We're getting close to the end of the year, which means another annual Developer Survey! As we've done in previous years, we'd like to ask for your thoughts and suggestions when it comes to the most important things that we should be asking developers.

We've got the usual staples covered such as demographic info and the most dreaded, wanted and loved technologies; what else do you think we should cover?

We don't need folks to come up with the survey questions themselves; we're most interested in any premise you'd like to share, so that we can better shape the questions as we put it together. Things like:

  • Did we touch on something last year that you'd like to see us explore more comprehensively this year? What is it, and how could we dig deeper?

  • Was there something in the news this year that you found interesting that you'd like to see us ask folks about?

  • Do you have an idea for something fun we could include to help keep the tone of the survey bright?

Again, here is a link to the 2017 survey for reference if you need it. Remember, we're looking for ideas at this point; please don't feel as if you need to spend a lot of time writing the perfect question for us to include.

Our survey is already comprehensive (also known as 'really freaking long'), so we can't promise to include every question or idea, but your input will help us investigate the things that matter the most.

A big thanks in advance to all that take a moment to share an idea!


Thank you, everyone, who took a little time to offer a suggestion! All of these were helpful, many should be included but for the sake of what little brevity we have left in the survey, only a few of them can be.

Everyone is welcome to continue to leave suggestions, but we're in the process now of turning ideas into questions that fit in the survey and we're pretty much full at this point.

Thank you again to everyone that spent a little time to lend their ideas, we really appreciate it!

  • 163
    Please don't assume everybody taking the survey is a professional programmer. Last year there were a lot of questions that assumed I'm a professional programmer, but I'm not (for example I remember there was one like "how long have you coded for work?"). I suggest having a question asking "are you a professional programmer?", and users who answer "no" to that question won't get any questions that only professional programmers can answer. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 16:10
  • 120
    Alcohol habits of successful programmers. Def.
    – user1228
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 17:27
  • 3
    It would be nice to see the questions, possible answers, and the answers I gave after the fact. Right now I'm not sure these are available except while taking the survey. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:08
  • 1
    @DonaldDuck and not just streamlining the survey to hide questions irrelevant based on previous answers, but also allowing additional useful questions that wouldn't apply to everyone Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:32
  • 18
    Have you guys found "something interesting" this year?. ;) Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 23:21
  • 10
    Minimum amount of screens needed to do job well. Partly serious
    – user5940189
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 9:13
  • 10
    Related to what @DonaldDuck said: Don't assume that everyone works in a large corporation. In the previous years there have been some questions that didn't even contain suitable options for freelancers or the self-employed (e.g. "how many people work in your company" options starting from 2.)
    – JJJ
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:13
  • 17
    If y'all do the "how frequently do you check in code" question again, I'd like to see another option for "definitely when the laptop starts making a weird noise." Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:11
  • @DonaldDuck I like your suggestion. Just wanted to add that if for whatever reason we cannot change the format of the survey (for example no conditional questions allowed), we could have "Following section is targeted to professional programmers. Please proceed to question N if this doesn't apply to you" Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 6:26
  • 1
    @user5226582 Or else add an option "I'm not a professional programmer" to those questions. For example, for "how long time have you coded professionally", the possible answers would be "X years", "Y years", "Z years" and "I don't code professionally". As another example, for the question "Does your company encourage you to stay up to date with technology you're working with?" suggested below, the possible answers would be "Yes", "No" and "I don't work for any programming company". Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 11:26
  • @DonaldDuck yeah, that could be the default selected value (to save time). Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 11:36
  • I never seem to know what to use for my role type, in both the annual survey, as well as the recent Stack Overflow salary calculator tool. There are many developers that would consider their domain best described by computational science or "scientific computing". Since this tends to result in desktop (or HPC) computer applications, I tend to select "Desktop Developer". Although if there is a distinction to be made for "Data Scientist" (which I also don't think is a great fit for us) I think the aforementioned new category would be useful. Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 11:36
  • 4
    I'd like to see some questions about cost of living as related to salary. So people can more easily judge if there salary is competitive for the area they live/work in.
    – mal
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 9:11
  • 1
    The 2017 survey results show a rather short list (10) of "frameworks, libraries, and other technologies". Did the actual question only include these as options? (I'm too lazy to look at the raw result set) Can it be open-ended this year if it wasn't last time? Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 22:12
  • 2
    Just came here looking for any traces of other people wondering about the SO 2018 marketing analysis campaign. Seriously, I had to abandon that thing after the sixth consecutive question about my ad-blocking behavior (and related). WTF? SO has the right to do marketing research, but shouldn't label it "Developer survey".
    – daniloquio
    Commented Jan 8, 2018 at 21:39

