solve.)

The understanding that a problem is not simply a task is key and I would even dare to say that everyone who has this understanding will be able to ask an answerable question. The fact that one needs to make the problem understandable/reproducible for others is then just a corrolary.

One problem often observed with MCVEs is that people do understand "minimal", but not "complete" or "verifiable". If possible one should make it clear that the emphazis is on all three of them.

If the How to ask guide is updated accordingly, I could imagine to add a confirmative and mandatory checkbox for a UI:

☑ I have read and understood "How to ask", "Minimal complete verifiable example"
☑ My question includes a clear problem description, not only a task.

Also, one might opt for

☑ I've included all details (MCVE of code, error traceback, system in use) 
  to let others reproduce the problem. 
☐ I haven't included all details, because:
  Reason: _________

This would let people think about the reasons for not sticking to How to ask.

Also, if we want users to explain their problem clearly, the restrictions for adding images and links should be abolished. (I often read things like, I would have included the link if I was allowed to). Especially new users will need more than the allowed 2 links to share the research being done.

A final remark: You (the Stackexchange people) can put a lot of effort into designing a question template, or user guide or whatever it is. This will all lead to little improvement as long as there is a clear incentive for people actually answering bad questions. If people can gain reputation from answering bad or duplicate questions, they will. If people see their bad or incomplete questions being answered, or just see that it costs them less effort to ask a 1 sentence question and have it marked as duplicate (effectively linking them to the solution), than to search for a solution, they will ask more bad questions (and other new users will see those questions being answered, so they follow this lead).
If you really want to do something against bad questions, you will need to change the awarding system.

  • 3
    "In principle the How to ask a good question guide has all the details in that are needed to ask a question, which can be answered." - Yes it does and I agree, but my take on this is, that the "front end" doesn't show enough. That yellow box on the right when they click on "ask a question", doesn't have enough (bulleted) points for them to read. It's simply not enough and isn't strict enough. The dev team needs to work on that, and has been neglected (not thought of enough) for too long. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:28
  • Yep, that's my first main point here. It is all there, just hidden. But it can be (re)used for any kind of template or UI. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:32
  • 1
    I've been thinking about this for a long time, being if it's the staff working on the back end doing/writing up the content for the front end. Those two are totally different animals and feel they're not being treated as such :-) They have to remember where "they" came/started from and put themselves in a (new) coder's shoes for a while. Until that happens, it's going to remain the same 'ol, same 'ol. It's been said that Stack was put together by professionals, for professionals, yet the outlying problem is constantly about low quality posts by members who don't know how Stack rolls. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:36
  • One thing to note is that new users already go through this page to get to the form for writing their question. Maybe updating this page would be helpful, but it's not part of the scope of this project. As for the rewards system, I encourage you to try getting a sock puppet to 1k. Perhaps the most startling thing for me was to discover how hard it is to get an upvote. Answering questions (good or bad) is not an easy road to reputation riches. Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 20:38
  • 1
    +Infinity for the last paragraph. On the topic of checkboxes, I think the asker will just tick whatever they need to get their question posted (like we do with agreeing to licenses). What happens if someone just blindly checks all boxes while not adhering to their content? Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 23:44
  • @JonEricson In response to your: "One thing to note is that new users already go through this page to get to the form for writing their question." - Is that based on statistics? How is that known for certain? Or am I seeing a different link/view from the "Ask a question" button and seeing asking help » because of my rep? In either case, I doubt that (too) many don't bother reading what's on or off-topic, they just want "dah codez". Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 1:10
  • @Fred-ii-: It's been there for ages for users with less than 10 reputation. So you might not have seen it if you got an answer upvote before asking, if you joined very early or if you got the association bonus from reputation on some other site first. Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 1:51
  • @JonEricson Oh I see, thanks Jon. I've made a note of it and will be using that link (in the future) for new users and possibly some higher repped who could also (probably) use a refresher ;-) Cheers Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 1:53
  • @JonEricson I guess the same applies to the page you link to: Remove the "improve your chances" and replace it with something definitive. I hope the main point of this got through though: Make a template according to the existing guide and improve the "problem description" part. (Btw. I do not get what the puppet wants to tell me. You do get reputation by answering bad questions and that is why people answer them, hence new bad questions are being asked. If you don't believe this to be the case, the measurement metrics you use might be off.) Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 10:34
  • 1
    Echoing @user1803551, there are all too many users that won't go through the tour and whatnot before asking (evident through their lack of badges). These people tend to post questions of the lowest quality
    – Passer By
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 5:26
  • 3
    +1 for the last sentence, -1 for the rest. Here's how the workflow of your typical help vampire would look like with your proposed checkboxes: 1) take screenshot of code, add image to question, click submit -> error! 2) type variations of "halp it not work" enough times so the error complaining about questions having to contain text to go away, click submit -> error! 3) notice red box around some checkboxes and text saying something about "mandatory", check all indicated checkboxes, click submit -> works 4) get upvotes and answers for the submitted trash because people want to "be nice"...
    – l4mpi
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 12:08
  • 2
    @l4mpi Maybe you have misunderstood the question, which is how to help users ask questions. I think we do not assume the majority of new users to be help vampires, and I think we can also assume that they would actually notice making a wrong statement by confirming having done something which they obviously haven't. But it should also be clear that if the site mirrors that it is ok to ask bad questions, the fear of doing something bad by making such wrong statement is heavily reduced - this is what the last paragraph is about. Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 12:49
  • 1
    Well, driving lessons teach you to watch out for road signs, but every software or internet service teaches you to ignore mandatory checkboxes. We already have the exact thing you argue for literally everywhere where an EULA is involved and in many other places (e.g. "I have read the community rules thread before posting" in forums). And as is common knowledge, in all of these instances the overwhelming majority of users ignores the text and simply clicks the box to proceed. What makes you think that it would be any different on SO?
    – l4mpi
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 14:20
  • 1
    @l4mpi What makes me think that this is useful: All the comments that say "Thank you for the suggested readings, I will go through them." or similar after I have reminded them of looking through How to ask and MCVE below their question. Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 14:33
  • 1
    @ImportanceOfBeingErnest: "I think we do not assume the majority of new users to be help vampires" Why not? They are. Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 10:38

