TL;DR: Stack Exchange has a principle: the advertising is minimal, and shouldn't interfere with the contents of the sites. This works for all sites except Stack Overflow. Please fix this. Details below.
Today I happened to use Guest mode of my browser to search for something, got results from Stack Overflow, and was totally aghast when I saw this:
All I wanted was to read the question and its answers. After all, that's what Stack Overflow should be: Q&A site. But it's not. Not really, with the question and answers buried so deep.
Putting on my Visitor Hat, here is what I was thinking:
- I don't care about any Salary Calculator. If I would care for new shiny stuff in Stack Overflow, I can just click the bold orange "NEW" icon. Don't shove this into my unwilling face.
- I don't want to log in or create account. Just read the answers. Don't shove this HUGE, ENORMOUS, login dialog right there on half the page. It's distracting.
- I don't really care that Stack Overflow got over 50 million visitors per month. It's nice and awesome for Stack Overflow, but I am only one visitor who need to read something, and that self advertisement is hiding what I need. If I care how many others also visit, I'll find some "About Us" link and go there.
This is worse than advertisements. This is a terrible User Experience; the worst I've seen to be honest. No other site pushes so much useless content on each and every page, making the actual contents buried deep down.
Luckily for me, I already have account and usually logged in. I don't see any of this clutter. But speaking on behalf of those who don't have account or not always logged in, can this login dialog be hidden by default and pop in only when clicking something, e.g. "Log In" or "Sign Up" buttons?