98 Answers 98


What is your caffeinated drink of choice

  • None
  • Espresso
  • Americano
  • Filter
  • Instant
  • Tea
  • Cola (Caffeine content < 40mg)
  • Energy drink (Caffeine content > 40mg)

It would be nice to associate different coding behaviours with each beverage, as in: pro·gram·mer (n) An organism capable of converting caffeine into code.

  • 1
    Red Bull.... ;)
    – CalvT
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 7:44
  • 2
    Generalise red bull to energy drinks I'd say. AKA sugar water.
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 8:53
  • 13
    Needs a "I don't drink caffeine option"
    – Liam
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:23
  • @AlexL not caffeinated is it
    – Edoardo
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:22
  • it's number one
    – Edoardo
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:28
  • 7
    As we all know, the definition of a programmer is: an organism capable of converting caffeine into code. So you can use this as a trick question to validate the test - anyone who picked "none" is clearly not a programmer, but some sort of spy, bot or project manager.
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:05
  • 3
    On a more serious note, I would be interested in knowing the amount of coffee a programmer consumes per work day.
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:06
  • @Lundin starbucks would pay for that
    – Edoardo
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:10
  • 1
    @eddyce well give em the information, hopefully they will start to sell actual coffee!
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 12:25
  • @Gimby upvote x 10
    – Edoardo
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 13:42

I would like to know about remote work.

@Liam mentioned the subject, however I think it deserves separate focus.

How many days per week are you allowed to work from home?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

How many days per week do you usually work from home?
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Are you paid the same rate remotely?
- Paid not hourly
- Same rate
- Different rate

Subjectively, how does remote productivity compare to the office one?
- More productive remotely
- More productive in the office
- No significant difference


Include Delphi/Object Pascal

In every survey I've seen so far there was no mention of Delphi/Object Pascal. Given that it is consistently ranked in the top 20 most popular languages it should be included in the survey languages list, especially since I've seen far less popular languages included.


Are your working hours relaxed or does your company enforces strict working hours ..?


Beverage-related question

What drinks (all kinds, maybe exclude coffee?) do you usually drink to boost your mindset / logic power / to make you concentrate more?

  • 1
    1) and 3) I believe are way too broad. I cannot really imagine how those could be fit into a few points, everyone has his/her own personal way for those. 2) is based on the false premise that everyone needs such things - many of us are okay with good old water.
    – Balázs
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:07
  • Should I vote for this if I like question 1 but not 2 or 3?! Would make more sense if this was one suggestion per answer
    – Liam
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 12:39
  • @Liam Done converting the other two into separate answers Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:08
  • @Balazs I separated the other two, so please re-comment if you like Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 14:08
  • an option could be = none. Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 18:32

How much do each of the following factors affect your like/dislike of a programming language?

  • Syntax
  • Available paradigms
  • Lack of odd behaviors and quirks
  • Available standard library / built-in objects
  • Includable APIs / Quality of package ecosystem

Syntax might be further broken down into:

  • concise
  • elegant
  • readable

but all these would need to be carefully defined, as their subjective meaning might vary wildly from person to person.

A further question might be: How do you rate your liked/disliked programming language X, in each of the above categories?


Have you seen or experienced sexism in your workplace?

I would like to see some questions in this vein. It is especially relevant with the #metoo hashtag in high circulation. The technology sector is especially infamous for this behavior, and it would be interesting to see if there is a discrepancy between perception of this between genders.