Here are some thoughts:

  • There are many different kinds of questions, requiring different templates. Maybe you can evaluate the A/B test of the templates in that regard. If the template improved questions, in what tags was the effect most prominent and which tags were not (or even negatively) affected? What words/phrases were used more in the questions with the template, and how do they relate to the improvement?
  • Include a button to remove the template text ("this question structure doesn't fit my problem")
  • In any case, please don't use headline formatting in the template. Most questions are short enough that they don't need this.
  • Don't put questions in the template. They should be reserved for a wizard input. Only the answers to these inquiries should constitute the question post.
    To rip off the example in @enderlands answer, it should instead look like this - just fragments of sentences that can stay in the question text as they are, and should be completed by the asker:

    I am trying to 
    Here is the code I use for that:
        // …
    I did expect it to
    But instead, it
  • If you really want to put some inquiries or instructions in the template text, hide them through comments:

    <!-- What are you trying to do? -->
    I am trying to 
    <!-- What is your code that currently tries to do that? Indent by 4 spaces. -->
    Here is my code:
    <!-- What do you expect the result to be? -->
    I did expect 
    <!-- What is the actual result? -->
    But instead
  • 4
    "Don't show the template to more experienced users with a history of good questions." - You would be surprised as to how many posts I've seen from rather high rep members who failed to "Google it", really. Or a "wishlist" of many bulleted lists for a "this is what I had in mind to..." or a "what do you think of....?". Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:57
  • All great points. Especially this one: "Include a button to remove the template text ("this question structure doesn't fit my problem")"
    – Waylan
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:32
  • @Fred-ii- Agreed, there are users with high rep from answers that fail to post appropriate questions. However I would hope that these questions are downvoted if they don't fit SO, so it's not "a history of good questions". In general I would however expect more experienced users to know what kind of information to include, and to know when it's not necessary.
    – Bergi
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:44
  • 1
    As I mentioned in the question, templates will only be presented to "new" askers. An option to remove the template (or pick from several options) seems reasonable if we make them permanent parts of the system. I'm not sure we'll want to build that out for the pilot tests, however. I really like the way the sentence fragments look; especially with meta comments included. The only downside is that not everyone will understand they are HTML comments. But that's what testing is for! Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 20:49
  • @JonEricson Ah, I must have missed that. Removed the point.
    – Bergi
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 23:31
  • @Bergi I am legitimately confused about that, I'd think having seen horrible questions from the other side, it would be obvious not to post one. But surprise!
    – Passer By
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 5:41
  • Looks like this has been deployed (at least in testing)? (Not exactly a success in this case, unfortunately.)
    – jscs
    Commented Dec 3, 2017 at 15:23

I feel like a template is somewhat missing the point. Not to say that I don't think that it'll have some modicum of success, but I personally don't believe that templating is the right answer to this.

tl;dr: Passive warnings and notifications, which would prevent question submission, should be leveraged instead. Ignoring said warnings should accelerate the rate at which an asker is question-banned.

Stack Overflow has a massive amount of data of what questions are and aren't well-received at specific points in time. That is, there is information around what questions get downvoted at roughly which time. We can use this information to guide an asker into potentially reforming their question.

For example, if we have someone posting another homework dump, which starts with "Write a ...", and we don't see anything to suggest that they've tried anything off the backside of that, we can raise a warning ensuring that the OP at least sees it, and requires them to click through a dialog that says, "My question isn't just a code dump, I've actually put forth some effort, I promise."

My reason to shy away from templates is that they can largely be filled with garbage to pacify an active checker. The only way we're going to get true value out of a system like this is not only if we identify what are known to be poorly-received questions, but also if we add a lot more bite to askers not heeding our advice.

