Whilst going through the suggested edits queue, I encountered a surprising situation and I'm confused as to how to review this.
User A posted an answer without any context or explanation. Then User B comes along and decides to completely re-do the answer and adds all kinds of information and reasons why the problem in the question occurred and why the solution by User A is, in fact, correct.
The way I see it, this shouldn't have been an edit, but an additional answer of much higher quality.
I should probably just approve the edit, in order for the post to appear on the site, as it's clearly an improvement. However, User B is the one who deserves all credit for this answer and I don't think that answerers like User A should be rewarded for such an answer.
There's no way I can answer in the name of User B. Should I just 'approve' and stop feeling bad for User B? Or is there any way to get User B the credit he deserves, except up-voting his other posts, just for the sake of it?