  • 2
    Sexism, homophobia, racism... All valid
    – Rick Wolff
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 11:52

I would be interested to learn more about the Management. For example:

  1. What do you/your company use to plan programming projects:
    • Blackboard
    • Notebook / Drawing block
    • MS Office
    • Online software (web-applications):
    • Desktop / Server applications:
    • Some another method

For example we can do deeper. If using MS Office, specify a current product:

- Excel
- Project
- Project Server

If web:

- Jira
- Slack
- GanttPro
- Trello
- Another one (blank line for filling)

And If desktop:

- Gemini
- Redmine
- Smartsheet
- Another one (blank line for filling)

We can put all of them into one question but then it be cumbersome.

  1. And the second idea - what is about software development methodology:
    • "Traditional"
      • Prototyping
      • Waterfall
      • Incremental
      • RAD
      • Spiral
      • Rational Unified Process
    • Agile
      • Scrum
      • Kanban
      • DSDM
      • Extreme programming
      • Feature driven development
      • Lean software development

I know this type of questions has problems: there are too many different applications and methods, but even choosing some category give an awesome output - It is really interesting and actual topic.

If there is no any limits of number of questions we can create tree structure for questions and use a lot of applications and methods. Also we can include some mixing (for example someone can use not only one method but combine several).

  • Planning? who needs planning!
    – Kevin B
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 21:02
  • 1
    @KevinB my superiors need... :D Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 6:16
  • I believe this was supposed to be a survey for programmers.
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 14:48
  • @Lundin In principle, we can separate the questions for programmers and non-programmers (depending on the first question, the following questions will differ: for non-programmers I will indicate typical programs too). Everyone uses some planning system. Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 15:29

I loved the debate recently on the Tabs or Spaces answer so how about:

Portrait or Landscape

Do you have you main monitor in portrait or landscape orientation?

  • I like asking about it, but this wording requires me to figure out whether my portrait or my landscape monitor is the "main" one, if I have one of each. (Which I don't at the moment, but I have in the past.)
    – user65839
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 19:26

Do you prefer a closed office plan or an open one?

What does your company support, open or closed?

  • "What does your company support?" is quite vague...
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 9:50
  • I meant open vs closed, as a continuation of the same
    – thedarkone
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 11:37
  • I believe there's already lots of scientific research about this. Not quite sure what a somewhat unscientific internet survey would add to that debate. Unsurprisingly, people prefer their own, quiet offices.
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 14:58
  • 1
    @Lundin Not everyone, open plans are useful for teams that are heavy on collaboration. The interesting point this survey would be able to add is if there's any correlation between preferring open plans and specific responses to other questions.
    – Izkata
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 21:44
  • @Lundin I believe this would also be helpful in helping industry align more with developer preferences and may help in reducing churn rate in future.
    – thedarkone
    Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 4:38

On a scale of one to ten (one meaning low correlation, ten meaning high correlation), how closely do you relate coffee intake to the quality of code produced?

  • 1
    could be generalized to caffeine (some devs probably do energy drinks but not coffee). Also, it may be good to simply ask about caffeine intake and code quality as separate questions and then correlate, as opposed to asking about the devs' perception of the correllation. Too, some people may answer this question with a 10 meaning more coffee === worse code, and others may give a 10 meaning more coffee === better code, so in its present form the ambiguity may not produce meaningful answers. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:24
  • 1
    @jinglesthula I'm sure there are better ways of posing the question. That's a job for smarter people than I; however I was specifically aiming for the developer's perception rather than actual correlation (which would be much harder to reliably correlate in a meaningful way).
    – user4639281
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:38
  • haha - gotcha. :) I think still it may be ambiguous, as some may relate intake to quality going up, and others to it going down. Is there a way to phrase it so that all answers that are the same also mean the same thing? If 95% of people answer 10, that means that we generally agree that intake has either a strong positive or a strong negative correlation. This may be less interesting than asking if people feel their code quality is a) better, b) worse, or c) unaffected by caffeine. Alternatively, you could pair this with a 2nd question about it making quality go up or down, which solves it. Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 20:20
  • Too many variables in this one. "Coffee", what is that even? There are many types of coffee that all give different reactions; some are better for people prone to high blood pressure for example. Do you take it with sugar/milk and how much/what kind. Age, DNA, weight, if your stomach is neutral - it all weighs in on how coffee affects you as a person and thus how it might affect your work. The more interesting question I think is: how does it affect your work when you drink energising drinks (coffee, black tea, cola, fruit juice, etc.) versus drinking only caffeine and sugar free drinks?
    – Gimby
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 8:48

I would absolutely love to know more about developers' relationship with version control. Which systems they use, how competent they are with them, how they learned to use them, that sort of thing.