  • 1
    I bet you're a fan of my question: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/333906/… Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 5:17
  • 2
    @Jean-FrançoisFabre: Not really, no. Yours is a system which automatically, through empirical evidence, suggests actions to be taken. Mine, while enforcing this at the tail end, has warnings for any would-be asker who happens to believe that this site is only here for them to ask low-effort questions based on other historical data. Pushing them closer to a q-ban is different than downvoting. Think of it like them deleting a question with an answer on it.
    – Makoto
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 5:25

My favorite suggestion for how to ask a question comes from create-react-app:

Please note that your issue will be fixed much faster if you spend about half an hour preparing it, including the exact reproduction steps and a demo.

I would modify it for Stack Overflow:

Please note that most good questions take about half an hour to prepare, including the exact reproduction steps and a demo.

People don't realize this but it's super important. Asking a question is like writing an email to your boss. You should proof-read it and make sure that it's coherent and well-written.

My favorite demonstration of what a good question actually looks like comes from Wikipedia's guide. Here's the tl;dr:

Unclear Question:

I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. I am reading in the names but they come out wrong. Is there a solution?

Explaining the Goal:

I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. The program should read in a list of names, and then print them in alphabetical order. I am reading in the names but they come out wrong. Is there a solution?

Describing the Problem:

I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. The program should read in a list of names, and then print them in alphabetical order. I am reading in the names but they come out in the wrong order. In fact, they come out in same order that they started in! Is there a solution?

Including an example:

I am writing a Perl program, but it doesn't work. The program should read in a list of names, and then print them in alphabetical order. I am reading in the names but they come out in the wrong order. In fact, they come out in same order that they started in! I have posted my code below. Is there a solution?


# Read the names into the @people array
while (<>)
  push @people, $_;

# Now sort the names
sort @people;

# Now print them out
foreach $person (@people)
    print $person;
  • 5
    Not all questions are debugging questions
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 21:12
  • 9
    I like the idea of giving people a timeframe. That's probably even more true if you aren't asking a debugging question, @TinyGiant. Personally, I find myself spending more than that on my questions. Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 22:32
  • 2
    Spending time is massively important. I take that to an extreme; whenever I would write a question or answer, I don't hit submit but I leave it and come back to it hours later. Mulling it over is a privilege as well as a right. I hate to see people not take that privilege because they're in a hurry to post before others do.
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 12:01
  • 2
    Let me say, your example of a "Good" question is terrible. The terms does not work, comes out wrong, Is there a solution> All that is implied and noise that makes the asker think they are providing what they need to provide and they are NOT. I think if those terms/variations of terms should be red flags that a question is not a good one.
    – user177800
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 17:11
  • 2
    "Asking a question is like writing an email to your boss." Maybe we should make it so that the ramifications of doing it wrong are approximately equivalent. Otherwise you will never persuade these people to put their own effort into neatness. Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 10:41
  • 2
    The wording and use of bold in this answer is excellent. Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 10:42
  • 1
    @LightnessRacesinOrbit Hi, your question has now been downvoted five times and has been closed as "off topic". Your employer has been informed and your position has been terminated. Works for me.
    – JeremyP
    Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 15:51
  • 3
    @JeremyP: Christ, that comment scared me shitless in my notifications :D Commented Nov 10, 2017 at 21:02
  • 1
    @LightnessRacesinOrbit But what consequences are there, for most people, for writing a stupid/careless/incoherent email to your boss? In most workplaces, probably just said boss quietly being irritated and holding a lower opinion of you before asking for clarification (or passing you off for someone else to deal with); you're unlikely to get fired or yelled at over it. Of course, if you've got a modicum of self-consciousness and conscientiousness, that irritation and contempt are enough motivation. But then, you probably also care about the same feelings from your peers on Stack Overflow...
    – Mark Amery
    Commented Dec 8, 2017 at 16:22
  • @MarkAmery: Perhaps. Commented Dec 8, 2017 at 17:35

This isn't a big suggestion, but I haven't seen it mentioned yet:

There should be some mention of how code should be posted in the question. I don't think it's enough to simply say that they should include code, and ideally an MCVE. Too often I see new people posting links to code, or, god forbid, links to images of code. Then it's the same "post code here directly as text" comments every time. It would be really nice if there was even just a hint to askers that code should be posted here directly as text, as well as formatted.

  • 1
    Also too much code is as much a problem as too little.
    – Elin
    Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 20:03
  • @Elin Yes, an MCVE is necessary. I briefly touched on that. I think I read someone else going into a lot more detail on that, so I didn't elaborate. Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 20:05

Why, why, why, why, WHY are you doing what you are doing?

I'm trying to turn off the sun. Please help me.

WHY are you trying to turn off the sun?

Well it is too bright in here. I can't sleep.

So you don't want to turn off the sun. Rather, you want to twist the knob that closes the blinds on your windows. We can help you with that.

Encourage people to tell WHY they're doing what they're doing. When faced with a bad question, it's more likely that the person simply has no idea that what they're trying to do won't solve their problem. They don't understand the problem, and as such they can't formulate a question related to that problem. Instead they try to solve it halfway themselves, then ask for help with their solution. Sometimes you might even be so lucky that simply redirecting their attention to the correct problem is enough, there's no real need to answer the question.

