I agree; this is a problem.
Too many people are abusing deletion as a sort of "super-downvote", a way to take out their (quite reasonable) frustration with these types of questions.
The correct way to deal with these questions is to close them (either as a duplicate or some other reason, but duplicate is probably preferable, if a good target exists) and downvote them. That serves all required purposes:
- it gives the asker feedback,
- it gives the system feedback,
- it stops the question from being pushed into the faces of potential answerers,
- it prevents an influx of duplicate and/or similarly low-quality answers,
- and probably more things that I'm forgetting.
Rapid, manual deletion of these questions simply isn't necessary, and generally does more harm than good. As others have pointed out in the comments, questions that have been closed and are zero- or negatively-scored will be automatically deleted in due time by a cleanup process (one we affectionately refer to as the Roomba). If you delete it sooner than that, you prevent the person from actually receiving the feedback we're trying to give them.
(Yes, users can see their own deleted questions, but only if they know how to find them. Users who are new to the site probably don't know how. Anecdotal evidence certainly suggests that they do not.)
Deleting it sooner, rather than later, doesn't help push the asker any further toward a question-ban. In fact, if you're really cynical, you'd say that it can only hurt, because deleted questions can't receive additional downvotes. If you're optimistic, it means that the person can't learn from their mistakes and can't even fix the question, transforming it into something that does meet our guidelines.
Stop trying to "punish" people by deleting their low-quality questions. The only questions you need to be deleting immediately after closure are questions that are actively causing harm. Another beginner or typo question is not actively causing harm—not once it's closed and downvoted.
I'll even go one step further: the overzealous deletion of duplicate questions is harmful. I'm starting to see that a lot, especially in certain tags. (I won't call out names here; I'm hoping you know who you are). The whole point of duplicates is to serve as sign posts to the master question, where all the good answers are collected. If you go around prematurely deleting these duplicate stubs, you're only shooting ourselves in the collective foot, because you increase the chances that people will ask more duplicates because they were unable to find the answer they were looking for, using whatever bogus search terms they happened to type in.