Some context for my suggestion:

I recently got my bachelor's in software engineering from Mississippi State University. It wasn't until my very last semester that I realized that literally nothing in the coursework or lectures touched upon version control, or really even nudged students toward even looking into it on their own. It was just a skill I had picked up while working on my own personal projects and getting involved in open source. This means that a lot of students just don't learn about it, which sucks. I had to spend a not-insignificant amount of time at the beginning of nearly every group project giving people a crash course in git, and looking back, I'm actually kind of surprised it took me until my last semester to see the pattern. This was even the case for my senior project group, who were all second semester seniors.

I thought this was probably a problem specific to my institution, but upon getting a job and moving out of state, I have learned that this is not the case. I am very interested to know if version control's absence in the curriculum is a widespread problem.

  • 1
    They asked about version control software of choice and frequency of check-ins on this past survey. What additional information do you want to know? "Competence" is a difficult question to ask, because people have a hard time judging their own competence.
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 9:48
  • @CodyGray I have added some context to my suggestion. Does this answer your question? Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 16:47
  • Well, yeah. Your experience is not altogether surprising. Universities are not trade schools. Their intention is not to teach you how to program. They teach you computer science. They are rather different sets of skills, although one certainly helps with the other. Version control software is not typically taught as part of a comp sci curriculum at universities, but that doesn't mean professional software developers don't use it. Of course they do. It's just something that new hires have to pick up during the onboarding process, if they aren't already familiar with it from open-source projects
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 4:57
  • Again, not sure how that contextual information would translate into a question. The only thing I'm seeing here is, how did you learn to use version control software? But that's not going to be altogether different from the general question of, how do you learn new tools/technologies, which has been asked/answered on several prior surveys. The top answers by far are books and Stack Overflow. We've lots of questions about git, for example, which is the most popular version-control software by miles, according to the last survey. :-)
    – Cody Gray Mod
    Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 4:59
  • As for competence @CodyGray, perhaps targeted questions like "Do you/your team use feature branches?"
    – Izkata
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 21:41

3 questions:

  1. When do you ask a question on stackoverflow?
  2. When do you answer a question on stackoverflow?
  3. When do you look for an answer or browse stackoverflow?

Each has categories such as:

  • While at work
  • While on work breaks
  • While commuting
  • While at home during "non sleep" hours
  • Late at night when I should be sleeping

Each category the options:

  • never
  • rarely
  • sometimes
  • often
  • a lot
  • 3
    4. When Stack Overflow is down, do you have to stop working until it is back up?
    – Machavity Mod
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 18:51

Given the continuing problems in this area in general (Equifax anyone?), I'd love to see stats on this

How does your company handle (cyber)security and/or security audits within your applications?

  • We have dedicated a staff/employee who handles security
  • Members of the team each have an area of security they are responsible for
  • We don't dedicate time to security, but we try to incorporate security practices as best as we can
  • Ain't nobody got time for security #YOLO
  • 1
    There should probably be a "not applicable" option for industries that don't handle sensitive data.
    – jrh
    Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 23:11
  • 1
    Ask this question to the company that programs the microcontroller inside your electric toothbrush. Zero security breaches, it is almost as if it isn't connected to the internet!
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 14:54

Last year asked about AngularJS. It seems it would be appropriate to differentiate between AngularJS (1.x) and Angular (2+).

I suspect some who answered AngularJS actually use the more modern framework, so lumping them together doesn't give a clear picture.

  • For those downvoting, I am curious about the benefit of combining them (or of giving the impression the newer framework isn't represented). SO Trends paints a partial/vague picture of the two over time, but it would be great to see what people report they are actually using. Commented Nov 3, 2017 at 22:52

I posted this following question as comments but now posting as question to see if community wants this:

How many hours of sleep you get every night?

Research shows just how important sleep is. Also in Japan death from overworking is common.

Also, another question which I find important:

Do you have a standing desk at you workplace?

This and this articles say that sitting for more then 30 minutes causes early death. Perhaps we could relate presence of standing desks to overall well-being. (I worked in both places with and without standing desks and standing desk really made a difference for me).