  • Yes, like a user story. What are you trying to accomplish? And why do you think your attempted solution fulfills that goal?
    – CodeCaster
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 10:59
  • 22
    Upvoted because I was trying to turn off the sun and found this. Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 18:01
  • 13
    No please no. We want to answer questions not read a life story. There's nothing wrong with a question that doesnt explain why, and often explaining why will derail the question and leave future readers without a solution for the stated problem.
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 21:15
  • This would really help us know when it is an xy problem.
    – Elin
    Commented Oct 28, 2017 at 14:17
  • 1
    While not a bad idea in theory, it probably shouldn't be mandatory, and besides, if you list out the requirements of the whole program and every step you took to get there, my guess is, it will either look like homework or "do my design for me". I don't really need to read 15 pages of "we have to support this thing because it needs this legacy thing for windows 7 that needs this legacy thing for XP that needs this legacy thing for DOS that links against a Fortran application that controlled the Apollo missions".
    – jrh
    Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 21:18
  • 9
    XY problems are a thing, but that's not always true. Totally agree with @TinyGiant. Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 8:59
  • 3
    I don't like this, because it's suggesting we ask for irrelevant info. "I am trying to make a site like Facebook" no one cares what you're trying to make; what's the problem you're having? Get to the point. etc.
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 19:07
  • @TylerH background info is important to find out what the OP is expecting to hear in an answer -- it can be unclear otherwise. Still, we only need a small amount of it, and it's by far not the most important requirement. Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 16:18
  • 1
    @ivan_pozdeev OP should specify what they are looking for, that doesn't require background information. In the case you linked, the OP was unclear in what they were asking. "We want to find whether an app was created in the heap or the pool" is not 'background info', it's the entire goal of the question. Background info would be something like 'we are making this application for a customer because they wanted to track some product'.
    – TylerH
    Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 18:30
  • @TylerH It's not possible if the OP doesn't really know what they're looking for. If you insist that SO must still not tell them a solution for their actual problem and instead play a cat-and-mouse game as they try to guess what to ask about to get what they want... sufficient to say that's not the mainstream opinion. Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 20:06
  • 1
    @ivan_pozdeev What? You're making up an entire argument and putting it in my mouth; I'm insisting that users should edit out fluff. I've not said anything about answerers not providing a solution to their problem. The point of the matter here is that questions should provide a clear problem statement without fluff. If they can't do that, we need to work with them and/or close their question until they can.
    – TylerH
    Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 20:26
  • @TylerH that's not possible either in the case of XY problems. If an OP asks their real question - "what are the standard ways to solve problem X?" - it'll get closed as "too broad". Asking an XY question, however weird, is a working cheat around this obstruction. Commented Nov 3, 2017 at 12:49
  • 1
    @ivan_pozdeev Closing a question is not a permanent state, and users are expected to edit their question when it's placed on hold to bring it back on-topic, if possible. Cheating is not an acceptable behavior to achieve the result you want on Stack Overflow. That will lead you to a question ban faster with discerning users.
    – TylerH
    Commented Nov 3, 2017 at 13:22

Prompt for the title after the body has been written.

The process of writing the body can help the user organize their thoughts (the rubber duck effect), especially if other template ideas proposed here help them formulate better body text. The user will be in a much better position to give an accurate, specific, and concise title at the end of the process.

(I try to write email subject lines and document titles after drafting the body because this trick isn't just for newbies.)

Titles are important. I once worked on a terrible Q&A site and found that we could identify the best questions by finding the ones whose titles began with a capital letter and ended with a question mark.

  • 5
    We have a debate on the team about which order is best. The big disadvantage of waiting for the title is that we use it to show potential duplicate questions. I suspect that more people will follow through with asking duplicates if we wait until the end of the process to show similar questions. The sunk-cost fallacy at work. Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 20:10
  • 1
    That's a fair point. I wish there were another way to get possible duplicates up early on because I truly believe getting people to write (or at least revisit) the title after writing the body make for better titles. And quality titles attract more attention, which can mean more comments to educate newbies about how to write better questions. Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 22:14
  • 1
    You might be pleased with some of the wizard-like mockups we're looking at. ;-) Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 22:35
  • 1
    This is a big one; like I mentioned in my meta post, the downside to putting question titles last is that, like Jon said, you can't search for dupes based on question title. You can start searching based on tags and problem descriptions, though. I'd like to see some efforts by SO to do this. The downside to putting them first though, is that you're always going to get crappy titles. No one picks a title for their book until after it's written for a reason :-) cc @JonEricson
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 19:04
  • 1
    "we could identify the best questions by finding the ones whose titles began with a capital letter and ended with a question mark." There's actually been a paper that studied SO questions and found the same thing; questions with titles formed as questions using proper grammar (asking something, using a question mark, etc.) were 'higher quality' in that they got more votes, views, and answers, than questions whose titles did not conform to that pattern.
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 19:06
  • 1
    @TylerH: Maybe you are talking about this paper? Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 19:20
  • 1
    @JonEricson That may have been the one; I thought it had a female primary author... either I was wrong or there is another out there that I'm thinking of. Scanning through that one it doesn't seem to touch much upon the quality of titles beyond "not abusing capital letters"
    – TylerH
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 19:53

A link to the MCVE (minimal, complete, and verifiable example) page (in the question, as a link!) and spelling out the acronym in the first reference to it might be a good addition to this process - it took me a little bit to figure out what the acronym stood for.

