No, that's a terrible audit, for all the reasons that you cited. "Unsalvageable" was the correct choice.
I have no idea why it was so massively upvoted by the community prior to it coming to your attention. As you can see in the post timeline, the votes came in scattered out over a few days, after an answer was accepted. Not sure if there's anything suspicious here or not; I will look into it. My guess is that the high quality of the answer attracted readers, who also upvoted the question.
Anyway, sometimes bad audits get selected. It is an algorithmic process, after all, and it's fed by the worst heuristic of all: human actions. :-)
If you fail a bad audit like this, the first thing to do is open the post in a new tab and act on it as you ordinarily would. That means, in this case, downvote it and vote to close it. Several different close reasons will do; don't agonize over the choice too much. I'm hoping that one of the 6 downvotes now there belongs to you. Unfortunately, none of the close votes is yours, but that has been handled since you brought it to the attention of Meta.
The reason that's important is it tells the system that the post is not a good audit candidate. As it turns out, you weren't the first person to be faced with this audit. Some folks chose "Requires Editing", which passed the audit, but at least three people who correctly indicated "Unsalvageable" flunked. The one blatantly incorrect review on this post was when it was in the "First Posts" queue, and someone said "No Action Needed". Unfortunately, that wasn't an the system didn't know it was the wrong choice.
You aren't currently banned from review (and neither are any of the other victims), so nothing more to do here, really.