I am hoping to see more health related questions in general.

  • 2
    "sitting for more then 30 minutes causes early death" > CNN and LA Times are credible sources. Both mention "early death", but fail to define it... All in all, rather vague.
    – Cerbrus
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 13:42
  • I agree that's vague. Here is article which CNN links to and it has some numbers (which I frankly didn't entirely understand when I first glanced at it) but it looks like some serious research. (Regardless, sitting for a long time causes me back pain :) ). xkcd Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 13:49
  • 1
    very relevant Commented Nov 16, 2017 at 19:50

I'd be interested in human languages (i.e. English, German, Russian, Mandarin…).

  • Are developers more multilingual than non-developers?
  • Are developers who are more multilingual than their peers more successful? more productive? more educated?
  • Just how many developers around the world only speak English?

I suppose taking the survey in English would bias the sample somewhat.


How much emphasis does your company or team place on best practices, standards, unit testing?

I'd forego beer carts, paid meals, happy hours, etc., in favor of a company that's serious about keeping technical debt to a minimum.


I'd like to see some question that addresses developer's confidence in what they are working on. Something like...

How confident are you that your current project will meet its objectives?

Given that the majority of software projects are challenged or fail, I think this is an interesting measurement to capture on its own, as well as correlating with other variables. It would definitely say something about our industry if the majority of developers felt that it would be a significant challenge for their team to meet their objectives...

  • 8
    I think that's going to be misleading. I'd imagine that confidence has more to do with leadership and resources than whether or not I'm using a specific technology stack.
    – Andy Mod
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 16:55
  • @Andy, I agree with you. I would hope to see that there isn't a correlation. Needless to say, correlation does not mean causation.
    – souldzin
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 16:56
  • 1
    What if my current project is tanking, but it's the rare exception? (or vice versa) Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:10
  • 1
    @jinglesthula, good point! Perhaps the question could capture the developers confidence that their team / company will meet their objectives?... Or it could ask about their last most significant project?
    – souldzin
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:20
  • It looks like a handful of people have downvoted this questions and upvoted @Andy's concern that this question is misleading. I don't believe there is anything misleading about collecting this information, only in the way it could be interpreted; and that is true with any survey... But, if this question is out of scope, then by all means, let's leave it out!
    – souldzin
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 13:16
  • 1
    Your question is great. I think it should be on the survey. It helps showing if we are in our current position because we believe in our project/leaders or just for the money/comfort zone.
    – Rick Wolff
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 18:33

To what extent do you agree that the management of your company are open to advices and opinions of its developers when making a decision? For example, when trying to win a project tender, are they hearing the opinions of those who would actually be carrying it out or do they only consider the possible revenue?


Family-related question

If you are a full-time developer (not a freelancer), how do manage your time between coding and bonding with family / friends / etc, especially if deadline is near?

  • 1
    some freelancer's time is more full than some full-time developers, and the latter probably explains the former.
    – YvesLeBorg
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 17:27

Do you use UML?

I'm taking a course that places heavy emphasis on UML modelling. The professor and the textbook suggest that UML is "standard" and "widely used" by software companies and developers, but we students are skeptical!

A 2013 survey of 50 developers, reported that "the majority of informants (35/50) do not use UML." It would be interesting to see if this holds for a larger sample size.

  • Lots use something similar to UML but not quite as strict. As in, you draw up all the things that your program should contain: modules/classes. Then you draw the dependencies (x uses y, or x inherits y). This doesn't have to be formal. Some things like use-cases of UML is really just a fancy word of applying some common sense and think in advance about what your product will do. It is really just a pre-study thing before you write the specification. So many might use design practices that a very similar to UML, but not formally UML.
    – Lundin
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 15:08

What platform or technology decisions did you make this year, and either regret or find well made?

This year, I personally took a huge gamble to go with an Angular + Material based project, totally getting outside of my personal comfort zone of RoR. It's been great, and I've learned a lot, and I'm glad for the decision.

But on the other hand, I could totally see having made a huge mistake, and thinking, "If I'd just gone with RoR I'd be done by now, and not spending my time wondering what I should have done."

I'm curious then about who else made this leap of faith, and did well, or failed.