Also, in the original question, it is referred to as 'MVCE', which a search for 'MVCE Stack Overflow' brings up a lot of 'MVC model view controller' results.

I realize that most folks here will know what that means already, but we could lose some insight from folks who get frustrated and can't even figure out what this 'MVCE' (MCVE) everyone is talking about is, and can't even search for it on this site to get to the definition page (could that be anchored as the top result for 'MCVE'? and maybe MVCE as well since it seems like that's what it's referred to as very often?)

Afterthought - a complete 'SO' (seeking alpha) acronym bank/dictionary (anchored somewhere prominent) would probably help folks read answers to questions that were 'similar' to their question - perhaps questions get asked again simply because they can't follow the conversation in the answers to the OP (original poster)


I guess this isn't a question template but it made me wonder if a template is the wrong approach or is only a partial solution so ...

Just going to throw this out there but, just as Firefox requires for bug reports, how about you can't enter a question unless you've first searched.

Here's Firefox's bug reporter

First you have to enter a title/summary

enter image description here

Then it searches and you have to click My Issue is not listed before you can submit an issue.

enter image description here

Could SO take any inspiration from that? Heck, if it was up to me I wouldn't mind if it required 3 different searches. Even for myself it would force me to search more than once (which I already do). For that matter, maybe "Ask Question" should not even be on the front page

  • We don't require a search to ask a question, but we do strongly encourage it for users with < 10 reputation. Take a look at the interstitial page those users must acknowledge before being able to ask. It's not on the plan at the moment, but I'd like to test variations on that page. My guess is that requiring searches would not filter out too many questions that are going to end up deleted. But it might reduce duplicate questions just a bit. Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 17:30
  • @JonEricson Since it's not obvious search results will appear in a little window on the same page, a new asker might be concerned using it would redirect to a new page and take them away from their goal of submitting a question. Not sure what might help with that.
    – aschepler
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 22:32
  • The user might search, and then without even viewing the search results, he might directly click, my issue is not listed here button Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 2:40
  • 9
    I think this idea is a good one but the search on SO is... well, it's not good. IMO we'd be better off dropping it and adding in google results. I never search things using SO's search engine. When I did a few times in the past, I never got the results I was looking for... and I was looking for a specific Q and found it easily on google.
    – JeffC
    Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 14:56
  • @JeffC: It's pretty hard to beat Google's search. The advanced search options can help, but often the best way to find something is to ask your question and look for duplicates. Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 16:32
  • 1
    not all questions are about "can you debug my code" ? some are theorical questions about the size of pointers, what in the C norm guarantees this or that... how to improve performance on this ... hard to put in a bug report form. Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 5:19
  • The spiel at the top of this page alludes to a wizard at some later point. There are several meta questions with similar suggestions, some of them quite sophisticated and thought-provoking. So yes, I think this will be coming at some point in some form, but this isn't really an answer to this particular meta "question."
    – tripleee
    Commented Nov 1, 2017 at 5:28
  • Every time I see Mozilla's Bugzilla it makes me sad that distribution of the theme for Bugzilla proper is still not ready :( Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 10:41

There are lots of suggestions, but I think a point is missing: the tone of the template.

I'm suggesting to be intimidating in the template, as in put on social pressure for asking something bad. Make it obvious if you ask something not meeting community guidelines, people get pissed at you fast, which is indeed what happens.

My theory is there are two types of people that post bad questions, one is unaware of the question being bad, and the other that don't care.

Those that don't care will have to be made to care, no amount of guidelines presented in whatever format will get through to them if it isn't important to them to abide by it.

To put it another way, if students were to hesitate asking here as much as they would asking their tutors, we wouldn't be getting the hoards of homework dump. People care about not displeasing their tutors, but nothing about a disposable anonymous account.

As an example of what I mean, here's currently what's being put on the question title

Questions with similar titles have frequently been downvoted and/or closed. Consider using a title that more accurately describes your question.

It seems to me its shielding the asker from the social pressure instead of accentuating it.

Questions with similar titles are met with disapproval and will be closed. Describe your question more accurately or visit the help center for more information.

Is much more intimidating, it is assertive and emphasizes the displeasure from people on the opposite side of the screen, instead of just mentioning the post getting bombed. It then suggests a safe option of reading the help center, hopefully dissuading the asker to ask before doing so.


Start with asking for a title and a brief summary, mentioning that a small portion of the brief summary will be displayed along with the question title and that the combination of the two is what will attract users to visit the question. Specify that the title should specify what is being asked, rather than just stating "i has a problem - tag tag tag". That guidance likely should be around the title more so than inside the primary template, and in far fewer words than I've used.

Then ask the for an MCVE, emphasizing the idea of removing anything from the code that isn't relevant to the problem (hopefully invoking the rubber duck effect.)

Follow up with asking for any errors that were produced or any unwanted behavior, including what was expected.

And then finally ask for any attempts that were made at solving the problem, and links to any research materials that were used (for example the tutorial that the user is using/copying from.)


Copied from here.

Sometimes I find myself looking at other users posts before I post my own. It helps me come up with better wording, grammar, style and formation.

The Tour page shows an example of a well asked question along with its answers, and it highlights what should be asked (and what shouldn't):

What should be asked

Unfortunately, many users (most?) don't go through this page, and usually skip it or just scroll down to get a badge.

Since we see many low quality questions that are badly formatted, we can tell that many users don't really care about the "How to Ask" and "How to Format" side bars.

I'm thinking that instead of having wall of text of "How to Ask", we can provide a template* of a good question that has a two paragraphs of a description (including code formation for code-text) with a code snippet that users can take and change for their purposes.

I know that there are many different templates, and many different ways of asking a good question; some might have code, other might only have a description with possible image, it's not easy to have a generic template for a good question - But I'm just dropping the general idea of what I think might help a bit.

Example (of course it should be changed to something more general and make sure everyone understand that it's only a template for demonstration purposes):

enter image description here

This might help newcomers understand basic formation, while it also shows how a good question is asked.

* That template can actually be a placeholder that appears for users with < x reputation points

  • I don't think the users who are interested in understanding the basics of formatting are the problem; they probably also do research before asking and are guaranteed to end up with better question content (regardless of minor formatting errors). However, the ones who see nothing wrong with pasting in screenshots of code and/or error messages instead of text, or don't even seem to notice the question preview... well, you say yourself they "don't really care" about formatting, topicality et cetera. I doubt they will care more just because you show them an example.
    – l4mpi
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 12:26
  • 2
    @l4mpi's right - you can't "fix" these people. The problem is that SO has been made far too accessible for them. The only way to stop the repercussions of that kindness is to stop being so kind. All of the pandering ideas on this page are, sadly, a waste of time (and actually risk doing net harm by getting in the way of the "good" users). Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 10:40

This has gone live.

Unfortunately, it is structured in such a way as to make new users think this site is about giving away free debugging help, which is exactly the opposite of what we wanted.

It is as if you jumped straight to option 1 of this answer without considering that people could have questions that don't benefit from code (Help says "Not all questions benefit from including code") or even canonical questions on memory efficiency, which I consider to be some of the best questions on StackOverflow.

So, you are essentially sending users down the path of mediocre-at-best questions and away from some of the best type of questions (canonical ones).

Also, note that users are not directed to stick around to answer clarification questions (not that I've seen anyways, I'm not a new user), or even to proofread their post to make sure it formatted correctly. Both of these are vital.

  • One thing to note is that this is not likely to be the final template we test. If we develop a good stable of templates, we might give askers a menu to select from. Another thing to understand is that the goal is mostly to convert some unanswerable questions to answerable. People who are coming to ask truly excellent questions will probably be the sort who will understand that the template is optional. (They also are unlikely to have no prior reputation, but I guess everything is possible.) Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 23:37
  • @JonEricson, yeah, everyone has to start the rep game at the beginning :)
    – NH.
    Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 23:41
  • But not everyone needs to start with a question. Commented Dec 7, 2017 at 23:42

Instead of specific formats for separate questions, why not have one general format that directs good questions and funnels worthless information into the background without rigidly requiring information.

I'd suggest some sort of condensed OPORD format. This is a standard military format for writing "orders" and are designed to make requests as clear, concise and complete as possible while still being flexible enough for almost any sort of request. It also forces the "meat" into paragraphs 2-4 without leaving out important stuff like background and data tables. These things could even be "rolled up" into links, especially after the question is answered and the specific background and test cases are not so important for future readers.

  1. Situation:

Things in this field are the background of your question. Who you are, what you're doing and why. All the stuff that clutters the question body and obscures the problem but is nearly always included. This info rolls up into a link at the top of the actual question page - answerers can reference it, especially for "why do you need this" questions, but don't have to read it really.

  1. Mission:

What do you want to do. This should really be the title, Inputs, expected outputs, plus any special circumstances. Tight word/character count in this field. Pick your tags here as well

  1. Execution

What's your intended method. What have you tried, what have you researched, what do you expect. This is "the question." Throws a warning if there's more than a few lines of code here, as most of that should go down in 5.

  1. Communication

What's actually happening. What's the output. What's your error message. What do the docs say. What have you found in your research.

  1. Supporting data

What's going on around your question. Put your code dump here. Put your big block of test input data here. Put the full error trace here if it's pages long. This also rolls up into a link - it can be referenced by answerers, but doesn't clutter the question.

You'd probably want to change the terminology to be a little less "military" (situation -> background, mission -> task etc), but that's the basic idea.

All you'd absolutely need to submit a question is 2. If you have 5 you'd need 2-3-4 as well.

Under this format it would seem that bad questions would be instantly apparent. #2 isn't specific enough? Too broad. #2 isn't programming related? Off-Topic. No #4 on a debugging question? No #3 on a "how do I" question? Question buried in #5? Easy flags/downvotes.