  • I like this question a lot but would maybe rephrase it to be non-time based or maybe "within the past 5 years". I unfortunately have not had the same experience as you going the Angular route. It's an excellent library but me suggesting that a PHP app be completely rewritten to primarily use Angular has turned into a 2+ year effort that I was hoping would be done withing 1/2 a year. Commented Oct 21, 2017 at 19:39
  • Funny you mention PHP as that was the original project's code base. I saw Ruby on Rails as a big leap forwards, but now see that Angular was a somewhat bigger leap forward, and definitely a leap sideways. I still think that Ruby on Rails deals with database schemas and models far better, but in our case we had a ton (350 gig a day tons) of existing data structures and PL/SQL on an Oracle database to work with, so weren't starting from scratch.
    – Tim Holt
    Commented Oct 22, 2017 at 5:36

If you are looking for work, rate the top three reasons you would consider changing jobs:

  1. The money
  2. The benefits (medical, vacation time)
  3. Non-financial perks (free lunch, on-site spa, etc.)
  4. The technology the company uses
  5. The products / services the company makes
  6. The people I would be working with
  7. If the company supports open source
  8. "Culture"
  9. Work-life balance
  10. Commute distance and / or remote working capability

I'd like to ask how many monitors other developers use, or maybe what resolution the monitors they use are


Let's learn about the SO users who work in Education.

Do you teach/Have you ever taught Programming, CS or IT?

At what level? (HS, College, Post-grad, Other)

How many students per year?

This question can be important in understanding many, many questions we get from confused students who are unwilling (or unable) to ask their teachers.

  • Have you ever taught Programming, CS, or IT? I used too.
    – Phil
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 13:42
  • 1
    Not really. I am thinking about it now, though. My kids are in college now, studying Software Engineering, and the quality of the teachers is a mixed bag at best.
    – user3458
    Commented Oct 26, 2017 at 14:28
  • Sorry, I was unclear. I meant that as a question for the survey. As in: Do you/Have you ever taught Programming, CS, or IT? :)
    – Phil
    Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 14:59

How do you correlate your code project with your level of happiness?

Is your project the metric of your life fulfillment?


Line up your = signs or don't make the reader use a sheet of paper to figure out which line on the right goes with which line on the left.

var i                       = 1;
var x                       = 2;
var aReallyLongVariableName = 3;


var i = 1;
var x = 2;
var aReallyLongVariableName = 3;
  • i'm curious, from a data science/analysis perspective - what hypothesis do you have about this question? do you think it will correlate to anything?
    – MattR
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 15:24
  • I think it will relate to age and / or primary computer language, but I'm not sure of either of those. The older SQL users at my current company use it, but I never really have. They also use the insert key and I don't, so it could correlate to "Do you use the insert key often on your keyboard?" I'm also curious, in this visual age, if the nicer looking format of lining up the equal signs or the easier to type format of not bothering wins? Could it possibly correlate to how important long term maintenance is when writing code? Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 12:01
  • I use both sometimes. Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 13:23

If you have immigrated for work, have you (tick all that apply):

  • Immigrated from a Developed Country to another Developed Country
  • Immigrated from a Developed Country to a Developing Country
  • Immigrated from a Developing Country to a Developed Country
  • Immigrated from a Developing Country to another Developing Country
  • None of the above.

The question of classification of "developed" and "developing" is tricky, but people have a general idea of the meanings.

It would be interesting to see how languages and technologies have influenced jobs and immigration. For example, do we see people skilled in new languages moving towards typical centers for innovation, or do we see them moving to countries that are still developing and looking to get ahead of the curve?

  • 3
    After your question, we could have a next one: "Was it worth immigrating? Are you happier now?"
    – Rick Wolff
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 18:34

Going off of @Swellar's question:

What are developers using to stay focused and boost concentration

I know I will listen to music, go for regular short walks, and make sure to have snacks handy throughout the day. I'd be curious to hear what other developers do to help them concentrate on the work at hand.

  • It should be a open answer or pick some options? Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 13:25
  • 1
    @MauricioAriasOlave I'm not sure what would be best; the request only asked for ideas, not specific questions, so I hadn't given the format much thought
    – jpyams
    Commented Oct 25, 2017 at 13:28