It's also easier on the asker. Not sure whether that bit of code is relevant? Drop it in 5. Not sure what bits of backround are relevant? Dump it in 1. Not sure what you need? Being forced to state it a few words in 2 will help clarify. Input, output, method and gap are built into 2-3-4 without being a formula that might not suit your request.

It might be a bit intimidating for newcomers and tedious for old-timers (maybe relax some rules with higher rep), but it t really does force you to make a good request, and I think it could be easily adapted to asking good questions as well.

  • jkdev's answer is basically about the same, but a reference to prior experience here is a humongous plus in comparison. Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 14:14

Put the tags first in the new-question entry form, then the question headline, then the body of the text.

Why might this be helpful? A number of reasons.

  1. It asks the naive questioner to think about tags upfront, helping them develop a mental model of their problem that fits the way people will locate their question on SO.
  2. It leverages the really nice autocompletion you SO folks already have developed for tags to guide the questioner upfront.
  3. Knowing tags when the questioner starts typing the headline may improve the similar-question resultset. Alternatively, the contents of that resultset may (or may not, I know we're working with noobz here) help the questioner refine the choice of tags.
  4. It potentially enables the presentation of domain-specific question-writing hints, as well as general hints, maybe in the right column, at the time the question's being written.

This is for the use of noobz who are willing to make an effort. I know some questioners won't have a clue about the tags they need. That's OK, we already have downvoting and close voting to cope with that.

  • I like the idea of testing various orders for the text fields, but this is outside the scope of the question. Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 22:49
  • I think this might just be another case of the asker not recognizing what the real problem is.
    – Seph Reed
    Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 19:24

I propose SO improves the suggested questions feature. Here's why.

I know that poorly-worded questions are going to be difficult to help, but I just made a comment on this post and when I pasted the exact question title into Google the 2nd result was a SO question from 2011 that had the exact answer that I think the OP wants. However, that question from 2011 did not come up in the list of suggested questions for me when I created a new question just to test this. If it had, and if it had stood out to the OP, I'm fairly certain they would not have wasted their time posting, and anyone else's time reading.

Therefore, I suggest that a good way to reduce the number of unnecessary questions is to improve the suggested questions feature.

  • 3
    This is also something we are working on as we improve the underlying search infrastructure. I'm not sure what this answer has to do with question templates, however. Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 0:45
  • 2
    @JonEricson it has nothing to do with templates, I suppose, but in my opinion a template is not going to do nearly as much to help address the issue as improving the suggested questions feature.
    – Jason
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 15:48
  • ...so you see Jason, because your answer was not deemed suitable although it might solve the problem at the root of this question, thus rendering the question redundant, you get a down-vote. :(
    – Nick M
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 15:01
  • @NickM that's fine.
    – Jason
    Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 17:22
  • 1
    @NickM: Search failure is definitely part of the reason we have bad questions. It might have helped avoid that particular duplicate. But fixing search requires architectural changes that we are working on the background. So no matter how much we want to fix the problem, we have to wait for the developers working on search. But we don't have to wait for that work to be done to test templates. So that's what we are doing and why we are doing it now. Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 18:41
  • About the template. Maybe you can ask the user to fill in tags first then show the form possibly with a template if based on tags you have one deemed appropriate. About search, hare you just using ES or are you also using some ML to evaluate and categorize?
    – Nick M
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 20:01
  • THIS! I've started just immediately going to "ask a question" and typing out my thoughts, because the questions it starts to suggest on the side are always significantly better than the ones that come up if I ask the question in my specific wording. Further, every time I find one this way, I wish I could make it so the question I wanted to ask forwards to it without a ton of work.
    – Seph Reed
    Commented Oct 30, 2017 at 19:22

Similar to Cerbrus's idea, a form with multiple text fields to help in structuring the question.

  1. Here's what I would like to do: __________
  2. Here's the problem: __________
  3. Here's what I have tried so far: __________
  4. Summary (one sentence): __________

Then auto-create a question that includes section headings:

Here's what I would like to do:

(Response to part 1.)

Here's the problem:

(Response to part 2.)

Here's what I have tried so far:

(Response to part 3.)

And use the response to part 4 (one-line summary) as the question title.

We could tweak the exact wording, but hopefully this form would be general enough for any type of StackOverflow question.

  • I could argue that "Summary" should be first...but, now how does that differ from the Title? Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 12:06
  • @MarkSchultheiss Maybe "4. Summary (one sentence)" should be replaced by "4. Question tittle (one line)" to make it clear. I placed it last because I think people would write more descriptive titles if they would describe the issue in detail first and then write a question title that summarizes the issue.
    – jkdev
    Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 15:39
  • Fair enough! Good stuff! Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 19:19
  • Despite all the complaints that "SO questions are too different to fit a single template" ...this one actually applies for virtually everything! +1! Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 13:35
  • Looks like there's a misunderstanding what "Summary" is meant to be. It appears to be "the question proper": given the situation, what specific question(s) the OP is expecting an answer to, well, answer. Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 13:52

Whenever I professionally interact with someone who has a problem, I usually ask one question: "What is it doing that it shouldn't be doing, or what do you expect it to do that it isn't doing?"

I ask this question so many times at work that I have it hot-keyed. There are many answers I see here suggesting what I say, but not as many that are wrapped up in as small a sentence as I have prepared here.

  • 1
    that is actually two questions separated by a ,. granted they are the same question just worded differently, but still two questions
    – user177800
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 17:51
  • 1
    1)The formulation is not enough. It doesn't require to provide enough information for us to be able to answer. 2)Any problem must be reduces to an MCVE ~= a reusable form. The formulation misses this critical fact entirely. Commented Nov 2, 2017 at 15:49
  • It was not so long ago I asked my first question here. It was editted few days later by someone i didn't know, later turned out to be some heavy-weight on the forum. Eversince I'm wrestling code-formatting and quotes when asking/answering. A step-by-step introduction and guidance in this would be very convenient, imo. Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 19:20

I think you should hire Morgan Freeman to read [ask]. People will just sit and listen to his voice and do what is says. Science says so. People will create accounts just to hear him talk. Do it. Now.

  • I'm not sure we have the budget for Morgan Freeman. Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 16:35
  • @JonEricson lol... start a gofundme page... watch the money roll in for this. It can't take him that long to read 5 mins worth of text...
    – JeffC
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 17:57
  • ...then do another with Joe Pesci... Jim Breuer can do a good impression of him. Maybe he'll even throw in a goat boy reading of it.
    – JeffC
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 17:59
  • Maybe he'll give us a discount, but it looks like he's at $100,000 - $1,000,000. Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 18:00
  • @JonEricson Holy crap... but that's the fee for him to give a speech. He can record this at his home or whatever for cheap. At that point it might be hourly.
    – JeffC
    Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 18:02
  • 1
    oh my gosh this is gold. See how well it works for GPS?? youtube.com/watch?v=_xLR5mjkfs4 Commented Nov 4, 2017 at 21:53

There are five points I would like to raise for the question of, what to put in a template to ask better questions. The points include the workflows around the templates, and not just the template itself.

First, in UX design, you should tell people something three times. The purpose of the site should be a high priority for new users. The templates, the work flows, and the supporting pages should stress Stack Overflow is a site for Programming and Development questions. It should span multiple pages and be included in the template.

The Stack Overflow homepage and pages in the workflow must include the purpose of the site. This is an essential element in UX design. A number of Meta users rejected the UX requirement/best practice in the past.

Once a user becomes experienced enough, perhaps the proactive prompts and additional visual queues can be decreased or eliminated, much like ads are reduced over time as badges accumulate.

Second, folks need help when Stack Overflow is a bad fit for their question. In the absence of help finding the right site, some will dump it on Stack Overflow anyways. Perhaps the Data Analysis team can aggregate tags and some keywords from the question, and offer alternatives when it make sense based on the context.

For example, based on analysis, a final prompt like "Are you sure you want to post this to Stack Overflow? Stack Overflow is a site for Programming and Development questions, and your question might be a better fit on Super User or Unix & Linux Stack Exchange"

Third, please check the HTTP referrer header and use the referrer as a data point. When warranted the site should increase UX awareness and visual queues, like the purpose of the Stack Overflow site and confirmation prompts before posting.

Google and Microsoft self-help pages send people to the Stack Exchange network for support rather than supporting the products themselves. That explains why we get so many questions like "how do I SSH into {Google Compute|Amazon|Azure|<favorite storage>}". In fact, some users argue Google and Microsoft tell them to ask on Stack Overflow.

In fairness, Google and Microsoft offer choices in self-help. But Stack Overflow has brand recognition like Apple and Coca-Cola, so folks flock to Stack Overflow.

Fourth, maybe there should be an Answer template in addition to question templates. New users post answers to anything they think they can answer, and they don't realize they are encouraging more off-topic posts.

Ironically, I also find high reputation users willing to answer off-topic questions, too. I regularly observe users with 40K or 160K answering off-topic questions. It brings about some amusing defenses from high reputation users, like copying/pasting a command in a terminal is programming the terminal. (I've been guilty of this as well).

Fifth, some tags seem like they attract more off-topic posts than others. For example, Linux and SSH attract a lot of off-topic questions. The workflows should take tag history as a data point and increase UX awareness and visual queues, like confirmation prompts before posting.

I kind of hesitate to point this out because its kind of obvious... The Stack Exchange network has a User Experience Stack Exchange. Instead of relying on votes from non-experts (like computer programmers), maybe it would be a good idea to include the UX experts (the folks on UX.SE) in this process. The UX experts could likely offer insights and suggestions a typical site user lacks.

  • 2
    Thank you for the thoughts. The answers to this question have definitely convinced me that answer templates are a good idea. ;-) I'm not sure prompting people to ask on another site is a good plan unless we can be nearly certain the suggestion will help. Commented Oct 31, 2017 at 17:39
  • 2
    Personally, I'm for point the Second. I see a lot of questions on SO that are good questions in the wrong place. The Stack Exchange network is big, but most people know about SO, so that's the first place they go.
    – Daniel
    Commented Nov 3, 2017 at 15:21

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